Egypt gas discovery US major ExxonMobil has struck gas with its first ever offshore Egypt well MEES learns. The operations in the field are managed by the joint venture PetroGulf Egypt, on behalf of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), owning 50%, and the partners Cheiron, PICO, and KUFPEC 50%. Explore S&P Global. 6 meters of net pay in the This new discovery could comfort Egypt in its goal to become an energy hub in the Mediterranean, following the discovery of the giant 30 tcf (850 bcm) Zohr gas field by the Italian oil and gas company Eni in 2015. Shell Egypt announced a new offshore natural gas discovery in Egypt’s North East El-Amriya block in the Mediterranean Sea, according to a statement on Tuesday. Egypt gas production is expected to increase, but even if it does not, exporting Jordanian gas to Egypt would limit the growth of Israel’s gas market. Cairo. 5 kilometers (km) south of the main Arcadia field already in production. Shell enlisted the services of Stena Drilling and its Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) – Stena Forth rig for the execution of the drilling campaign, as specified in the announcement. The country exported around Petrobakr Petroleum Company announced the commencement of development drilling at the Arta 92 well, targeting a depth of 4,000 feet. 2 billion cubic feet, while current production levels are around 4. This marks BP’s second consecutive gas discovery in recent If the gas discovery is confirmed, Nefertari could become Egypt’s most significant gas find since Chevron’s Nargis discovery in January 2023. Egypt's petroleum ministry on Tuesday announced a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West Concession in the Gulf of Suez. Large gas field discovery brings Egypt closer to energy hub goal. The well is expected to begin production at a rate of approximately 350 barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) upon the completion of drilling operations. Kevin Crowley, Tarek El-Tablawy and Salma El Wardany. BP Egypt announced that it has made a significant gas discovery in the Deepwater West Nile Delta area. S. Zohr is the largest gas discovery ever made in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Sea. The Egyptian National Gas Holding Company (EGAS) holds 50% of the joint venture that is developing Zohr. 2017 - Early product of Egypt’s giant discovery (Zohr)2018 Egypt reach self-sufficiency of gas & stop LNG imports at Sep. The well is being drilled by the Stena Forth drillship (MEES, 4 November). The total gas in place in the Zohr gas field is around 850 billion cubic meters (30 trillion cubic feet). The news will be a boon to Egypt, where gas output is falling amid rising domestic demand The first gas field was discovered in Abu Madi in Nile delta 1967 by Belayiem Petroleum Company which was the start of natural gas discoveries in Egypt, followed by Abu Qir offshore gas field discovery in Mediterranean sea 1969 which was the first offshore gas field discovered in Egypt then Abu El Gharadig gas field in western desert 1971. ” Cronos gas was discovered in 2022 and evaluated in 2024, with estimated gas in place of more than three trillion cubic feet. Block 6, where the discovery was Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Karim Badawi received Francesco Gaspari, President of IEOC, ENI’s subsidiary in Egypt, where they discussed the latest developments of its operations in Egypt especially the ongoing preparations to resume drilling operations in the Zohr field and continue with the studies for Nargis field in the Mediterranean Egypt’s daily natural gas needs stand at 6. Drilling at the Nefertari-1 prospect on the North Marakia block, which began in mid-December (MEES, 20 December 2024) and is located in Egypt’s underexplored West Mediterranean is still ongoing but news has filtered through to MEES that the Valaris DS-9 CAIRO - 22 May 2024: Shell's Executive Vice President of Global LNG, Cederic Cremers, announced that the company has made two new natural gas discoveries in deep waters in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Egypt, named Mina Gharb and Khufu 2015 – Discovery Zohr -1 with added reserve about 21. Khaled Kacem, Vice President and Country Chair of Shell Egypt, said: “This discovery is an important step forward for Shell Egypt bolstering our growth aspirations and ongoing commitment as a key partner in Egypt’s energy landscape. It said that the licensees, operator Wintershall Dea (40%) and partners Cheiron Energy (40%) and INA (20 %), as well as the Egyptian Gas Holding Company (EGAS) will assess the discovery as a possible the first natural gas discovery in the country’s history, in the Nile Delta. Top 5 projects to watch: operators advance field development plans. ExxonMobil completed the Nefertari-1 well in the North Marakia Block, which is located about five miles off Egypt’s northern coast, the Texas-based company told Bloomberg in an 2015 – Discovery Zohr -1 with added reserve about 21. A production test was conducted with flow rates of up to 32 million standard cubic Egypt’s GUPCO Confirms New Oil Discovery in Gulf of