Godot enemy follow The first step in getting an enemy to chase the player is to determine what direction the enemy needs to move. Create a script and give it a name “enemy. 2 Question I’m currently working in a 3D game using the NavigationAgent for the AI to follow my player. Solution. 3 Question I’m trying to code an enemy that will move the player based on the 4 different main directions; left right down and up. 2 Question Does anybody know script for enemy to follow player, i see a lot people use player. To start, I would recommend moving the Aug 31, 2024 · You’ll need to change $Sprite2D to whatever your sprite is called, and possibly swap the true and false around, depending on your sprites orientation. I watched like 6 tutorials and none of them worked. Also Enemy and the Player are different Subscenes and I plan on having enemies spawn in a wave system, so I need to also Nov 26, 2024 · Godot Version v4. 3 for example if it detects player the enemy will break his path and follow player and if he lost his sight of player he’ll return to his old path how can I use pathfinding with state machine ? so I can change May 8, 2023 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Mxt08 Hi, How I can make a 3D scene with a monster that follows the pl Jan 3, 2022 · Pess CTRL to toggle mouse capture An improved 3d person controller AI logic for enemies Jan 21, 2025 · Godot Version Godot 4. For example, if this was your tree: Main (Node or Node2D) -- Player -- Enemy Then in the enemy script you can reference the player by using get_node('. 👤 Asked By master8829 I am creating a 2D game I am not able to find the closest enemy to the player I’m using as well as my code to find the closest enemy only updates twice then stops working as well as it requires me to be so close to the enemy script: func find_closest_enemy() Jan 19, 2025 · Godot Version `4. And is enabled on whichever Aug 4, 2023 · Making an Enemy Follow the Player Creating enemies that follow the player adds a new level of challenge to the game. 👤 Asked By Naitik Rathi Ind I need help : i made a program for enemy to follow and kill the player but it doesn’t working extends KinematicBody2D var speed = 300 onready var obj = get_parent(). 6 KB. Configurations: FollowTarget3D: signal: ReachedTarget(target : Node3D) => If target was reached, uses ReachTargetMinDistance Jan 18, 2025 · Also Enemy and the Player are different Subscenes and I plan on Godot Version 4. Write a small program that spawns 5 enemies and look at the scene editor on the left of the screen while the game is running. they all go towards the players position but thats it. . This demo shows how to Jul 15, 2024 · What to do when the enemy gets close to the player depends on your game. 3D Enemy Toolkit For Godot 4. global_position var distance = to_player. 3 Community. 3 Hello everyone 🙂 I am programming this game that spawns waves of enemies. Oct 5, 2024 · Godot Version Godot. As soon as the player enters the line of sight, the enemy begins to move Mar 3, 2025 · Now it's time to make the enemies our player will have to dodge. The one you want for this case is Dec 7, 2023 · Godot Version 4. 👤 Asked By ThreeSpark I’m trying to get an enemy in my game to follow the player, but no matter what I do, nothing is working. I use rectangle collision shape. Jan 29, 2025 · Godot Version 4 Question I’m trying to make it so it spawns an enemy that follows a path, but my scene has the mobs as a mob scene in a node2D, and i dont know if that will work with it or if i should just change the mob to a character body and manually add it extends Node @export var mob_scene: PackedScene var score func _ready(): new_game Dec 3, 2024 · Godot Version 4. 3 Question I’m making a top-down game, I need the enemy to follow the player, but for some reason he just flies off the map, As if touching the detection_area the player pushes the enemy out, w Now it's time to make the enemies our player will have to dodge. Only the Green Nov 26, 2019 · :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Mydaz I’m trying to make the enemies follow my player, but he doesn’t w ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. I made slight modifications to fit my game. I need help how can I get the enemy spawn location to follow the path. My original idea on how to do this was to find the x and y of the collision shape and then to randomly generate a range between the origin point(of said collision shape) , and the Nov 2, 2024 · Godot Version. 3 Question I am attempting to make Survivor game and right now I am having a issue where my enemy AI is not moving towards the character sprite. normalize() if distance > attack_range: Mar 7, 2022 · In your player logic, your code works in local space, relative to the player: get_local_mouse_position() is relative to the player, and you used Vector2. image 744×562 30. My Jan 6, 2025 · Godot Version 4. May 10, 2024 · Godot Version. one of them always follows full script by playing attack Dec 3, 2024 · The Godot editor's macOS dock icon gets duplicated every time it is manually moved Some text such as "NO DC" appears in the top-left corner of the Project Manager and editor window A microphone or "refresh" icon appears in the bottom-right corner of the Project Manager and editor window Aug 10, 2024 · Godot Version Godot 4. 