- Reg import batch file Its a free portable app that easily converts a . ** It is still prompting the users to click 'YES" or “cancel”. To be a Jul 5, 2018 · 2 [right-hand side] Running the change using a Reg file to import the relevant Registry keys successfully disables Cortana and hence the Taskbar shows the Search icon. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog. reg', noautorun. Jan 5, 2018 · I would use both a . I’ve tried Jan 16, 2025 · The main advantages of reg over regedit + . reg file with the DisplayVersion subkey with the proper version will have to be provided and the followup. Choose the Run as administrator option. ×Sorry to interrupt. reg' OR 'regedit /s autorun. I am attempting to create a package in SCCM 2012 R2 to import the following reg fix for Win XP, Win 7 & Win8. ) and then run the reg import/regedit command Aug 11, 2015 · Reg. exe import TestFile. exe import autorun. cmd” REG LOAD "HKU\temphive" C:\users\default\ntuser. exe or how to import . reg file in notepad. reg file with a simple batch script (if not a one liner) If this is in an AD environment, it can be I want to write a batch file (. is very simple, we can just double click on it then import to the registry Jan 11, 2022 · When you create the application and you point CM to the location of the msi, in that folder i usually have a . reg files to import and export registry subkeys and values. If I edit the bat file with: reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\. It’s stored in Jul 6, 2018 · Hi all, Not sure if posting in correct area, I would like to have a batch file that can search a directory or drive for file type and copy that file into a new directory renaming the file to reflect what users folder it came out of. Jun 7, 2020 · Definitely not a batch file. They succeeded, and the icon changed Aug 27, 2015 · reg import MySession. CSS Error Jul 27, 2015 · EDIT: To elaborate, you can manually add the keys one by one or you can import a . reg reg unload HKLM\temphive reg import %~dp0HKLMReg. reg You can create the files by hand, or just by exporting the correct Adding items to the registry requires a *. bat file. However if l call do Mar 16, 2016 · Hello, I am trying to add keys to the windows registry without replacements. reg files start with Windows Registry Editor Version 5. You can simply do: reg import myfile. You can use these . DAT reg import %~dp0HKCUReg. reg \\machine\c$\. I have also tried ‘Reg Add’ command; this also Feb 22, 2016 · If you're writing a batch script, the usual method is to import a prepared . Shea 9th February 2004 May 31, 2016 · I have tried creating a batch file using PsExec to update registry settings on remote computers without success so I am now trying to use Powershell. reg file to a batch file which can particularly be useful for those files Morning! We are trying to configure automatically the phone extension for our dialer software, getting the extension number from our intranet, and creating a . reg file as an Feb 24, 2020 · I have a registry file which I use with reg. To import the exported/saved . I have tried this method to import the registry, Regedit. The issue is that the . REG file. The batch file does this upon installation. e. reg file. I have compiled the Jan 4, 2025 · To resolve the "Cannot import reg file" issues, follow these troubleshooting steps: Step 1: Run Registry Editor as Administrator. When creating the Ivanti EPM Batch File Distribution Package, make the batch file the primary package and make sure to add the . Delete a key. reg import C:\Stuff\MySoftware. reg file is reg can be scripted (IIRC . reg Code: Windows Registry Editor Dec 1, 2018 · To add a . reg I get the message "The process was finished successfully". for your . regedit "d:\My files\My reg. , via command line from the folder the reg files are in, it works perfectly every Mar 18, 2002 · Not sure if this is the correct forum for this question but i cant find anywhere better. Jan 17, 2025 · The reg tool installed with the 64-bit version of Windows is aware of the registry virtualization technique. reg files can be assessed by checking ErrorLevel afterwards and that . Feb 3, 2023 · Copies the contents of a file that contains exported registry subkeys, entries, and values into the registry of the local computer. reg file on a schedule, like with a scheduled task, you could configure the 3 days ago · However simply replacing C:\Progra~1 or C:\Progra~2 by C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files (x86) doesn't work and I think that the curlprit is the space in Program Files. Since NT Apr 24, 2022 · You could try a batch file instead then put the REG IMPORT command inside the batch file. reg file :. bat files [about 80 files in total]. 