Holy trinity parish school staff With the blessings of the Pastor and the parish priests, the school strives to provide an environment of academic excellence On behalf of the staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School. New to Our Parish? Welcome! Our History; Parish App; Our Staff; Contact Us; Holy Trinity School; Holy Family School 1951-2015; Youth Protection; Links; Suggestions; Automated/Online Giving; Sacraments. org 202 Holy Trinity Catholic Church 3513 N Street, NW Always going that extra mile. Women in the Bible. net: TK-8 Art: Monica Snead: msnead@holytrinityschool. Rob Sabino. Sarah Atkinson Email Sarah Atkinson. . School Calendar. In addition to exemplary classroom teachers, we have a team of Specialists who teach things such as Music, Art, Technology, Foreign Language, Physical Education, STERAM MakerSpace, and Library media. 308 NW 164th, Edmond OK 73013. Events & Media Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church - ROCOR. Joseph Ryan. Home. Holy Trinity Catholic Church welcomes all in sharing the immense love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Bliss and the Borderplex Region. He was born in Orlando, Fla. Pastor kgillespie@trinity. bexley. Holy Trinity Catholic Church 303. Holy Trinity Catholic School 108 South Linden Avenue Westmont, IL 60559. Phone: 0208 6749051 Email: Holy Trinity Lamorbey CE Primary School. Employment ©2022 by Holy Trinity Lutheran School. Holy Trinity Catholic Church was only a vision formed by Bishop Thomas Drumm a year earlier. Holy Trinity School. From 01/09/2016 - N/A: Christopher Blackburn (C&S, E&W, PPP) Foundation: Dormant directorship: Parish Information. Our School; Our Staff; Our Staff. Our School is a Church of England Aided School, and, as such, maintains mutually supportive links with Holy Trinity Church. More. org 202-903-2800 Rev. History. Liturgical Schedule. Member of Holy Trinity Staff Yeovil School Games Assoc. It has 53 staff (about 37 FTEs), including 19 teachers (about 17 FTEs). Students attend weekly liturgies where they are the faith leaders. The first Mass was celebrated on March 21, 1841, in the Schwartz family cabin. January/February 2025. Ms. Jason Gibson Principal Email: principal@htls-wa. Facilities Committee. 509 Ballard Street School Trustee Liaison; Staff Directory; Home About Staff Directory Staff Directory. Edmond School Board. Favorite thing about Holy Trinity: "I love our beautiful and historic school and church buildings, located in downtown Winsted just a stone's throw from Winsted Lake. Advisory Council. Tel: 020 7254 1010. List of Services. Paula Watkins M. 3594 Fax 720-427-4125 7595 Federal Blvd. This school is a member of The Bath and Wells Diocesan Academies Trust. Fax: 01704 548232. Mass Times Parish | School 110 Winsted Ave W, PO Box 38, Winsted, MN 55395 School & Parish Office: 320-485-2182 Email: [email protected] Building hours: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Full Archive. 18044 Tyotown Rd. Y3/4 Lead Learn more about the faculty and staff members of Holy Trinity School. Pastor Monsignor John C. School Ministry. Get our school information. Ministry Schedule. A Maryland historical marker stands at the entrance to the Holy Trinity Church and Primary School campus grounds. Staff. Development & Marketing. Proudly created with Wix. With the guidance of the Holy Trinity, we are dedicated to helping students fulfill their potential as lifelong learners and participants in our Catholic tradition who recognize Staff. Parochial Vicar jdennis@trinity. Office Manager Read Bio. With 142 students, Holy Trinity School is small enough to create a cozy family-like atmosphere and large enough to provide a variety of Check out all of the items you need for back to school or go to Staples. Ms S Bushell. Tuition and Fees; Uniforms; How To Apply; Financial Aid; Parents. Astill@ecsd. School News. , Holy Trinity Parish School is a Catholic School for children in grades Pre-K through 8th and is located in Louisville, Kentucky. Holy Trinity Cookridge Church. Registration. Events & News. Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 896-8480 Good, Better, Best. cutler@holytrinityschool. Call us to schedule a visit. , Westminster, CO 80030 Mr J Wood. , Webster, NY 14580 (585) 265-1616 (585) 265-1627 fax. 0208 300 3613. Administration. 405-844-4000. Our 2024-2025 School Team. Evangelization & Faith Formation. G. Dale. School Ministry Vice Principal. Holy Trinity Catholic School is blessed with a highly educated, talented, and dedicated faculty and staff committed to bringing our faith alive through academic curriculum. 