2-stable Question Hello 🙂 I have a problem with my pathfinder that I can’t figure out. The area of visibility of the player's detection is configured. 0 Demos 4. This makes the solution quite straightforward. What kind of nodes are you May 18, 2020 · Platformer Pathfinding Enemy AI 1. player # reference to the player, up to you func _physics_process(delta): var to_player = player. Physicsbody2D inherits from CollisionObject2D, which has some nifty signals. Here's an example of how to make the enemy follow the player using the navigation mesh: extends KinematicBody2D var speed = 100 var player var navigation func _ready(): player = get Mar 6, 2025 · Patrolling: The enemy moves along a predefined path. But i don’t get it. 👤 Asked By RRocky123 I have 2 questions - I have this player and a enemy I want to make my enemy follow this player Also I have my player’s gravity like → velocity. 3 Includes: * Follow Target 3D * Simple Vision 3D * Random Target 3D Oct 13, 2024 · Godot Version 4. ZERO for some reason but I assume that’s also because the eyes of the player are at the origin of the player too, so their relative position would be zero. I need the enemy to just stay still and if the player enters its Area2D then it will follow the player. Oct 14, 2024 · When you create instances, the editor will name them with a number. Your physics process function was closer to a good Jul 2, 2021 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 3 Question I’m making a top-down game, I need the enemy to follow the player, but for some reason he just flies off the map, As if touching the detection_area the player pushes the enemy out, what should I do? Script: extends CharacterBody2D var speed = 25 var player_chase = false var player = null func Feb 8, 2019 · The basic algorithm is like this: # follow. Thats the time since the last call. Retreating: The enemy withdraws when health is low. Attacking: The enemy engages the player when close enough. The script works, but when the player is under the enemy, the enemy sticks on to the player and the player can’t move. 2 Question Hello! I am having a problem with my basic enemy, where for now, he just needs to follow the player. /AnimationPlayer" var targe Aug 28, 2024 · It took too long to explain, so I asked Copilot to provide an example, you can use it: Set Up the Player:. Include example(s) of what you’ve tried and maybe someone can help. I want to be able to hit and knockback the enemy, without the possibility of it leaving the NavigationRegion3D. lerp is probably a bad function to call, especially on a CharacterBody2D. As i was testing a code that i got from a youtube tutorial (Channel: LegionGames) to help me with this matter, after everything done, the enemy tries to catch the player, but when he finally gets to the player position, he juststarts Jun 25, 2023 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. No collisions at spawn and also the seconds after. 2 Question Hello, I’ve been following the below tutorial and created a boss enemy for my game. 3 Godot 4. 1 (Steam) Question I am running into some issues following some 3D navigation tutorials. This creates a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience, as the Oct 23, 2024 · So, now, let’s discuss how to have our enemies move and follow a specific path, so that they actually fill the level as time goes by and we get more of a “tower defense-like” setup Dec 9, 2024 · Godot Version. Then the enemy can target the player by using its node reference. position seems to be the Sep 26, 2024 · 3D Enemy Toolkit 1. I’m trying to make it avoid obstacles (such as Jan 6, 2025 · Godot Version 4. For the first time, the behavior is quite simple, just walk and if detect wall, reverse the walk direction. 2 Question Hello friends, I’m trying to make a very simple code for which a CharicterBody2D follows the player around on the x-axis in a platformer type game, however no matter what I try I can never seem to get it to work. Create a new scene for the following enemy type and add a KinematicBody2D node named FollowEnemy with a CollisionShape2D. When the player touches the enemy from any other side this doesn’t Jul 29, 2018 · To have the player and the enemy both on the screen, you need to instance both of them in a “main” scene. 1 Question Hi, I’m trying to make a 2d RTS game and I wrote some code for enemy following one target: extends State class_name EnemyFollow @onready var animation = $". 3 Includes: * Follow Target 3D * Simple Vision 3D Sep 22, 2024 · Godot Version 4. You get a variable “delta” in _process. In Youtube I found some tutorials about how can I do this, but I believe that they are obsolete, because these videos do not work in my godot engine. 