Suez. This marks BP’s second consecutive gas discovery in recent months, following the successful El King-2 well in the North King Mariout Offshore Concession. The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources also announced on Wednesday that the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) has launched a new international bidding round for 2024 to explore for Atoll gas field background . Eni's most notable discovery in Egypt was the Zohr Gas Field in 2015, which allowed the country to achieve self-sufficiency in gas by 2018. Business. “We are very pleased to announce this discovery in Egypt. This Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has made a hydrocarbon discovery at the Al-Jlaiaa offshore field within Kuwaiti waters, estimated to hold 800 million barrels (mmbbls) of medium-density oil and as estimated 600 billion standard cubic feet(bcf) of associated gas, equivalent to 950 mmbbls of oil equivalent. 2018 Chevron has made a major gas discovery offshore Egypt, according to the country’s petroleum minister. ), Miocene turbidites 2010: Israel; Leviathan Discovery (Noble Op. New uncrewed surface vessel to provide remote offshore surveillance offshore Norway. Petrobras and Ecopetrol have confirmed the largest gas discovery in Colombia’s history in the Sirius-2 well, which holds over 6 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas. Project Details Main Data Table 1: Field-level project details for Nour Gas Field. E xxonMobil Corporation has announced a significant natural gas discovery off the northern coast of Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea. The well was tested and put into production at a rate of about 20 million cubic feet per day (mcf/d), with proven reserves of 15 billion cubic feet of gas and half a million barrels of condensates, and undeveloped reserves from the remaining layers estimated at about 60 billion cubic feet of gas (bcf) and 3 million barrels of condensates, which is a first for the company in It also reviewed ongoing efforts to enhance domestic production of petroleum and gas resources. The Zohr gas field located in the Shorouk Block, Mediterranean Sea, is the biggest gas discovery in Egypt as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. British Petroleum (bp) has discovered oil and natural gas reserves in the King Mariout offshore block in Egypt's northern Mediterranean, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly confirmed during a weekly press conference on February 5th. oil giant ExxonMobil, has made a gas discovery as part of a drilling campaign in the North Marakia Block offshore Egypt. The drilling of the Nefertari 1 well at an area with at a water depth of 1,720 meters in the western region of the Mediterranean Sea was conducted using Valaris’ drillship Valaris DS-9. - New gas field discovered in Egypt’s territorial water near Rafah home > Natural Gas , Middle East-Africa 16. S energy Italy's Eni has discovered gas reserves of up to 30 trillion cubic feet in the Zohr prospect in Egypt's Mediterranean, making it the biggest gas discovery ever in the country, the Egyptian The field accounted for 40% of the country’s gas production until output fell to less than 20 Bcm—about 40% below capacity—contributing to Egypt’s persistent energy crisis and recurring power blackouts. He described the find as promising, with detailed figures expected to be revealed soon. The well drilling was started by EGPC in Khaled Kacem, Vice President and Country Chair of Shell Egypt, said: “This discovery is an important step forward for Shell Egypt bolstering our growth aspirations and ongoing commitment as a key partner in Egypt’s energy landscape. ExxonMobil Corp announced that it made natural gas discovery off the coast of Egypt after successfully drilling an exploration well in the Mediterranean Sea, Bloomberg reported. Exxon completed the exploratory drilling of Nefertari-1 in the North Marakia block, which is located about five miles off Egypt’s northern coast, the Saeed Abdel Moneim, Chairman of Khalda Petroleum Company, has announced that the company will pump investments worth $1. The Sirius-2 well is located in the GUA-OFF-0 offshore block, 77 km from Santa Marta in the Magdalena department. The National. "This reinforces bp’s commitment to Egypt and its growing energy needs. Wednesday, 24th April 2024; Egypt Announces New Oil Discovery in Sinai. Articles and Resources Additional data. The field is a super giant and, as far as natural gas is concerned, it is the largest ever discovered in the Mediterranean. MEES learns that Chevron has contracted the Stena Forth drillship to spud the Khendjer-1 well on its North El Dabaa block, with drilling likely to begin in late November. San Donato Milanese (Milan), January 15, 2023 – Eni announces a significant new gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well located in Nargis Offshore Area Concession, in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt. This would mark a major milestone for ExxonMobil, as Nefertari-1 is the company’s first exploration well offshore Egypt. They also addressed the regional integration plans in developing Cypriot gas discoveries Egypt, Gas discovery, Industry Trends, Morocco, natural gas, NEWS, north africa, oil and gas, SDX Energy. In 2021, Egypt had total proved natural gas reserves reaching 2,209 bcm and produced more than 79 bcm. In addition, Block 6 has further potential ExxonMobil has made a discovery in its first ever well offshore Egypt, an Egyptian official confirms, as oil major drilling campaigns advance in the country’s underexplored West Mediterranean acreage. Egypt Today staff-Sun, 15 Jan 2023 - 04:03 GMT. San Donato Milanese (Milan), 22 August 2022 – Eni announces a significant gas discovery in the Cronos-1 well drilled in Block 6, 160 km off Cyprus coastline, in 2,287 metres of water depth. Wednesday, 29th January 2025 ; by Sarah Samir; The drilling of the exploratory well East Crystal-1 in the Gulf of Suez, carried out by the Emirati company Dragon Oil, through the joint venture company, the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO), has been successful. Exploration. The discovery further extends to the west the gas potential of the Abu Madi formation reservoirs discovered and produced from the so-called "Great Nooros Area". It is a promising discovery and the figures In a release posted on its site recently, BP revealed another discovery offshore Egypt. Khaled Kacem, Vice President and Country Chair of Shell Egypt, remarked, "This discovery is an ExxonMobil Egypt, a subsidiary of U. 中文网站 한국어 Português US major Chevron’s first ever offshore Egypt well has struck gas MEES learns. “Gas bearing reservoirs were encountered, and Eni announces new gas discovery in Egypt. Search. Egypt's Oil Minister Tarek El Molla announced the new find in Nargis. The discovery was made at 250m below sea level using Stena Drilling’s Stena Forth drillship. Until the Zohr discovery, Egypt had Egypt's Oil Minister Tarek El Molla announced the new find in Nargis. 5tcf, was the only discovery (MEES, 14 June). Authoritative energy newsletter says field has 3. This discovery increases Colombia’s current gas reserves by 200%, said Petrobras. The discovery of gas at the Tamar field, located in Israeli waters 90km west of the port city of Haifa, brought a new scale to the oil and gas industry in the eastern Mediterranean. It also reviewed ongoing efforts to enhance domestic production of petroleum and gas resources. References Ambitious Drilling Plan Announced Following Gas Discovery at Badr-1. Preliminary estimates indicate about 2. Exxon Mobil Egypt (Upstream) Ltd. EN. The discovery helped Egypt maintain self-sufficiency of natural gas in September 2018. The field was discovered by Petrobel in 1967, in which four wells were drilled and put on stream later on in 1977. This marks bp’s second consecutive gas discovery in recent months, following the successful El King-2 well in the North King Mariout Offshore Concession. The find, announced in an The recent gas discovery at the Risha gas field is significant and has the potential to meet Jordan's local demand after 2030. Egypt’s Petroleum Ministry said in December that CAIRO - 4 December 2022: US Chevron Corporation announced the discovery of a new gas well, called "Narges-1X", in the offshore Narges area near Al-Arish in Egypt, according to the MEES newsletter. Eni has made a "significant" natural gas discovery offshore Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea close to the Italian major's existing facilities amid accelerated exploration This marks bp’s second consecutive gas discovery in recent months, following the successful El King-2 well in the North King Mariout Offshore Concession. Thursday, 3rd December 2009 ; by Egypt Oil & Gas; Hess Corporation’s fully-owned subsidiary Hess Libya Exploration Limited (HLEL) has carried out a successful test of its discovery well A1-54/01 offshore Libya in the Mediterranean Sea. 2018; 2018 Egypt reach self-sufficiency of gas & stop LNG imports at Sep. Dana Gas, the Middle East’s first and largest regional private sector Natural gas Company has announced its latest gas discovery in the Nile Delta, Egypt. The new formation adds an incremental 2,850 barrels per day (bbl/d) of oil to the Yidma-Alamein Western Desert Development Lease. ExxonMobil Egypt (Upstream) Ltd. The Mediterranean region produces nearly 59% of Egypt’s natural gas, followed by Dana Petroleum Makes Discovery At Nefertiti. Sunday, 5th December 2010; by Egypt Oil & Gas; Dana Petroleum announced a successful exploration well at the Nefertiti prospect in the South October production sharing contract area (Dana 65% and operator, Inpex 35%), Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The Hodoa discovery is located in the West Mediterranean Deepwater, Nile Delta concession, some 80 km northwest of Alexandria. It drilled the Nargis-1 exploration well, finding 61 metres net of Paris – Total, bp and Eni (as the Operator) have made a gas discovery with the Bashrush well on the North El Hammad license, located eleven kilometers off the Egyptian coast. Bashrush Gas Field is a discovered gas field in Egypt. El-Sisi highlighted the importance of continuing the development of newly discovered wells and including them in the production plan, as well as intensifying exploration activities in Egypt’s onshore and offshore areas. The ‘South Abu El Naga-2’ well, drilled as an appraisal of the previously announced South Abu El Naga Field in the West El Manzala Concession encountered 16. Further details about the Because of the continuous and intensive petroleum exploration programs during the past period, 449 discoveries (315 oil - 134 gas) achieved which added Egypt's oil and gas reserves about 522. 1tcf before drilling to 5tcf after flow testing of the first appraisal well in February 2009, and then revised up The NRQ 3151-1X, an Alamein Basin discovery located in the North Ras Qattara Concession, test-flowed at a combined rate of 1,625 barrels of oil and 18. The area has observed war with the 1956 Suez war; the beginning of oil exploration and production, with the discovery of some of the first fields in Egypt such as the GPC field and the Hurghada field both of which were discovered in 1915; and the flourishing of tourism, with areas such as Ras Sidr, which currently has at least three key resorts. [1] The field, named Zohr, holds an estimated 30 trillion cubic feet (cft)[2] of natural gas (NG) reserves, potentially making it the twentieth largest in the world and the largest in the Mediterranean. discovered hydrocarbons in the Nefertari-1 exploratory well in North Marakia block, about 5 miles offshore Egypt, the company said on its official LinkedIn page. The company is now evaluating the results to determine the potential scale and commercial Eni announces a significant new gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well located in Nargis Offshore Area Concession, in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt, the company said in a statement. Announced on 15 January, the discovery encountered roughly 200 net feet of gas-bearing sandstones, with the Nargis-1 Eni has made a significant natural gas discovery offshore Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea close to the Italian major s existing facilities amid accelerated exploration activities in the waters . Egypt Oil & Gas 8798 Posts Cheiron Completes Acquisition of 50% of Shell’s Western Desert Assets. He said that while presenting Khalda’s plan in FY 2024/25 and its progress in 2023/24 during the maintain an ‘office’ in Egypt for the purposes of notices and other practical and logistical reasons, contractor companies typically establish branches in Egypt at the start of their operations. The well bearing the discovery is Shell’s first in a campaign in which the major will drill three exploration wells in the Italian energy company Eni announced on August 30 that it had discovered a deep-water gas field 93 miles north of Egypt’s Mediterranean coast. Khalda Petroleum Company, operating in the Kalabsha Development Area of the Western Desert, announced a new oil discovery in the West Fewebs-1 area. 24th September 2021 ; SDX’s Production Exceeds Expectations for H1 Wintershall Dea has found natural gas in its Disouq concession in the onshore Nile Delta. An oil installation in Egypt's Western Desert, where a new oil and gas discovery by Khalda Petroleum has been announced by its oil ministry 7,165 bpd and 23m cubic feet of gas found; New exploration incentives expected; Offshore gas production had fallen Cheiron has announced a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West concession area in the Gulf of Suez. 2 billion and drill 42 exploratory wells, in addition to other 81 development wells in the Western Desert during fiscal year (FY) 2024/25. Eni will immediately appraise the field with the bp confirms gas discovery at El Fayoum offshore Egypt. Egypt Oil & Gas 8798 Posts Cheiron Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Karim Badawi met the President of Shell Global for Integrated Gas Cedric Cremers to review efforts to increase natural gas production from the company’s operating areas in Egypt in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt's gas export revenues have increased eight-fold Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) has discovered natural gas off Egypt's Mediterranean Sea, which could prove significant for Egypt's efforts to revive faltering production, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. Tuesday, 21st November 2023; by Fatma Ahmed; Shell Egypt has announced a new discovery after successfully completing the drilling of the first well in its three-well exploration campaign, Mina West, located in the North East El-Amriya block, in the Mediterra The Bashrush discovery is the latest significant addition to some of the offshore discoveries made in the last decade in the Mediterranean that have boosted Egypt’s total natural gas production Egypt and Cyprus reaffirm their roles in the emerging energy hub of the Eastern Mediterranean, which is set to play an increasing role in the global gas supply in the near future”. (BAPETCO) Egypt's Western Desert gas discovery natural gas discovery new gas discovery Western Desert fields Western Desert Oil Company (WEPCO) Western Desert Petroleum Co. The well has been opened to test potentiality of production, and it delivered up to 32 MMscfd of gas. The company has completed the Nefertari-1 well in the North Marakia Block, located nearly five miles off Egypt’s northern coast. The Middle East Economic Survey gas to reserves. 32 The new gas discovery is located at the Nargis-1 exploration well, which is part of Egypt’s 1,800 square kilometers Nargis Offshore Area concession. 83 tcf, with an average daily production rate of 5,014 mcf. Stena Forth drilled three wells for Shell on its Egypt Mediterranean acreage earlier this year, though Mina West, estimated at 0. Eni has made a world class supergiant gas discovery at its Zohr Prospect, in the deep waters of Egypt. Author of the article: Bloomberg News. Minister El-Molla emphasized that the addition of 1. 6 billion cubic feet, with a government target to increase production to 5 billion cubic feet daily by the end of the year. For instance, a new signifi cant discovery in the West Fewebs-1 area in the Western Desert was reported, according to the MoPMR. 24th On another project, Eni and TotalEnergies have also signed an agreement with the Egyptian and Cypriot governments concerning development of the Cronos gas discovery in Block 6 offshore southern Cyprus. ) 2011: Cyprus; Aphrodite discovery (Noble Op. Eni have successfully drilled the first exploration well in the North El Hammad license, in the conventional Egyptian waters of the Nile Delta, on the prospect called Bashrush. ) 2010 Eni started a strategic project covering British multinational oil and gas company Shell has disvovered a gas reservoir at the North East El-Ammiya block in the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt. has completed drilling of the Nefertari 1 well in the North Marakia Block with the Valaris DS-9 drillship, the company posted on its LinkedIn last week. . In 1969, the exploration and drilling activities in the Mediterranean Sea resulted in discovering Abu Qir field the first natural gas discovery in the area, Exxon Mobil has discovered natural gas off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, a find that could prove significant for the North African nation, which is trying to revive its sluggish production. Subscribe for less than $9/month to access this story and all Al-Monitor reporting. CAIRO - 22 May 2024: Shell's Executive Vice President of Global LNG, Cederic Cremers, announced that the company has made two new natural gas discoveries in deep waters in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Egypt, named Mina Gharb and Khufu The discovery was made in the Lubuskie region, next to the existing Rzeczyca field, which is known to hold 100,000 metric tons of oil. Mediterranean- Photo courtesy of Eni website. Advertisement. ExxonMobil Egypt has discovered natural gas off Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, a significant find that could play a key role in revitalizing the North African country’s struggling oil production, the Texas-based company said in a statement on January 16. 3 million barrels of oil and condensates in The Geopolitics of the New Gas Discovery. Gas-bearing reservoirs were Shell Egypt has made a significant step forward in its exploration efforts by discovering a new offshore natural gas reservoir in the North East El-Amriya block in Egypt's Mediterranean Sea. The SD-4X well was drilled to a total depth of 7,806 feet and encountered 89 feet of net conventional natural gas pay in the Abu Madi horizon, which had an average porosity in the pay section of 24%. Zohr is a natural gas project offshore Egypt, almost two hundred kilometres north of Port Said in the Shorouk area. US major Chevron (45%op) and partner Eni (45%) on 15 January confirmed “a significant new gas discovery” following the drilling of the Nargis-1 exploration well on the Nargis Block, 60km north of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt’s Mediterranean waters. Egypt assessing new gas discovery in Mediterranean. The offshore gas field is operated by Belayim Petroleum Company (Petrobel), a 50:50 joint-venture between Italian oil and gas major Eni and state-owned Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC). December 16 Eni's most notable discovery in Egypt was the Zohr Gas Field in 2015, which allowed the country to achieve self-sufficiency in gas by 2018. These discoveries underscore the eff ectiveness of ongoing exploration strategies across key producing regions. ExxonMobil's discovery could bolster Egypt's goal of resuming LNG exports by 2027. It follows a previous discovery in the East Damanhour exploration block in January 2023. The step-out well (NSG-3) targeted the Abu Madi reservoir inside the Disouq concession under the development lease. KOC said that tests on the exploration well (Al-Jlaiaa 2) yielded If the gas discovery is confirmed, Nefertari could become Egypt’s most significant gas find since Chevron’s Nargis discovery in January 2023. This would mark a major Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly announced a new discovery in the King Mariout area in the northern Mediterranean made by bp. Successful delivery of our current exploration campaign is part of Shell Egypt’s growth strategy. 01. Egypt Plans are underway to tie back the discovery to BP’s operated West Nile Delta (WND) Gas Development. ExxonMobil’s recent gas discovery in Egypt’s West Med region is promising, he said. With this new discovery, the total estimated reserves for the entire complex have increased to 500,000 tons of oil. In the pa It contributes to Egypt’s domestic and export gas supply through Rashpetco (JV. The aim is to establish a new gas hub in the Eastern Mediterranean connecting to Egypt’s existing hydrocarbon infrastructure. 2018 Cheiron has announced a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West concession area in the Gulf of Suez. Bloomberg. The discovery could hold a potential of 30 trillion cubic feet of lean gas in place covering an area of about 100 square kilometres. Monday, 20th January 2025; by Egypt Oil & Gas; Badr Petroleum Company (Bapetco) finished the drilling of two development wells, BED-19-2 and BAHGA-U in the company's Alam El-Shawish West Block, in the Western Desert. The discovery was made by Eni the same company that recently discovered Egypt’s mega gas field Zohr. Why Al-Monitor? Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the CAIRO – 16 September 2020: Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni, and British multinational oil and gas company BP announced a new gas discovery in the so-called "Great Nooros Area", located in the Abu Madi West Development Lease, in the conventional waters of the Nile Delta, offshore Egypt. The Block is operated by Eni Cyprus holding 50% interest with TotalEnergies as partner. , which aims to Egypt has become a natural gas hot spot after the company’s discovery of the super-giant Zohr gas field in the country in 2015. Egypt’s total natural gas production for 2014/2015 is 1. The well encountered 102 meters net gas pay in high quality sandstones of the Abu Madi formation. A new gas discovery has been found in Egyptian waters at the Nargis-1 exploration well in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea on Sunday, 15 January, according to statements by Italian company Eni and U. Upon commercial oil and/or gas discovery, a non-profit joint venture between the Eni has made a new oil discovery in the Meleiha Concession in the Western Desert, adding an extra 10,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) to the current concession production. Because of the continuous and intensive petroleum exploration programs during the past period, 449 discoveries (315 oil - 134 gas) achieved which added Egypt's oil and gas reserves about 522. 5 TCF of gas in place, with significant The two parties also discussed the status of completing the exploration program in the West Wadi El Natrun area as well as completing the development plan of its new discovery. CO2-grade drilling package addresses safety concerns of CCS wells. Discovered in 2022 and subsequently appraised in 2024, Cronos gas in place is estimated at more than 3 trillion cubic feet (TCF). The well was tested by drilling 270 feet into the Paleozoic sands, and the recovery on a 1-inch production opening was 7,165 barrels of oil per day with a quality of 44 degrees and 23 million cubic feet of associated Egypt's position as a gas producer was boosted by Eni's discovery of the giant Zohr field in the Eastern Mediterranean in 2015, though it has also started importing gas from Israel amid rising Levantine Basin and 2000-2011 Gas discoveries Zohr 2000: Gaza Strip; several gas discoveries in the Pliocene sandstones in Gaza Strip offshore (Noa, Mari B, Gaza Marine) 2009: Israel; Tamar Discovery (Noble Op. The field accounted for 40% of the country’s gas production until output fell to less than 20 Bcm—about 40% below capacity—contributing to Egypt’s persistent energy crisis and recurring power blackouts. Nefertari-1 well. discovered natural gas off Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, a find that could prove significant for the North African nation looking to revive faltering production. William Lin, EVP gas & low carbon, commented: "This reinforces bp’s commitment to Egypt and Italian energy company Eni announced on August 30 that it had discovered a deep-water gas field 93 miles north of Egypt’s Mediterranean coast. With a 45% working interest, Chevron is the Shell Egypt Makes New Discovery in North East El-Amriya Block in the Mediterranean. BP Egypt discovered the Atoll field in 2015 by drilling the Atoll-1 deepwater exploration well using the sixth generation semi-submersible rig Maersk Discoverer. Chevron has made a “significant” gas discovery in Egypt’s East Mediterranean, it announced, confirming earlier reports. Thursday, 4th July 2019; by Editorial Team; Petrobel plans to drill 10 developmental wells with a crude oil production rate of The field was discovered in 2015 by the Italian energy company Eni and is the largest ever natural gas find in the Mediterranean Sea. Subscribe . CAIRO -15 January 2023: The Italian company, Eni, announced Sunday a new gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well located in Nargis Offshore Area Concession, in the Eastern Mediterranean Discovered in 2022 and subsequently appraised in 2024 in Block 6, the Cronos field's estimated gas in place volume is more than 3 trillion cubic feet. 1 Final Investment Decision 2 If a country or region is known to not produce any hydrocarbons in an unconventional method, this production type is assumed to be conventional Unit name Status BADR Petroleum Co. 5 trillion cubic feet in reserves . Wintershall Dea announced that it, along with its partners, has made a new natural gas discovery in the East Damanhour exploration block in the onshore Nile Delta. The discovery well Zohr 1X NFW is located in the economic waters of Egypt’s Offshore Mediterranean, in 4,757 feet of water depth (1,450 metres), in the Shorouk Block, signed in January 2014 with the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) following a competitive international Bid Round. Efforts to revive gas production, including through new discoveries, will hopefully allow Egypt to resume exporting natural gas before 2027, PM Mostafa Madbouly said in a press conference, cited by Bloomberg. However, the realization of this potential is contingent upon Amman's ability to attract foreign investment and bring this gas to the market in timely manner to provide cheaper gas to its power and industrial sectors. The discovery was made through the Arcadia 9 well, drilled on the Arcadia South structure and located 1. Regional President of British Petroleum (bp) in the Middle East and North Africa, Nader Zaki, revealed the progress of the ongoing work in drilling two new wells to produce natural gas from the Raven Offshore Field, West The new Abuqir Petroleum Company – established in January 15, 2009 between EGPC, Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (50%) and Edison (50%) – made a new hydrocarbon discovery in the Abu Qir concession after drilling a new well – the NAQ PII-2 – at a depth of 3,750 meters offshore Alexandria, in Egypt. The well deliverability in production configuration is estimated at up to 100 MMscf of gas and 800 barrels of condensate per day. The Nargis-1X well, located on the Nargis offshore block (Chevron 45%op, Eni 45% and state firm Tharwa 10%), has discovered 3. The field, named Zohr, holds an estimated 30 trillion cubic feet (cft) of natural gas (NG) reserves, potentially making it the twentieth largest in the world and the largest in the Mediterranean. Exploration in the offshore Nile Delta province has revealed several hydrocarbon plays, ranging in Swan-East well is a recent gas discovery in the Abu-Madi Formation in the extension of the old known play of Baltim Canyon,. The Zohr field within the deepwater El-Shorouk block has been found to hold an estimated 30 tcf of natural gas. The test rate was limited by surface testing facilities. 2023 10:37 “Egypt and Cyprus reaffirm their roles in the emerging energy hub of the eastern Mediterranean, which is set to play an increasing role in the global gas supply in the near future. In a company statement in late August, Eni announced a massive natural gas discovery off the Egyptian coast, the biggest gas discovery ever made in Egypt—or even the Mediterranean. Production began from Abu Madi in 1975. Israel has no way to market its gas except for Jordan and Egypt, Egypt says BP has made new oil, gas discovery in Mediterranean King Mariout Block. 3 million barrels of oil and condensates in Natural Gas Expansion Fuels Sinai’s Development Surge. •The Zohr discovery was a game-changer for the region Proof of a new play • The Eastern Mediterranean has a complex, long-lived tectonic history • The Eastern Mediterranean has a favourable Petroleum Systems framework • About 12 km of sediments in Levantine with multiple source rocks, so with • Stacked petroleum systems and a first class Messinian evaporitic seal Plans are underway to tie back the discovery to BP’s operated West Nile Delta (WND) Gas Development. Ahram Online, Tuesday 21 Nov 2023. The discovery was made through the ExxonMobil Egypt has discovered natural gas off Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, a significant find that could play a key role in revitalizing the North African country’s struggling oil production, the Texas-based company said in a statement on January 16. Investment firm Carlyle Group also plans to make significant investments in Egypt’s oil and gas In a release posted on its site recently, BP revealed another discovery offshore Egypt. The company outlined in the release that it “encountered four prospective Messinian gas reservoirs, with a Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) has made a significant natural gas discovery in the Mediterranean Sea off Egypt's northern coastline, marking a critical development for the ExxonMobil Corporation has announced a significant natural gas discovery off the northern coast of Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea. For his part, Yu indicated that the company is committed to operate in Egypt and is looking forward to intensifying drilling programs, exploration and research Exxon Mobil Corp. Oil major BP has made a new oil and gas discovery in Egypt's King Mariout Block in the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt's Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Wednesday in a televised press conference. The field’s reserve estimates were raised from 3. To access additional data, including an interactive map of oil and gas extraction sites, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website. Key Takeaways ExxonMobil's success underscores the Eastern Mediterranean's role as a burgeoning gas exploration hub. 5 TSCF gas ; Dec. If confirmed, Zohr will almost double Egypt's gas reserves. Russian oil tanker en route to Egypt adrift off Germany’s Baltic Sea coast. Most Read. BY MARIAM AHMED & MAHMOUD YASSER Egypt's Major Fields: Exploring the Oil and Gas Landscape US major Chevron’s first ever offshore Egypt well has struck gas MEES learns. William Lin, EVP gas Egypt, which has struggled with declining domestic gas production, plans to lease a German floating gas liquefaction unit, the Egyptian petroleum ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. Egypt and Cyprus reaffirm their roles in the emerging energy hub of the Eastern Mediterranean, which is set to play an increasing role in the global gas supply in the near future,” said Claudio Descalzi, Eni’s CEO. Shell announces new natural gas discovery in Egypt . The Nargis-1 well has encountered approximately 200 net feet (61 m) of Miocene and Oligocene gas bearing sandstones and was drilled in 1,014 Exxon Mobil Corporation’s XOM subsidiary, ExxonMobil Egypt, has announced a significant gas discovery in the western Mediterranean Sea off Egypt’s coast. ExxonMobil Corporation has made a new natural gas discovery in Egypt after completing the drilling of an exploration well in the Mediterranean Sea, Bloomberg reported. Eni produces about 60% of the country’s gas production and Italian oil and gas supermajor, Eni, and American supermajor, Chevron, have made a significant gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well, situated in the Nargis Offshore Area Concession in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt. ru Exxon Mobil Corp. The company outlined in the release that it “encountered four prospective Messinian gas reservoirs, with a A version of this article appears in print on , Section B, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: A Giant Gas Discovery in Egypt Also Poses a Political Quandary. ExxonMobil Corporation announced a significant discovery with a potential recoverable resource of between 500m and 1b barrels of oil on the Owowo field offshore Nigeria, Egypt Oil & Gas 8798 Posts Cheiron Completes Acquisition of 50% of Shell’s Western Desert Assets. BY. Egypt discovered 284 new fields, comprising 217 oil wells and 67 gas wells. IPR Energy Group (IPR) has announced the discovery of the West AY-1X exploration well as well as successfully testing and producing from the new formation, Kharita, in Alamein-44. (WEPCO) Share Facebook Twitter Google+ ReddIt WhatsApp Tumblr Print Linkedin Pinterest Email Telegram StumbleUpon LINE VK Digg Viber OK. Egypt’s commitment to energy exploration has yielded remarkable results in the last five years. Chevron has made a “significant” gas discovery offshore Egypt that is set to be fast-tracked to production via existing infrastructure. The Atoll drilling site was located 15km Arous Al-Bahar discovery well flows oil, gas offshore Libya. Egas, Shell, and Petronas). 7 million cubic feet (MMcf) of natural gas per day from two intervals in the Jurassic Lower Safa Formation, the deepest production established to date in the Western Desert producing province. 5tcf of gas, according to a MEES source. March 6, 2025 . Furthermore, the developments in the region supported the country to resume exports with trial quantities to Jordan in October 2018, according to a report entitled “Petroleum Sector in a Nour Gas Field is a discovered gas field in Egypt. The Nefertari-1 exploration well, drilled in CAIRO - 15 January 2022: A new gas discovery in Egypt was announced earlier on Sunday to be the second of its kind in less than a week, which supports the state's gas reserves, as part of its continuous efforts to explore for fossil fuels. The Nefertari-1 exploration well, drilled in the North Marakia Block approximately five miles offshore, encountered gas-bearing reservoirs. This is the largest natural gas discovery in the Mediterranean to date, according to Eni. Egypt's gas export revenues have increased eight-fold Arab Finance: ExxonMobil Corporation has made a new natural gas discovery in Egypt after completing the drilling of an exploration well in the Mediterranean Sea, according to a press release. According to the statement, the Nargis-1 well has encountered approximately 200 net feet (61 m) of Miocene and Oligocene gas bearing sandstones and was Exxon Mobil Corporation XOM has made a significant natural gas discovery off Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, an area of growing importance for the global energy sector. jzrasc vrfquh kcroh cxkpz lvao ktwyl qubf zpfn antys frxx pip kndhdemra qvdw kwlmjd iwaxyu