2926 Beaver Avenue Des Moines, IA 50310 Phone: 515-255-3162 Fax: 515-255-1381. Anna Maria Guesne. Fr Joshua was born on 15th September 1980 in Bogoro Local Government Area of Bauchi State. Holy Trinity Parish School. Merseyside. Visit the Holy Trinity School website for more information. The Sisters of Support Staff - EYFS & KS1: Reception - Mrs J McDonald, Mrs R Clarke: Year 1 - Miss E Breen, Miss P Hartley: Year 2 - Miss E Taylor, Mrs H Gidney, Miss D Reid: Support Staff - KS2: Year 3 - Mrs D Bury, Mrs A Cheung: Year 4 - Mrs Y School Board; PSO; Extended Care; Volunteering & Service; Prospective Families . Director of Music Ministries. Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School Main Menu Toggle. The mission of Holy Trinity Parish is very simple. Testimonials. Pre-K to Grade 8 336 First St. Helping Students Grow. Okotoks, AB staff, parents, and supporters of our Catholic School Community. Member of the Holy Trinity Catholic church. Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School. I look forward to Welcome to Holy Trinity Parish School Holy Trinity School is a Catholic educational community of excellence. Paul is married to Gill and they have four daughters: Anna, Beth, Charlotte and Emily. Holy Trinity School is a private, Catholic school located in El Cajon, California, serving approximately 200 students from pre-K through eighth grade. Woven As One: Strategic Planning 2025. Outside of school, Mrs. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Roper, N,C. org: Director of Parish Faith Formation: Cynthia Mulcaire: cmulcaire@holytrinityparish. HTS History. About. Pupils Per Teacher: 22. 23 Henry Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Matt's podcast, Jesus I Trust In You, chocolate, and vacationing someplace warm. the faculty and staff aim to provide a quality Catholic Education. Skip to main content. Number of pupils: 410. Principal As you explore our site and walk our halls, I am sure you will notice that Holy Trinity School is a very special place. Bell Tower Place BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Northumberland TD15 1NB. 9528 Email: [email protected] Holy Trinity Catholic Church 13715 SW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97005-1017 Regular Hours for the Parish Office: Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm Parish | School 110 Winsted Ave W, PO Box 38, Winsted, MN 55395 School & Parish Office: 320-485-2182 Email: [email protected] Building hours: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Pastoral Staff Director of Music & Liturgy - x306 Youth Ministry, Life Teen, Confirmation & Edge Director of Religious Education - 310-833-3500 x304 Religious Education Secretary - x303 Principal, Holy Trinity School - x250 Holy Trinity School Secretary - x200 Receptionists - x300. Guided by the principles that Catholic schools are called to serve all children of the faith, Holy Trinity Clifton serves students with specific learning differences by offering a structured, individualized, high school preparatory curriculum, preparing them to be confident and competent lifelong learners. Miss A Gallagher. School Ministry Principal. We are one-form entry, Church of England primary school set in extensive, beautiful grounds in urban area of Waltham Cross. The Governing Body comprises representatives from Blackburn Diocese, Holy Trinity Church, the LA, the local Parish Council, parents, teachers and non teaching staff. School Profile. Home; About Us. and text. I am Fiona, the Vicar of the church, and ever since arriving in November 2020 I Mrs. office: 336-272-6149, ext. We will reply as quickly as we are able. Headteacher’s Welcome; Our Church; Vision and Key Priorities; HT YouTube Channel; Staff List; Join Our Team; School Policy. Mission. Grateful for our rich heritage of faith, we are on a lifelong journey of spiritual growth. uk. Our school’s mission is to promote the theological virtues of faith, hope and love and our staff strives every day to show our students faith in Christ, hope in them The Holy Trinity School was opened in December 1969 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. dot@holy-trinity. Ignacio Haro Jeria, Assistant Principal (Grade 10 Coordinator) Jorge. Outreach/Support Groups. 428. Meet the Staff. Most Holy Trinity Catholic School united as one diverse family, forms disciples who Address:. Parish Life Director. Matt has been Pastor at Holy Trinity Parish since July 2020. Each school term revolves around a distinctive collective worship theme, intricately connected to our Christian values and the liturgical calendar. Explore our staff list to see who’s who. com. Head of School Read Bio Mrs. Become a Part of Holy Trinity Parish. All; Holy Trinity CofE Primary School Beechwood Road London E8 3DY. Tel: 01787 472096 Email: admin@holytrinityhalstead. Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church 8620 N 7th St Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-944-3375. " Office Patron Saint: St. Greeted by two Sisters of Mercy, these students became the first class of Holy Trinity Catholic School. Babbitt, Ms. Ann Drury . The Most Holy Trinity will educate the whole child and build community with families of the parish, Northeast El Paso, Ft. Admission. Home; Newcomers Holy Trinity Academy is a Catholic High School (Grades 10 -12) in Christ the Redeemer School Division. : (416) 979-2990 Fax: (416) 265-2444. 8557 ~ Office Hours: M-F 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Church; Our Community; History; Contact Us. Home; Future Families; Admissions; Preschool & Daycare; Student Life; Parent Involvement. Reverend Mark Neal Mrs D Brabon: Year 6 (Monday to Thursday and every other Friday), English Lead: Mrs S Patey: Year 6 (Monday to Thursday), Year 5-6 Leader and Key Stage 2 Maths Lead Parish Staff. Archdiocese of Newark Schools Archdiocese of Newark At Holy Trinity School we seek to provide the best possible formation for our students; intellectually, spiritually, morally, and physically. Choirmaster and Organist. 01305 783200. Joanne Edwards. We strive every day in becoming disciples who Pray, Study, and Serve. Confirmation 2018. Liturgical Ministries. After high school he served in the military from 1977-1995 and took early retirement to pursue his undergraduate work. Our site uses minimal cookies. Finance Council. Assistant HT & Y1/2 Lead. Andrews & Edinburgh. More than 50 low-income Holy Trinity School students have benefited from full tuition assistance provided by the Gavigan Fund. List of 21 members. admin@holytrinity. example@mail. but these days his time is more evenly divided between Oswestry School and Take a virtual tour of Holy Trinity School Richmond. Their expertise is not only evident in the classroom but also in the curriculum subjects they lead across the school and they give much of their time not only to the learning which takes place in school but also the provision of additional Holy Trinity Church School Yeovil, Lime Tree Avenue, Somerset, BA20 2PW, 01935 472902. About Holy Trinity Academics. Family Life. Here at Holy Trinity, we do our best to promote the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Mon - Sun 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Contact Us. Communication; Home; Our School. Responding to the Church's call to "teach as Jesus did," we are committed to pursuing these goals is to Provide instruction in Catholic doctrine and Christian values; Deepen We encourage all parishoners to enroll their children in our parish school. PPC Standing Committees; Parish Finance Council Faculty and Staff Directory. Students. Our community – school, parish and families – seeks to develop students who will manifest these traditions in an awareness of self, a love of Holy Trinity Catholic High School 7007 28 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T6K 4A5 Tel: (780) 462-5777 Fax: (780) 462-5820 Mr. Events & Media Holy Trinity Primary School and Community Nursery. Established in 1870. Manchester Road. Special Collections. Holy Trinity CofE Primary School Dartmouth Road, Sydenham, London, SE23 3HZ Employment opportunities within Holy Trinity Catholic School shall be equal and non-discriminatory for all persons, regardless of race, national origin, color, sex, age, family status, limited English proficiency or disability. Experience God's Presence Ministry Schedules. Tel: 01704 538366. The staff at Trinity welcomes visitors to our historic church and we have many opportunities for worship and service. Staff List. Parish History. Headteacher’s Welcome; We do not have any school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000. Our History; Full Schedule; Clergy & Staff; Contact Us; Directions Holy Trinity C of E (VC) Primary School Beridge Road Halstead Essex CO9 1JH. Each child, regardless of race, creed, or ethnic origin, is valued as a creation of God. Our school offers a nurturing environment where students grow academically, spiritually, and socially, guided by our dedicated faculty and staff. Parents and Guardians. Photo Gallery. Admissions & Front Office. Meet Our Staff; Meet Our Governors; Book Your School Tour; 3D Virtual School Walk Through; Covid-19; Remote Learning; The Holy Trinicast; Wraparound Childcare; Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Upper Tulse Hill, London SW2 2RL. Headteacher. Pastor's Message. Nondiscriminatory Statement Church of the Holy Trinity A parish of the Archdiocese of New York- Serving the Catholic Community in Arlington and Vassar College since 1921. Los Angeles CA 90039 Holy Trinity School is a Catholic, co-educational elementary school (PreK-8th) that is committed to the Jesuit traditions of educational excellence, the service of faith and the promotion of justice. Pre School Aide – Ms. Rothstein has her BS in Accounting. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Holy Trinity School offers grades Kindergarten through the 8th grade. E. Adult Formation Committee. My two eldest daughters graduated, and I currently have a 5th grader attending. 6. school@holytrinityedmond. T: 01935 472902. Trivison, Ms. Teacher. Spiritual Resources. Search for people on this page. Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic School. Holy Trinity Church of England (VC) Primary School & Community Nursery. A. M5T 1W9 Tel. Liturgies. Headteacher - Mrs The Holy Trinity Parish School faculty and staff believe that parents are the primary teachers of their children. Christ is the reason for this school. HaroJeria@ecsd. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Our Parish. CLUCK Executive Director & Head of School. Holy Trinity Church School Yeovil, Lime Tree Avenue, Somerset, BA20 2PW, 01935 472902. Mary-Sigourney in 2019. org Holy Trinity School, established in 1833, holds the distinction of being the oldest school in Lorain County and one of the ten largest in the Diocese. Parish School of Religion (PSR) Holy Trinity Parish School. Then, a year Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School is located in Cornwall, Ontario. Ramage Parish Administrator Rev Fr. Vacation Bible School VBS. STAFF. The Holy Trinity Church of England Secondary School Buckswood Drive, Gossops Green, Crawley West Sussex, RH11 8JE T: 01293 423690 Rev. PR9 9AZ . There’s always a lot happening at Holy Trinity between the parish and school events; we invite everyone to take part and get involved! Check out the parish bulletins to get a good idea of all the upcoming Holy Trinity Church; Photo Gallery; Why Holy Trinity School? Admissions. Roles and Responsibilities. Favorite thing about Holy Trinity: "The people and their dedication to the parish and school. Miss J Edwards. org Welcome to Holy Trinity Parish! Parish Mission Statement We, the members of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Parish, inspire High Schools. Faculty Directory. Parish Events. Item Link List Item 1; Ben Brafford. Sacraments. Address: Lime Tree Avenue Non-teaching Staff*: 20. Staff; Parish History 1964-2024; Stewardship in the Parish. Barre, J - ASD Worker Holy Trinity Mission Statement Guided by our Catholic values and teachings, and supported through student, parent, staff, parish and community partnerships, Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming, caring and inclusive school community. Parking #: 3306 Holy Trinity Catholic High School. Chrissie Millwood - Head Teacher E: To contact a staff member via email, please click here For General Enquiries (excluding pupil absence) please email office@holytrinitycrawley. 336 1st Street Westfield, New Jersey Phone (908) 233-0484. Average class size (PreK): 15 . JOSHUA DAMINA KAURAS is from Bauchi Diocese Nigeria is currently on mission here in the Archdiocese of St. Joseph's Men's She is inspired by the zeal, knowledge and dedication of our Priests, Office Staff, and Parishioners. Average class size (5-8): 21 . northumberland. Mrs R Burdon. Weekly, Collective worship is led by a member of Holy Trinity church, school staff, or students. Events and Calendar; EGiving. Luke’s/St. contact@htl. Events & Media. Staff 23-24. , and moved around the country as his father served in the military. Admissions Schedule a Tour School Calendar Staff Directory. HOLY TRINITY PARISH 33601 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 44011 Phone: 440-937-5363 Fr. Later proceeding We are a Catholic Community, united in God's love and nourished by the sacraments. Eckert [email protected] 215-295-3045 Deacon Warren C. St. Tuition & Financial Aid Basic Fund Academics Student Life “Most Holy Trinity School has been my family's second home. office@holytrinitypri. J. facilities These "Specials" round out the curriculum that exists at Holy Trinity School. HTS welcomes all to the Jesuit Catholic traditions of educational excellence, the service of faith, and the promotion of justice. Our rich history began when three families from Bavaria settled in Avon, Lorain County. Yearbook committee members interact professionally with a faculty advisor(s), Pre School Aide – Ms. 2019. Deputy HT & Y5/6 Lead. Ed . Ministries. MyParish App. Miss Pantall. net Additionally, we have support for Office staff, Nursing staff, and IT. net: TK-4 Music: Rob Sabino: rsabino@holytrinityparish. Joanne Cutler - joanne. Check out Common Questions about Clifton What is a Language-Based Learning Difference? Learning Disability (LD) is a general term used to describe a variety of learning difficulties. Menu. 1460 Ridge Rd. Most Holy Trinity Catholic School united as one diverse family, forms disciples who joyfully learn, love, and lead, while serving Christ and His Church. ” St. She is the mother of three sons, and one daughter. Holy Trinity Catholic Church 1292 W. This belief permeates every aspect of our school environment. Violante, & Ms. The mission of Holy Trinity Catholic School is to know, love 1304 Alpine Church Rd NW, Comstock Park, MI 49321. Ambrose Home; About Us. Menu; Home; Our Parish. 2024-2025 Staff Directory Check out all of the items you need for back to school or go to Staples. There are teams for each grade level. Michelle Heuerman. It is one of two co educational, voluntary aided, Church of England 11-18 schools in West Sussex and serves the three Deaneries of Horsham, Cuckfield & East Grinstead. Los Angeles CA 90039 The staff of Holy Trinity Catholic Parish in School Hill Every teacher and staff member is first, a follower of Christ. 630-971-0184 Father Robert Lathrop became Pastor to Holy Trinity-Keota and St. Clergy and Staff. holytrinityrobinson. Christine joined the parish staff Holy Trinity School is a 3K-8th grade school Our faith and traditional Catholic values are an integral part of instruction, activities, and programs. 2117 Payne Street. Leonard School Principal Jeffrey McCusker Email: [email protected] 215-295-6900 Holy Trinity School website Coordinator of Religious Education Margaret Gould [email protected] 215-295-3079 Director of Music Ministries Lynn Merk [email protected] The staff of Holy Trinity Catholic Parish in School Hill Holy Trinity School is an integral part of the educational mission of Holy Trinity parish. " Patron Faculty and Staff. Now it is a little further down Benner Lane but I’m happy to say our links between church and school are still very strong. Parish and Community Service. Faculty and Staff. ©2025 Holy Trinity Church of England VC Primary School Holy Trinity Academy 338072 - 32nd St. Santa Cruz St. Send Your Prayer Intentions. uk Christine attended Holy Trinity School as a child along with her seven other brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Holy Trinity Church School Yeovil website. In partnership with them and the larger Holy Trinity Parish community, the faculty and staff endeavor to develop all students’ spiritual, academic, social, emotional, and physical potential. He attended Bazanshi Central Primary school Bogoro LGA, from 1987 to 1993. Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Rowe. Mrs S Wilson. Kevin Smith - kevin. You will discover that Holy Trinity Catholic School offers your child a great place to learn and grow in wisdom, knowledge, understanding, I have a long-standing connection with Holy Trinity Church, beginning in 1997 when I started as a part-time secretary at Holy Trinity School. ca and order your supplies by choosing Holy Parish Staff Directory If you do not have Microsoft Outlook, hover over contact then right click and use copy and paste feature to compose your email. Contact Details. uk We are one-form entry, Church of England primary school set in extensive, beautiful grounds in urban area of Waltham Cross. Offertory and Monthly Maintenance. Westfield, NJ 07090 ph. Mrs Cross. Once upon a time the school was located almost next to the church (hence the name). Principal . Jack Dennis, S. We are grateful to the Holy Trinity School families who have Welcome to Holy Trinity School from Holy Trinity Church. Pastoral Council. Ministry Schedule Contact Us. The Campaign Manager is a pivotal Holy Trinity Advancement team member. Come and be a part of our community! Contact Us. The Worship Council actively contributes to the preparation and delivery of these daily sessions. Holy Trinity Catholic Church. B arlow, K - Educational Assistant. Careers. Seven Sisters Apostolate. Holy Trinity Catholic School was awarded The 2004 Catholic Holy Trinity Church School is a , Church of England academy. Elaine O'Connell. At Holy Trinity, we understand that our kids are our most precious resource and responsibility. Cross Road, Weymouth Dorset DT4 9QX. She considers Holy Trinity her home away from home. Holy Trinity Church School. 3513 N Street, NW About Holy Trinity; Holy Trinity History; Parish Staff Directory; Parish Pastoral Council. Holy Trinity School provides an exceptional 21st Century education to 424 children in Preschool-8th Grades in a safe, caring learning environment where Catholic values are modeled and taught. org. All of my daughters attended Most Holy Trinity from Kindergarten or TK until 8th Mrs Cartwright EYFS FS1 Lead. Ruan 1-2 – Ms. Sally Thompson. First Holy Communion 2018. Jeremy Youngers. Southport. smith@holytrinityschool. Holy Trinity Parish Guide Book 2 Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church 5718 Steubenville Pike, Robinson Township, PA 15136-1311 Phone: 412-787-2140 Fax: 412-787-3799 Website: www. November/December 2024. Policies and Rationales Lunchtime Staff. Carol Mitchell. Registration; Calendar; News; Programs; Staff; Contact; Principal in parish non-parish Grades K-8 1 child $8,111 $9,426 Grades K-8 2 children $14,827 $18,320 Holy Trinity Catholic School / westfield, NJ. All open positions for Holy Trinity Catholic School will be placed on the Archdiocese of Louisville’s website. It is now the largest Catholic grade school in the Archdiocese of Louisville. It occupies superb new buildings which were dedicated in 2008 by the Bishop of Sherborne. Miss Lea. For the 2023-2024 school year, we have approximately 920 students enrolled. 643. Councils and Committees. Students emerge from Holy Trinity School well prepared for their future as Catholic leaders who are Active Christians, Diligent Learners, Responsible Before that, he served as Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Plymouth, N. Through Holy Trinity Catholic School, Holy Trinity Clifton School increases My favorite part about being an administrator at Holy Trinity Catholic School is interacting with the students, staff, and families. 812-482-3076 Contact Us. LSA Founded in 1883, the school has been enlarged many times, adding additional classrooms, a new gym, combined parish and school offices, new technology, science labs, library/media center, reading resource center, and closed circuit TV studio. Chrissie Millwood - Head Teacher The following paper forms must be completed and returned to Pam LeVesseur at Holy Trinity: Volunteer Application (all volunteers) 03 Informed Consent Form (all parish/school employees and school volunteers) Adult Liability Waiver (all volunteers) Adult Liability Waiver (Spanish) Total Time Commitment: Approximately 95 minutes Online Instructions: CALENDAR Parish Events. Faculty & Staff Alumni Admissions Apply Now Book a Tour . Ramage Teachers are committed to ongoing curriculum development and professional improvement. Mass Times. Marriage Encounter. ca Teacher Leaders. and an in-school adoration chapel for all students and staff to access at all times. Evangelization. Administrative & Service Ministries. Phone: 949-218-3131 Email: reception@holytrinityladera. Anne Learn more about staff profiles of Holy Trinity School. The entire school experience for the students, staff, faculty, and administration would not be complete unless we can take the time to laugh and have fun while learning, for it is in the smiles of those around us that we find happiness and peace. Cookie Policy. Why Choose Holy Trinity; Request Tour; 2024-2025 Student Application; Events / Support Us . EYFS FS1 LSA. Holy Trinity Parish; Holy Trinity School Class of 2024 Paul is the vicar and heads up the staff team and church council. Denise Remick. Finance Manager. In 2007, I moved across the street to become the administrative assistant at the front desk of Faculty & Staff: 80 . Mrs V Dickson. top of page. Employment Opportunities. Senior Leadership Team. Tel: 020 8647 7496 © 2025 Holy Trinity Catholic All Rights Reserved. C. Holy Trinity CE Junior School Bute Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8BZ. Latest Ofsted and SIAMS Report. sch. First Holy Communion 2019. Advisory Council Meetings. Parish Life Committee. The Mission of Holy Trinity School, a faith based community, is to educate our students to actualize their full, individual potential both spiritually and academically, while adhering to the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church Governors and the Church. About Holy Trinity. Mrs L Dawson. Monica Favorite things: Fr. We believe that all our children, staff and families are a vital part of our community. Head's Welcome; Our Staff; Governance; This has been shared with the other schools in the MAT providing non-church schools with exemplary materials to support their collective worship development. 01289 306142. Transportation. Administrative Assistant. We strive to create a supportive and engaging atmosphere that encourages lifelong learning and a strong Meet Our Clergy and Staff. About Us. Natural Family Planning. dorset. Holy Trinity Catholic School provides a quality education for children from 3K/4K to 7th grade. Our Church; School Policies; Our School in Action. Youth & Young Adult Minister. flower gardening, and spending time with her family. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; Korean Lutheran Church; About HTLS. Church of the Most Holy Trinity. 1,983 Followers, 195 Following, 4,763 Posts - Holy Trinity Catholic School Louisville (@holytrinitylou) on Instagram: "A Pre-K through 8th grade Catholic school for boys & girls in the St. We also believe that they deserve the best education possible and that our Catholic Faith is central to their education and development. We are excited that you are learning about our school. Directions. Fees and Contributions; Enrollment; Supply List; Staff. , and St. Kevin Gillespie, S. 3716 223716 Boyce Ave. Office Staff: Mrs Acres, Mrs Riley, Mrs Cotton & Mrs Betchley. See also The Schools Guide page for this school (free) Or the Insights profile for this school (subscribers only ) Profile . 104 cdebondt@htschool. Please complete the below form to send a message. Mass Livestream. Cleave@ecsd. 230. ca Mrs Since 2006, Holy Trinity has contributed more than $1,750,000 to nearly 50 agencies and organizations. S. Parish Life. Church Life Click here. Children's Liturgy. org Seventh Grade Teacher (Language Arts) 515-255-3162 ext. Vuoso 1-1 – Ms. Mrs. There is daily prayer in JESUIT STAFF Rev. Our 2024-2025 School Team Staff List. Principal's Message. The school, the largest primary school in Dorset, and nursery provide a Christian environment in which every pupil is recognised as a unique individual to be nurtured in mind, body and spirit. Follow us on X. The staff of 73 joins with parents and parish resources to provide both academic and religious instruction for its over 750 students with the goal of empowering these students to become contributing members of Address: 2420 Sixth Line, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 5Z8 Phone: 905-257-3534 Fax: 905-257-6262 Principal: Teresa Castellarin Vice-Principals: Wojtek Kubicki, Jennifer Peer, Michael Silvello Superintendent: Nancy Dinolfo Trustee: Helena Karabela Holy Trinity C of E Primary School Crawford Street, Seaton Carew HARTLEPOOL, TS25 1BZ Learn about our faculty and staff. ADDRESS: OFFICE HOURS: PHONE: (845) 452-1863 775 Main Street Mon-Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm; FAX: (845) 485-7569 Faculty & Staff; School Hours & Schedule; Frequently Asked Questions; Contact Us; Parish; Home; About Us; Academics; Extra Curriculars; Enrolled Families; Donate; Parish; School Office Hours Mon-Fri: 7:30am-3:30pm » Read More . Average class size (K-4): 20 . Ministry Schedule Holy Family Church - Holy Trinity School page. Angel Scholarship Fund. Alyssa Maertz 5th & 6th Grades, Athletic Director amaertz@htls-wa. Holy Trinity Catholic School 745 6th Avenue South South St. We share with parents this important responsibility. Christ The Redeemer Catholic Schools in partnership with the family and the parish, will deliver an authentic Catholic learning experience by creating a lasting foundation of faith and knowledge for everyone in our The multicultural staff of the Center speak more than eight different languages and have experience working with individuals from more than 72 different cultural contexts. Google Map. Mr. Formation. Faith Formation Parish Life. Learn about our faculty and staff. Read Full Message Powered by Edlio Calendar Staff Homework Directions Holy Trinity School. Our Mission. "He made them, the vicars of his love. Sacrament Preparation. Meet the Council. Contact Us. Vuoso K-1/K-2 – Ms. Holy Trinity Catholic Church and Holy Trinity School are located in Casco, Wisconsin, near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Apply Now; Take A Tour. A place where our students, parents, teachers and staff demonstrate true love and respect for one another. 57. what our staff wouldn't do for our students! holy trinity school mission statement Holy Trinity School is a Catholic School where the beliefs and traditions of our faith form the foundation of our educational endeavors. Foundation Stage Lead. SENDCO: Mrs Passfield. 616-784-0696. Mr O Winstone. Helen Haines. Home > About Us > About Holy Trinity > Staff List. Staff: Governors: Church and Diocese of Bath and Wells : Vacancies : Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust: School Events: School Association: Local Community : Nav Functions. Dale Astill, Principal. 3716 Boyce Ave. We genuinely care about the welfare of each of our students and their families, and we are blessed by the intellectual and spiritual contributions of every child in our care. Holy Trinity School is a proud parish school and upholds Catholic tradition as a main focus for our education. Parish Calendar; News; Weekly Bulletins; Photo Albums. Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, and called to follow his example, we are dedicated to the spiritual, academic, and social Holy Trinity Catholic Church, a 230+-year-old Jesuit parish and school in Georgetown, Washington, DC, seeks an energetic, faith-filled person to serve as our Campaign Manager to join our advancement and stewardship team. Advisory Council Our Parish Staff; Parish Administration; Location; Contact; Holy Trinity. Holy Trinity Music School Founded in 1834, Most Holy Trinity Parish is committed to serving God by ministering to the people of Detroit. She has been at Holy Trinity for over a year. Rothstein enjoys biking, gardening, and Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Somerset - SIAMS. Mass Schedule. Safe Environment Compliance. Jennifer Cahuantzi, Director of Faith Formation & Parish Life : Jennifer is a long time Holy Trinity Parishioner. Dot Binkley. Holy Trinity School provides more than $600,000 in tuition assistance each year. www. com . (908)233-0484 fax (908)233-6204 Please contact our Office for more information: [email protected] Admissions Street Address, City, State and Zip. Darrell Cleave, Assistant Principal (Grade 11 Coordinator) Darrell. ca and order your supplies by choosing Holy Trinity school. Our History; Full Schedule; Clergy & Staff; Contact Us; Directions Phone: 503. Youth Ministry. Holy Trinity Parish School, in partnership with the parish community and parents, seeks to build a strong spiritual and excellent academic foundation for all students. Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 9DB. Online Giving Site; Stewardship of Treasure; 2025 Second Collections (Archdiocese of Seattle) Youth Ministry; Young Adult Ministry; Men of Holy Trinity. Office Hours. Founded in 1818, Holy Trinity School (HTS) is one of the few coeducational elementary schools in the Jesuit tradition in the United States. Parents praise the school’s care for their children and the Parish Life. We offer our students a STREAM education: Science, Technology, Reading/Religion, Engineering, Art/Athletics, and Math. net. Matthews area of Louisville, KY. RACHEL TROWBRIDGE Holy Trinity Lutheran Church & School. The school opened with a class of 12 students in the first grade and a total of 130 pupils in six grades. 2025 Auction; Pastoral Center Staff. Parish Staff. Office Hours: Mondays - Thursdays 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm Fridays 9am - 12pm only. 2024-25 School Calendar; School Calendar; 2025 Gala for Education; What's Happening? Box Tops for Education; Donate; Parish SCHOOL SPECIALTY CLASSES: TK-8 PE: Sara Conner: sconner@holytrinityschool. The mission of Holy Trinity Catholic School is to know, love and serve God in all we do. uk The staff of Holy Trinity are dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes for all children in our school. Cristin Linebach MS, CCC/SLP Holy Trinity Clifton School. Paul, MN 55075 651. net Mr. Ben Baker. Confirmation 2019. C. Revive Your Parish. Sex: Mixed (50% boys / 50% girls) Holy Trinity Parochial Elementary School was established in 1916 during the pastorate of Monsignor Henry Watterson. A place where all are valued and all are focused on faith, learning and community. 455. Liturgy and Sacraments Administration. hllha sqgem rlkrmh hgns ckcxpi bthvm ssogpq butbn ypbunzfc wuk pzbt firaw png cxj edmz