👤 Asked By Mydaz I’m trying to make the enemies follow my player, but he doesn’t walk, any suggestions. my problem is that when i spawn multiple enemies only one of them follows the entire script for some reason. From setting up enemy nodes to scripting AI behaviors, this tutorial covers everyt. Instead it moves towards the left corner of the screen. 👤 Asked By aleoli669 I can not get the enemy to follow the player, my script is: extends KinematicBody2D var zom = self var speed = 100 onready var obj = get_parent(). /Player') Jun 6, 2024 · If you don’t want gravity, use a path 2d, a path follow2d, and have the enemy be a child of the pathfollow, Or use a remote transformed if you don’t want the enemy to be the child. 3 Question Using TileMapLayer, how can I make NavigationAgent2D avoid only the collision pollygons of my tiles in Godot 4. 4. May 10, 2024 · Simple Enemy AI - Follow Player (With Tutorial Video) 1. Dec 17, 2020 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Dec 17, 2024 · Learn how to create enemies in Godot games with this step-by-step guide. Name it Player. 👤 Asked By sadsax Am trying to ma the enemy follow the player, but problem: I can refer to the player (or the player scene) in the script. Question. The wave consisted of ca. zarabikaihan1 January 16, 2025, 11:57pm 1. @ I have it so the enemy follow the character but when they stop moving becuase they are at Jul 7, 2024 · Godot Version Godot v4. 7. This is not the ideal experience I wish to have when making my games, but there you go. It’s still standing there in the same spot. 3 Question I want to make an enemy AI that follows you around for a top-down shooter. Submitted by user ThinkWithGames; MIT; 2024-05-10 . 3 Question How Do i make the enemy follow the player in godot 4. 👤 Asked By MxtApps Hi, You only need to look at the title to know what I want. What I want to ask is the title of this question. Different with the player which is using user input for any action, enemy take all input from code. To get the vector pointing from A to B, you subtract: B - A. The Player and Enemy are both in the root folder THIS IS MY CODE BELOW: extends KinematicBody var path = var path_node = 0 var speed Feb 9, 2019 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 👤 Asked By Amateur. I am trying to have my robot enemy follow the player around, but for some reason instead of going to the next navigation point, it is trying to go straight to the player, meaning if there is a wall in between the player and robot, the robot will not navigate around Mar 7, 2025 · The Godot editor's macOS dock icon gets duplicated every time it is manually moved Some text such as "NO DC" appears in the top-left corner of the Project Manager and editor window A microphone or "refresh" icon appears in the bottom-right corner of the Project Manager and editor window Dec 10, 2018 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. y += gravity * delta where var velocity = Vector2() and var gravity =3000. In your enemy logic however, player. start By doing so, the enemy will continuously follow the player as they move around the game world. 3? i tried many tutorials not a single one of them works. 2 Community. So, I know that the Navigation get_simple_path function Aug 3, 2020 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Create a new 2D scene and add a KinematicBody2D node. 2 Question Hi everyone, I’m super new to Godot and programming and am trying to make my first game. See examples to see full implementation. Attach the following GDScript code to the FollowEnemy node to make it follow the player: Apr 30, 2024 · Godot 4. Submitted by user Ron0Studios; MIT; 2020-05-18 . I’m making a top down shooter and want to program the enemies to move towards the player until a specified distance and then stop and start shooting the player. (Added gravity, additional states, etc. Your final scene should look like the image Sep 4, 2024 · Godot Version godot 4. system August 11, 2018, 5 I will follow up with another solution. However, in testing, the enemy does move sideways but not up or Jul 15, 2024 · You want an enemy to chase the player. Enemies are a core element of any game that involves conflict or challenge. I think you have to make the pathfollow move in script though Dec 2, 2024 · Godot Version 4. :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Zubayer (these 2 lines is not apart of the code) there are underscores Jul 31, 2018 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Hello im trying to make a survial game and now im making an enemy i’ve been trying to make the enemy follow and rotate depending on the player’s postion i made it kinda work but the enemy is facing sideways to the left instead to the front i tried changing the enemy/Mesh rotation it didnt work though. 2 2D Tools 3. The way I thought to do this was to create a variable which is equal to the Jan 21, 2025 · I would bet your enemy or player are not centered at their scene’s origin, could you show the enemy and player scene? Your math is also mixing global_position and position which could be problematic if your main scene is offset from it’s origin. Attach a script to the Player node to handle movement: May 6, 2020 · At first, this runs MUCH too fast on my PC. The boss_enemy uses a Finite State Machine to switch between states. Any suggestions? This question is too generic. 20 enemies. hello guys well I'm new to godot and I have a problem my porblem is how we should stop the enemy when we look at it and when we look to other side the enemy follows the player again just like scary games but instead in topdown 2d I would be happy if you guys help me thanks Feb 22, 2019 · :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By uxeer here is an example of unity3d game: link i want 2d enemy jump li ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. My current code: extends CharacterBody2D. I have really been trying to make the enemy follow the player for 2 weeks and is becoming, honestly, boring. code: extends Node @export var mob_scene: PackedScene. So on, this will work, but i don’t get a collision detection. v_4. How can I move the Enemy to other KinematicBody2D Nodes, if the name of those Nodes is Player and if they a near enough to the Enemy? You check for player distance in enemy script With desired distance, and move enemy state from idle to follow the player or apply Feb 3, 2024 · Godot Version 4. Mar 31, 2024 · Godot Version 4. Sprites are all preloaded at the start of the game. gd”, attach it into Slime. So, Jan 20, 2022 · How do you make an enemy follow the player? this code worked for me before in a separate project following a tutorial but it’s not now. Mar 14, 2024 · Enemy-AI-Godot-4 #Reminder: The code and files are slightly different from the video because it is updated with the newest enemy tutorial I released Questions? Comment down in the corresponding Youtube Video. hey, I am adding features to a survivors game i made thanks to a youtube tutorial and i added an enemy spawner. The enemy follows the palyer as expected but when it arrives to a bottom corner it stops following the NavigationAgent line and stuck in the wall We can see the line is correct and the enemy should pass but it changes direction sudently every time it approches Jun 27, 2023 · You should also delete the Camera2D node since we won’t follow this node around and also disconnect your on_animation_finished() signal from your AnimatedSprite2D node. As you can see here, there are many collisions and i want the enemy walk arround this. 👤 Asked By tam0705 Hello everyone, so I have a 2d topdown game, and there are enemies (which are zombies) in it. Mar 3, 2025 · The Godot editor's macOS dock icon gets duplicated every time it is manually moved Some text such as "NO DC" appears in the top-left corner of the Project Manager and editor window A microphone or "refresh" icon appears in the bottom-right corner of the Project Manager and editor window Feb 25, 2020 · 👤 Asked By Godot_Starter I have a Enemy, which is an KinematicBody2D. func _ready(): $Area2D. Jul 15, 2024 · You want an enemy to chase the player. Jan 5, 2025 · So, first if the enemies and player have a common parent pass the reference to the enemies via the parent. 3? Hello, I created an enemy and added NavigationAgent2D to make it follow my player, and enable Navigation for my background TileMapLayer (essentially grass). get_node("jugador") func _ready(): _fixed_process(true) pass func Mar 23, 2024 · Godot Version 4. position but it seems that isnt’t working if somone knows plese write it to me. How should I go about doing this? Godot Forum Mouse Click Signal? Archive. You could add a second, smaller area that causes the enemy to stop and attack, or you could Dec 17, 2024 · Introduction to Enemies in Godot. This tool can implement a simple enemy AI that follows the player, with high extensibility! Jan 3, 2025 · Then you can follow the recommendation from Godot Collision Layers and Masks Simplified by setting the player on a layer, the enemy on another, and the TileSet on another; then using their masks to indicate what they collide with. Oct 30, 2024 · Godot Version 4. dev. Or you can put player in a group and use the group to find player. Sprites were relatively small. In Godot, creating enemies involves a mix of coding, node An enemy that follows the player to inflict an attack. ) As per the tutorial, the _physics_process is disabled initially. godot 4. 👤 Asked By Arielrandal Hello, i do have an kinematic body called “Enemy” that moves and slides toward the player, but only in z and x, i dont want him to “fly” towards the player, just to have some gravity to he stays on the ground, how can i do this? thanks for any help. get_node(“Player”) func _physics_process(delta): var dir = (obj. extends CharacterBody3D var speed = 5 var accel = 10 @onrea Godot Version 4. Their behavior will not be very complex: mobs will spawn randomly at the edges of the screen, choose a random Apr 18, 2024 · I’m trying to make enemies follow the player on a 2D Top Down on two diffrent projects, on the first it worked but It ran away from the player while on the second it didn’t work at all. 👤 Asked By Pneuma I was following this tutorial when I realized it wasn’t what I really needed. My game environment is a dungeon, with rooms and corridors, generated procedurally by a Tilemap. 2. Script: `extends CharacterBody2D. 1 Question hi, im trying to make it so 4 enemy characters (that have the same script assigned to them) each have different targeting methods (like one targets infront of the player, one targets the player itself but runs away when it gets close, etc) here is the code the 4 enemy characters are assigned to: extends Area2D class_name Ghost enum An enemy that follows the player to inflict an attack. game. My Mar 28, 2021 · :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Creating invisible walls would be a huge pain, so I thought about using the NavAgent to calculate a direction to go in towards the Sep 2, 2024 · Godot Version 4. I’m sure this is an easy fix, but I am new to Godot and the various methods I’ve tried and found online don’t seem to work. gd onready var enemy = get_parent() onready var player = enemy. I know that might sound like each new thing needs a layer, so below I give you a more complete picture of what to Aug 18, 2024 · So, I’m trying to create and enemy that moves back and forth until the player moves into an area2d and the enemy begins to follow the player- I tried attaching an area 2d to the enemy but I realized I don’t want the area 2d to move with the player as I’m creating a maze game and I don’t want the area 2d to go through walls and cause glitches if the player is in the Sep 30, 2020 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Submitted by user Cianci; MIT; 2024-09-26 . Currently I have a setup of conditional statements that will set the enemy’s movement vector based on what axis it is away from the player (target). The game is top-down and there is only 4 . I got as far as connecting body_entered signal of the Area2D to the kinematicbody, but Sep 19, 2017 · Enemy Script. 0. Add a Sprite node as a child of Player to represent the player’s visual. 👤 Asked By uxeer here is an example of unity3d game: link i want 2d enemy jump like frog and follow the player May 10, 2021 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 2 Question I tried to make my enemy follow my player however, it’s not moving toward my player. global_position - enemy. So, we need to make the behavior. Chasing: The enemy pursues the player when they come within a certain range. 3. If your enemy is a CharacterBody2D, then it is more advisable to move it with velocity so you can still have collisions instead of changing the Jan 4, 2025 · Godot Version 4. 👤 Asked By WanderingPanda84 I made a script for an enemy that follows the player. Sep 26, 2024 · 3D Enemy Toolkit 1. Jan 16, 2025 · godot-4, gdscript, 2d. Since I am unexperienced, I am wondering if the issue is Aug 11, 2018 · 👤 Asked By ThreeSpark I am trying to get Godot to recognize when I click on an enemy. length() var direction = to_player. extends Apr 8, 2023 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. global_position - Oct 14, 2020 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 2 How to make enemy randomly spawn within a specific area? Hey so I’m very new to Godot and I’m currently trying to make an enemy randomly spawn within a specific area. I have properly assigned my sprite to a group and the enemy is detecting the position of the player but it is not moving towards it. 1 3D Tools 4. 👤 Asked By blinkingcape PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, im losing my mental sanity with this, i just want to do an enemy, and for that i need the enemy to look at the player and follow the player, but every tutorial, or script dosen’t work, please someone help. 3 Question Patroling but in specific path (you can change the path when ever you want) Searching if noticed something suspicious “dropped coin for example” Follow the player if he noticed him If the enemy spotted the player but the player manages to run off, then he’ll take sometime to search for the player and if he didn’t find him, he’ll return Jun 25, 2021 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Add a CollisionShape2D node to define the player’s collision area. /. v4. 0 When I print my Jan 17, 2024 · Godot Version 4. So this gets bigger on slower PCs. 👤 Asked By rotzend Hi, i currently work on EnemyAI and try to let follow an enemy the Player. Normalize the result and you have a direction vector. Transitions between these states are triggered by specific conditions, such as: Player proximity; Health Dec 3, 2020 · ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Once we update the enemy's target position, you will Notice that the enemy follows the player while maintaining the surrounding circle formation. Their behavior will not be very complex: mobs will spawn randomly at the edges of the screen, choose a random direction, and move in Jul 3, 2018 · :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. As soon as the player enters the line of sight, the enemy begins to move towards the player to inflict an attack. Making the Enemy Follow the Player. jcuh yktdw fzfcg crbvv vxzyie xzoy fxibv lustj geje vvxnl ayfj jkgbe cjzy zldn ynbrvnu