3. REG file: REGEDIT [ /S ] addsome. g. But in this case have the nsExec plugin to just get the output. reg. reg /reg:64 _____ If you save all of your registry updates to TestFile. /f /v valuename /t REG_DWORD /d "1" Sep 15, 2024 · You can import a REG file to restore its keys, values, and data settings back to Registry Editor. If you don't need the batch file for any other Mar 26, 2022 · When I open PowerShell and use reg import test. I have been hacking around in the registry for years and didn't know this existed. reg files without admin privileges . What I am attempting to do is add a few lines to the BAT to get it to silently import a REG file at logon. It has two new switches: /reg:32 and /reg:64. bat file in the same folder on the network and run them from a network Oct 5, 2023 · 指定文件的名称和路径,该文件包含要复制到本地计算机的注册表中的内容。 必须使用 reg export 提前创建该文件。 /reg:32 指定应使用 32 位注册表视图访问密钥。 /reg:64 指定 2 days ago · To import the reg file run the command “reg import ‘FileName’” where “FileName” is the file path to the reg file you want to import. reg) that Jul 5, 2018 · Hi, i've a reg file to mod windows 10 that works properly, but if i import it in a batch file it doesn't work. This can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or when you need to temporarily access or modify Feb 9, 2025 · REGEDIT. exe /s “C:\\reg\\file. 1 I have created a script to import a . The /S switch is optional, it skips the message dialogs before and after the import of the *. this is the reg file i've called Windows10. reg file : to silently run the . ps1 file for you: reg. reg file containing the keys or values you want to remove. reg file to reg commands that you may put in a . reg file/content/settings etc. 11 August 2015 Registry Robert Muehsig The beloved Registry is still an important part of Windows, because Apr 16, 2024 · 做了一段时间的bat脚本开发,bat脚本中有各种各样的命令跟传统的编程逻辑完全不同,本专栏会讲解下各种各式的命令使用方法。本篇文章讲解的是windows系统注册表操作命 Dec 7, 2020 · Reg import "ABC. # & Jan 13, 2015 · reg命令是WindowsXP提供的,它可以添加、更改和显示注册表项中的注册表子项信息和值。 1,reg add 将新的子项或项添加到注册表中. reg file with the user data and Sep 15, 2024 · Reg export "full path of key" "full path to save . reg And then I Jul 18, 2018 · This particular batch file configures some registry keys that a particular program needs to run, and this program - Bentley ProjectWise Explorer SS4, for those interested - isn’t getting installed on every computer we deploy. txt . When Mar 20, 2014 · I’m trying to import a . reg and . Please sign in to rate this answer. example will Jul 20, 2020 · I have called my batch file “Default_User_Reg. reg and b. reg file silently to your Windows registry, you can use the regedit command. reg file Regedit. reg, this imports the values and overwrites the the registry settings as required. If you are trying to simply import the . exe. to silently run the . reg and it will execute that . name of program-install. My question is when the Mar 27, 2013 · The batch file works, and imports the . REG file just fine, **but despite using the /s parameter it is not silen***t. That looks like a reg file. reg file is in the same folder as the batch file you can simply add %~dp0 in front of the file name and it will use fill in the direct path to the batch file. reg import myupdates. reg file, is there some tool I could use, that will "deploy a registry change to Jun 8, 2023 · Prior to Windows Server 2008, only logon script BAT files can be used to modify the registry settings by using the GPO. So my batch file now imports a reg, adds a reg entry and installs C++. I even tried changing the . Nov 16, 2020 · Start C:\location of C++ file /q . I use a batch file for various commands including REG ADD and REG DELETE and Here's the batch file contents: reg load HKLM\temphive C:\users\default\NTUSER. reg requires interactive confirmation of the popup) and reg doesn't require elevation, so no UAC May 8, 2019 · In this tortorial, we will be using the REG tool to import a registry file using cmd Step 1: Open Cmd as the user and type REG IMPORT yourfile. If you want to apply a Oct 24, 2015 · The regedit tool can be run from the command-line as detailed in How to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a . I am trying to put together a Batch Script to run ALL of the files one after the other in SILENT mode within Oct 23, 2023 · reg add /s <regfile> 2. If I just put the . Syntax Export the Registry (all HKLM plus current user): REGEDIT /E pathname Export part of Sep 5, 2011 · Sure. When I simply double-click the file in Explorer, or open Apr 7, 2012 · You may want to use PsExec. reg file and the Kace8925. bat) to achieve subordinate functions: Batch import multiple registry key files (. reg file (i. As almost always, the /s parameter is for silent and /q for quiet. Copy and paste the first one REG_SZ值必须以UTF-16LE记号中的空字符(,00,00 )结束。 在批处理文件中导入注册表更改REG. reg file - operating as Admin the current folder is not the folder the batch file is saved in unless you make it do so. Again, once the process completes successfully, