- Ku leuven programme overview . KU Leuven programmes are organised according to a semester PROGRAMME OVERVIEW BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering KU LEUVEN FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS Leuven Brussels Antwerp > Explore our campuses EXPLORE OUR CAMPUSES. Toledo, the digital learning platform offers through its portal a number of tiles that provide access to KU Leuven's digital learning content and colleges. The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all After a preparatory programme. tuition fee applicable for the LL. It consists of basic sciences, introductions to various technologies, a number of broadening courses and the projects of the Engineering Experience. 18), the amendments will apply from the start of the next academic year at the earliest. The on-campus assessment test following this refresher course is obligatory. be Available for students and staff of the KU Leuven Association. Overview of the programme: programme structure, courses, webinar and some background on the history of the Master of Bioethics. Structure: 4 main options and numerous elective courses Internship: "Industrial Internship" or "Industrial Experience". The faculty organizes Starter Days (for bachelor and master students of all study programmes) with various information sessions and a social programme so that you can start smoothly, and an Assemblea event (for master students) with master studio presentations. Contents. It can be consulted at https: KU Leuven programmes are organised according to a semester system. Study Level. FEB Advisor. registration lists and ‘my students’) and specific applications*:. At the same time, a brief overview of standard microfabrication You can find all information about your programme in the programme overview. PhD progress tool . ) , the following degrees are accepted: Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne The academic bachelor's programme consists of 3 programme stages. Admission requirements and application . KU Leuven programmes are organised according to a semester system. Faculty of Medicine KU Leuven has been coordinating a newly designed curriculum hosting students during a whole academic year in Leuven. Requirements: students should have basic knowledge in electrical engineering (e. Programme coordinators: Programme director: Antropologie / Anthropology: Laura De Gaetano Stephanie Hermant. + 32 16 32 38 69 E-mail. 66 of them are completely in English, 1 of them is taught in French. ; Check the admission requirements for each master's programme in the KU Leuven programme guide and discover whether you can enter this programme via a bridging programme or an abridged bachelor's programme. After a preparatory programme. The Master of Laws is an ideal programme for international students who have completed an LL. Computers and other high-tech devices are essential in hospitals, rehabilitation centres and private medical practices. By that date, all courses and SCOPE AND OVERVIEW. Just before the start of the second semester (on 7 February 2025), the ISP will be reopened until the third Wednesday of that semester so that all students are able to make changes for the second semester if desired. 7 KB. Students whose undergraduate academic degree is assessed to have minor shortcomings in the field of economics, mathematics, statistics, research methods or management courses may be admitted to the Master of Science in Business Administration on condition of successfully completing KU Leuven Master of Welding Engineering. During their studies at Stellenbosch University, they are required to pay the LL. On the 'Education and Students' page of KU Loket you will find both operational data in the form of SAP lists (e. you can find an overview of all options on the page about study costs and social status. B. Diplomas & certificates If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. Failing the assessment test will not exclude you from starting the Bachelor of Business Engineering programme, but it gives a strong indication that your basis in mathematics is not sufficiently sound. The programme guide clarifies what a programme consists of, which courses are part of a study path and how a student can compose their programme. The Education Dashboard summarizes some key data about various study programmes in a clear, visual way. This programme focuses on both the theoretical and practical aspects of battery systems, with a special emphasis on two key application domains: 1. be/manage to edit the settings of your livestream. Hans Van Oosterwyck (KU Leuven, Belgium) 15:00 - 15:45 Introduction to Fluorescence and Optical microfluidic channels with a circular cross-section. Program overview. in either the Business Law or Public Law programme. You get the opportunity to work with KU Leuven professors Programme overview . KU Leuven offers a wide variety of programmes in English, all supported by high-quality, innovative Edit the livestream settings. MORE. Here, each tile represents a course or community, or sometimes a b-course. After approval, an overview of your programme and an individual class schedule can be found in KU Loket. In semesters 1, 2 and 3, you follow the truncus communis (96 ECTS), including introductory KU Leuven offers different kinds of programmes: bachelor's & master's programmes, postgraduate studies, preparatory & bridging programmes and credit contracts. Follow KU Leuven on. MSc. You will get a solid understanding of the demands of the malting and brewing industry. KU Leuven offers a wide variety of programmes in English, all supported by high-quality, innovative The aim of the KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme (GM Scholarship) is to give scholars the opportunity to carry out 4 years of PhD research in a ‘sandwich’ system, which means that a maximum of 50% of the research will be financed by and carried out at KU Leuven, while at least 50% will be carried out and financed by the The Doctoral Programme in Theology aims at broadening and deepening doctoral students' knowledge and ability to produce scholarly research in theology. g. Law and Legal Studies. LLM. - Why KU Leuven - Contact - Objectives The preparatory programme provides the necessary knowledge base in the following fields: cultural theory What you learn in this master of Mobility and Supply Chain Engineering (MSCE) at KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Science. KU Leuven programmes are organised according to a semester Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method. Useful links: Doctoral programmes in Business Economics, Economics and Business Administration Programme overview. be. KU Leuven will provide transitional arrangements where necessary. Bachelor's programmes. Overview of the training activities in 2023-2024. The culmination of the Master of Educational Studies is the Master’s Thesis. In any case, the admissions team will contact you as soon as the The programme guide or programme overview is an online representation of all KU Leuven study programmes and their (sub)programmes. Cybersecurity plays a critical role in ensuring data privacy, which involves complying with privacy laws and regulations like GDPR (session 2). Educational quality at study programme level Language: English. kuleuven. (Programme overview and ISP). Students who choose "Track 2" during the (preparatory) Master of International Business can obtain Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Preparatory Programme and the Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology. KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally oriented university that carries out both fundamental and applied research. LECTIO, KU Leuven Institute for the Study and Transmission of Texts, Ideas and Images in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, invites applications for its Visiting Program 2025–2026. A bachelor’s programme is a basic study programme (a programme that leads to After a preparatory programme. Meer informatie over de procedure en welke opleidingsonderdelen uitgewisseld kunnen worden voor een uitgaande Erasmusstudent van de KU Leuven, Master of Biomedical Engineering. 000 inhabitants, the historical city of Leuven has a specific atmosphere that is quite unique in the Overview. Go to https://livestream. Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method. Viewed collectively, our undergraduate and postgraduate degrees aim to familiarise students with the historical traditions of philosophy as well as with contemporary movements in English-speaking and Continental KU Leuven is coordinating the overall programme and is also involved in various research projects within the programme, says Professor Miet Maertens (bioeconomy). Last update: 09 Feb 2023 Follow KU Leuven on The Master of Bioethics is a one-year advanced master's programme which is coordinated by the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (CBMER) at KU Leuven. Highly recommended self-paced online course that is free of charge. With almost 50. Ultra replaces the old course environment, which we will now call Original. KU Leuven offers a wide variety of programmes in English, all supported by high-quality, innovative The doctoral program targets students who already completed their graduate course work, generally by graduating from a research master in economics or in a closely related field. Discover the programme that suits you! KU Leuven Home. 18 and 18 bis), the amendments will apply from the start of the next academic year at the earliest. In semesters 1, 2 and 3, you follow the truncus communis (96 ECTS), including introductory courses to various disciplines, multidisciplinary courses on Europe, a methodology track and language courses. The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all Master. Ultra is the new course environment within our Toledo learning environment. Programme structure 2021-2022 Master of Law, Exchange Programme with Double Degree Leuven-Luiss (Rome) allowed to take up a course at the University of Luiss that is equal or equivalent to a subject already taken up at KU Leuven and vice versa, irrespective of the name given to the 16h30 Welcome & overview Cancer Programme 2024-2025 by Prof. Student Registration; Your programme; Exams & master's thesis. Postgraduate programmes may You will get an overview of the legal rules that govern economic life. In any case, even if they are not, Programme 2025-2026: first bachelor's* The study programme may change slightly every year. Program Overview Program Description: KU Leuven offers its students an academic education based on high-level research, with the aim of preparing them to assume their social responsibilities. 2: Visit EnergyVille (23 January 2025 - Genk) Bachelor of Business Administration The Business Administration programme in Brussels prepares you to solve complex business problems and develops your understanding of the challenges firms face in an interconnected and digitalized world. He participates in a scientific network lead by Professor Steve Tsai from Stanford University working on new approaches to composite design. The order may be reversed depending on the situation of The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. Visit the website of faculty: luca. While climbing the five floors of the library tower, a photo exhibition takes you to five significant periods in KU Leuven degree programmes Find a degree programme; New degree programmes for 2025-2026; Lifelong learning; KU Leuven offers a variety of scholarships for qualifying students. Today, KU Leuven accommodates 50,000 students, spread across Program overview. If you do not meet these requirements, you will need to submit an application via the Admissions Office. Don't use the Internet Explorer browser. Tine Thijs (temporarily not available) Nadia Fadil After approval, an overview of your programme and an individual class schedule can be found in KU Loket. Engineering - General. ) programme (Track The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. Each year a mandatory two-week introductory course is held for all first-year students. The student understands the basic principles of healthcare economics and management. The procedures you need to follow to apply and register, will depend on the type of study programme or format you're interested in. Programmes that require extra checks or approvals, like in cases of security clearances, collaboration with external partners or scholarships, have longer processes for which KU Leuven unfortunately cannot give a time estimation. Or twice-in-a-lifetime, actually, because we do the session two times. General information. Therefore, the contents of the assignments can be altered to suit the graduation programme of Objectives The honours programme "Transdisciplinary Insights" aims to familiarize future researchers or entrepreneurs with solution-oriented research involving cooperation between at least three disciplines, at least one from each group (Biomedical Sciences, Science and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences). Nadia Fadil: Communication Sciences: Digital Media and Society (DMAS) Elisabeth Struyf Rozane De Cock: Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies (CADES) Alexandra Oanca. This overview, which is not exhaustive, lists the offers that our faculty has received from its partner institutions. Wat je leert in de master Mobility and Supply Chain Engineering (MSCE) aan de KU Leuven, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen. Consult the programme overview. The programme guide or programme overview is an online representation of all KU Leuven study programmes and their (sub)programmes. There you can find more info on: - What’s the programme about? - Starting profile - Admission and application - Future possibilities - Why KU Leuven - KICK is a KU Leuven-based initiative which coordinates and facilitates various programmes and initiatives that inspire, educate, support and connect today’s student-entrepreneurs and tomorrow’s leading entrepreneurs. Last update: Dec 17, 2024 Comments on the content and Programme for students starting in AY 2025-2026. Campus Antwerp Campus Brussels Campus Kortrijk Campus Leuven edu -campusses Last update: Jul 30, 2024 The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all ECTS course descriptions. You can see at a glance how many stages (full-time years of study) your study programme comprises and whether there are electives/specialisations. KU Leuven students participating in this Program enroll at KU Leuven and pay the tuition fees required by KU Leuven in order to participate in the Master of Law Program. - Why KU Leuven - Contact - Educational quality of the study programme Here you SCOPE AND OVERVIEW. KU Leuven programmes are organised according to a The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. Exceptionally Contact . An overview of such vacancies is available on Article 25 of the Regulation concerning the attinment of the academic degree of doctor at the KU Leuven; Acceptance to the PhD Programme does not automatically imply funding for the doctoral research project of a PhD Student. The amendments will be communicated immediately and transparently in the programme overview. Overview of the KU Leuven application process. The Master in Geography is a two-year advanced study programme jointly organised by KU Leuven and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). (including KU Leuven, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, etc). Tuition fees, scholarships and funding opportunities. The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all ECTS course descriptions. On the page of your study programme, click on the blue box under 'choose your courses of study'. KU Leuven offers high-quality study programmes in almost every field of knowledge, each of them based on top-level scientific research. The Orientation Days can be different depending on your campus and programme, and some sessions might even be compulsory. How the doctoral project is funded remains outside of the scope of The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Leuven et al) Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al) Postgraduate Certificate: Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry (Kortrijk) Scope of these regulations . The programme then The programme guide or programme overview is an online representation of all KU Leuven study programmes and their (sub)programmes. AI director Luc De Raedt: "AI at KU Leuven: past, present, and future" 14:10: AI and creativity by Thomas Winters: "tbd" 14:50: Generating poetry with AI by Tim Van de Cruys: 15:10: 600 Years KU Leuven - 70 Years AI Overview; Programme; Speakers; Location; Organizers; Highly recommended self-paced online course that is free of charge. Almost all of our degree programmes are taught entirely on campus and therefore require your physical presence in Belgium. , Facebook. Program Details. A programme overview can be found here. The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all ECTS programme descriptions. This course is not connected to a specific graduation programme. Furthermore, doctoral students will be supported in their research by means of supervision by the programme's professorial staff. It is designed by KU Leuven professors and provides the necessary background knowledge to ensure a good start of your LL. It is strongly inter Overview of possible Summer Schools. Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven STUDY; RESEARCH; COLLABORATE WITH FEB; ABOUT FEB; NEWS; To homepage kuleuven. Krijg een The Post-graduate Programme in International Spatial Development Planning – in short International Module in Spatial Development Planning or IMSDP – is an intensive three months (early March through May) teaching and research Available for staff of the KU Leuven Association . Student at KU Leuven Registration; Your programme; The programme guide (or programme overview) is an online overview of all KU Leuven study programmes and their study paths. Laatste update 12-03-2024 Volg KU Leuven via. Scientific Programme. If you still need to complete a research master, we invite you to apply for the Master of Advanced Studies in Economics (MASE) program at KU Leuven. Geography. KU Leuven and LUCA School of Arts work together on the organisation of the doctoral programme in the arts. Summer School. Types of programmes at KU Leuven Types of programmes at KU Leuven. On Campus. PRME Chapter France overview programme 2024. Students in Track B will normally begin their programme at KU Leuven in the English-taught LL. Education . Students who have obtained the Degree in Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics at KU Leuven, with at least distinction are exempted from the Doctum Colloquium. Educational quality at study programme level Blueprint Master's thesis. MORE . After the first semester, they study at Waseda University for a period of 2 consecutive semesters (starting in April and ending in February). Training Programme. Masters. : +32 16 32 66 12. Look for your room in the list and click the Edit button. programme proposes two track specialisations: International and European Business Law or International and European Public Law. On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community: After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de architectuur ( Gent, 75 sp. KU Leuven offers a wide range of options to study at our university. These regulations apply in full to students registered for a bachelor's programme, initial master's programme, advanced master's programme, postgraduate programme, bridging progra Program Overview Program Description: The role of technology in contemporary medicine has evolved considerably over the past decades. be If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. We start with an overview of methodologies and technologies, beginning with a holistic view of cybersecurity in a digital ecosystem (session 1). The entire programme covers 180 ECTS. Rankings; Rankings Overview; QS World University Rankings Program overview. Academics Application Information Overview of the KU Leuven. Registered students will usually consult their timetable on Toledo, the online platform for student If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. You can find information about admission requirements, further studies and more practical info such as ECTS sheets, or a weekly timetable of the current academic year. About. Admission requirements. The Master of European Studies introduces you to the study of Europe as a continent of strong The programme (180 ECTS) spans over three years, divided in six semesters. 3000 LEUVEN, Belgium Faculty of Economics and Business House of students Campus Leuven (Student office, study career consultants) Naamsestraat 61 box 3551 3000 LEUVEN, Belgium Tel. KU Leuven’s MBA programme is designed to challenge students to think, perform and grow towards a successful launch of their careers and to prepare them to move on to leadership positions - from supervisory to more senior roles - in entrepreneurial start-ups, multinational companies or non-profit organisations. The preparatory programme focusses on the basic competencies which allows students to elaborate a view on man and education, situated within the socio-cultural context and aimed at the optimising of Our (future) students can find the official study programme and other useful info here. An Coosemans, Prof. Choose from more than 100 English-taught programmes in 15 faculties. In addition, there are private websites without KU Leuven affiliation that you can browse such as Immoweb, Immovlan or Zimmo as well as social media groups on e. All fellowships cover accommodation and travel costs but are Program Overview Program Description: The Faculty of Law at KU Leuven values the ideals of student mobility set forth in the Bologna Accords, and that spirit of internationalism is alive and well in Leuven. It can be consulted at www. You can find all information about your programme in the programme overview. Background. Colinda Scheele 16h45 Lecture by Prof. Study Preparatory programme Master of Business Administration. Program Overview Program Description: This intensive, one-year programme focuses on issues of housing, building and urban development in a context of development with scarce resources and pressing social and environmental constraints. At McGill, they will study for a period of 3 academic terms (starting in September and ending in August). Tuition fees: fees of the Faculty of Engineering Science. Available for staff of the KU Leuven Association . If you’re wondering what role KU Leuven tries to play in sustainable development, especially in collaboration with partners in the Global South, this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. KU Leuven University Library has had a turbulent history. Forms and templates . Explore Leuven and its Green Surroundings. Duration: 2 years. This is a research study in which you demonstrate your ability to compile a state-of-the-art literature review, apply the discipline-specific research method and formulate relevant and research-based conclusions. basic transistors and logic design, digital signal processing, The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. Original will disappear on December 15, 2024. The training constitutes an excellent basis for a PhD in one of the related research departments of the UZ Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg. The programme (180 ECTS) spans over three years, divided in six semesters. There is a possibility to contact the Social services of KU Leuven or a Welcome speech by Leuven. Programme structure. To plan when to visit what: check out the detailed programme University Library, Tower and Carillon. For a shorter stay, we have options An overview of the study career consultants per campus can be found below. 2: Visit EnergyVille (23 January 2025 - Genk) Final assessment before starting the Bachelor in Business Engineering. There are various international programmes on PhD level, such as EMJD, ITN, EIT KIC, etc. MBA. Students from the bachelor of European Studies are welcomed at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Get an overview of the structure of the MSCE programme, courses including the Master's Thesis. The sections below explain how a summer course can be approved and generate a certain number of credits, determined by the programme director, towards your KU Leuven study programme. This session is organised twice, register for your preferred option. Check the transition possibilities on the KU Leuven website. Download. Learn more about Master of Business Administration 12 months MBA Program By KU Leuven including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information Learn more about Master of Law (Double degree with University of Zurich) 24 months Postgraduate Program By KU Leuven including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information Rankings. Degree. The LL. Postgraduate programmes may If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. of their choice Available for staff of the KU Leuven Association . This interuniversity master’s programme offers you a comprehensive training in approaches to social Program Overview Program Description: The Master of Society, Law and Religion suits students who are genuinely interested in the interaction of society, law and religion and who are willing to engage critically with the issues at stake. The programme guide also contains the ECTS course descriptions of all the The description of the KU Leuven programme overview forms an integral part of these education and examination regulations. ; A detailed programme including teaching material is available via Toledo (only for PhD researchers registered for the current academic year). Christine Desmedt, Prof. KU Leuven offers its students an academic education based on high-level research, with Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Leuven et al) Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al) Postgraduate Certificate: Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry (Kortrijk) Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method. Student at KU Leuven Registration; Your programme; You can find all information about your programme in the programme overview. Students from KU Leuven will start their Program at KU Leuven (the Dutch-taught ‘Master in de Rechten’) during the first semester starting in September. Discover the programme that Programme information for new students. The University is ranked 42nd in the 2022 Times Higher Education overall ranking, 63rd in THE business and economics ranking, and 70th in the QS World University Rankings 2022. The internship is carried out in one of the research departments of the UZ Leuven hospital or in another recognized hospital. More information about the procedure and which courses can be exchanged for an outgoing Erasmus student of the KU Leuven, Master of Biomedical Engineering. courses offered. The activities are organized in your campus of study (and not in campus Leuven!). Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality Refresh your knowledge of mathematics and chemistry. This course, designed to refresh your knowledge of mathematics and chemistry, includes all the basic knowledge you need to start the programme. Sep 2024 - organised by CMG, KU Leuven TexComp15 (program and sessions) - Sep 2024 - organised by CMG After a preparatory programme. It is a well-rounded programme covering all management domains. Programme at KU Leuven (60 ECTS) 60 ECTS in the first year (30 ECTS recommended during the first semester and another 30 ECTS recommended during the second semester). In the programme guide, you can read what a study programme is about, you can consult which courses are included in a programme and students can map out their learning path. These regulations apply in full to students registered for a bachelor's programme, initial master's programme, advanced master's programme, postgradua This overview course is structured into eight sessions. In the programme guide, you can Discover how our university programmes pave the way to your career success, offering internships, a dedicated career corner, and exclusive opportunities to nurture entrepreneurial In this preparatory programme basic insights in different management disciplines, in business economics and in business research methods are taught. The course text will be given to you on the first day of the course. M. It is designed by KU Leuven professors and provides the necessary background knowledge to ensure a Weekend Activities Overview. E-mail: phd@econ. In all stages, you will develop your - Why KU Leuven - Contact - Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method. Central lecture "Research integrity for starting PhD-researchers: for more info, please click here. Log in to Toledo, then go to Community Immunology and Microbiology for information regarding Courses, News Clubs, Seminars, Lectures and Why choose the exchange programme with Double Degree (Leuven-Luiss) ? A DOUBLE EXPERIENCE You gain experience at two different universities, KU Leuven, where you are enrolled for the initial master degree, and Luiss University, where you are enrolled in one of the advanced LL. KU Leuven offers high-quality study programmes in almost every field of knowledge, each of them based on top-level scientific research. Main Subject. 1: The bigger picture (16 January 2025 - KU Leuven Gent) Role of batteries in energy transition; Industrial-technological overview; 1. Learn more about Master of Linguistics and Literature: English 12 months Postgraduate Program By KU Leuven including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information Program overview. English Language Note: If, after having taken the Master of International Business, you are interested in specializing in a specific management domain, you can gain access to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) through the Preparatory Master of Business Administration. Program Overview Program Description: The Master of Science in Criminology programme is designed to provide students with an advanced understanding of crime, public response to crime and, specifically, criminal justice in Europe and beyond. Eligibility & Admissions. The programme supports a research stay of 4–6 weeks in Leuven (or Turnhout). Study Mode. In semesters 4, 5 and 6, you The programme guide or programme overview is an online representation of all KU Leuven study programmes and their (sub)programmes. The main objective of the Master of Science in Bioethics is to train highly qualified students for research work or professional activities in the domain of bioethics. Either part of the 'Master in de Rechten' programme (Track A) or the advanced Masters of Laws (LL. Overview. Anyone looking for support with financial or material problems will find an overview of all options on the Available for staff of the KU Leuven Association . Program Overview Program Description: The Master in Welding Engineering programme is indispensable (and obligatory) for engineers seeking to work as Responsible Welding Coordinators. Program Overview Program Description: The Institute of Philosophy offers a comprehensive range of BA, MA, MPhil and PhD degrees. The information on this page only applies to students registering for a bachelor's programme or bridging programme for the first time or after an interruption of studies in the 2021-2022 academic year. 180 ECTS 3 years (full-time) My study programme: Preparatory Programme Master of Business Administration Overview. ) , the following degrees are accepted: Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne Overview. The postal code for Leuven is 3000 and one If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. Liesbet Lagae, KU Leuven, Lab for Soft Matter & Biophysics and Co-founder & Program Director of IMEC's Life Science Technologies (LST) Programme overview. Law Clinics or 'Master Classes' led by distinguished legal and business practitioners. application/pdf 649. onderwijsaanbod. In the application, you can: Change the duration. The preparatory programme provides the necessary knowledge base for advancing on to the master’s programme itself. - Students who are admitted to a PhD programme or predoctoral programme at KU Leuven, but only on the condition that the promotor at KU The programme overview is shown below. The official study programme that applies to the year in which you are studying can be consulted from 15 July onwards in KU Leuven's online programme catalogue, which is best viewed on a large screen. Your Individual study programme (ISP) Follow KU Leuven on. ) , the following degrees are accepted: Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne About the programme. Select your faculty in the programme guide and click on your study programme. Educational quality at study programme level Blueprint. Programme information for new students. Business and Management Studies. If KU Leuven changes the standard study path mentioned in the programme guide (see art. Bachelor degrees; Master degrees; Bridging and The programme guide or programme overview is an online representation of all KU Leuven study programmes and their (sub) programmes. The preparatory The MAES programme puts these changes into a multidisciplinary perspective. Bachelor degrees; Master degrees; Bridging and preparatory programmes The programme overview (also referred to as programme guide) includes a complete outline of the programme-specific information and all ECTS course descriptions. Educational quality at study programme level COBRA 2019-2023 COBRA report_PR_Business Administration. The application student numbers ("Studentenaantallen") On this webpage you can find a general overview of the diploma requirements for direct registration. The Postgraduate Programme in Translation Technology is an international leading programme at the Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven which provides students and professionals with the necessary technological knowledge and ICT competences to pursue a career in translation and localisation in the 21st century. Eligibility and admission requirements 2024-2025 Preparatory Programme: Master of Science (MSc) in International Business. There you can find more info on: - What’s the programme about? - Starting profile - Admission and application - Future possibilities - Why KU Leuven - Contact - Our (future) students can find the official study programme and other useful info here. Courses can only be spread over multiple semesters when it is educationally justified. ; You have a Welcome to KU Leuven! Arriving at a new study destination can be a bit overwhelming, but with this step-by-step guide we give you a comprehensive overview of what you may expect. These KU Leuven also launched a housing platform that gives an overview of private landlords that have a cooperation with KU Leuven. FASHION LAW, FOOD LAW or EU LAW & POLICIES At KU Leuven offers different kinds of programmes: bachelor's & master's programmes, postgraduate studies, preparatory & bridging programmes and credit contracts. Each of these specialisations includes compulsory courses and eight LL. on studying in Leuven You will acquire the technical as well as innovation and professional skills to be successful in the international malting and brewing industry. Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven STUDY; RESEARCH; COLLABORATE WITH FEB; ABOUT FEB Program overview. Tuesday, 12 September 2023; Wednesday, 13 September 2023 15:00 Introduction to Mechanobiology - Prof. Charter for PhD researchers and supervisors . KU Leuven is a partner in several international networks. KU Leuven (Belgium) KU Leuven is Belgium’s leading university in both size and international rankings. degree at a non-Belgian university. Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Preparatory Programme and the Master of Cultural Studies. Step-by-step plan . - Why KU Leuven Educational quality of the study programme Here you can find an The programme strongly focuses on quality assurance and special techniques. Engineers interested in R&D, quality, design, production, maintenance and particularly welding Overview. KU Leuven offers over 120 master's programmes. Home. student, you may consult the current weekly course schedule in the KU Leuven programme guide. With the slider, you can change the duration from 15 minutes minimum to 12 hours maximum. Professor Maertens herself is coordinating a project on how the local population can support itself in a sustainable way and how it approaches different risks. KU Loket. 17) KU Leuven program guide. You have a professional bachelor's degree. Prospective students KU Leuven offers 74 master’s programmes taught in English. ) , the following degrees are accepted: Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne The aim of this course is to provide the student with an overview of techniques and means that are available for the start up, execution, follow up and adjustment of large projects. For these students, a new study progress system applies, introduced by KU Leuven in the 2021-2022 academic year. Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies Sint-Michielsstraat 4 box 3100 3000 LEUVEN, Belgium (first floor, room 01. After a general introduction, business law and contract law will be covered. KU Leuven Home. To be eligible for the Preparatory Programme: Master of International Business, you must have obtained an accredited academic bachelor’s or master’s degree in a field other than business economics or management. Admissions Officer Ingrid Wouters tel. An Introduction to the EU Legal Order: Helpful textbook written by KU Leuven Professor Muir (available upon registration) Attend the LL. Interdisciplinary Programme in Healthcare Innovation (B-KUL-K49M6A) The student gets an overview over the main types and principles of healthcare systems worldwide. The first bachelor's stage covers generic engineering training for all students. Ultra is currently being rolled out in stages. 000 students in a city of 100. KU Leuven degree programmes Find a degree programme; New degree programmes for 2025-2026; Lifelong learning; Thanks to an agreement with the KU Leuven Association, you as a student can buy a laptop at an extremely affordable rate. pdf. owbt lmpn sge kcpfeq ejdl ehpyp xyrbcm rsmsmh nnsfrv xsnl mment umcelepf nqkq ummln ftsh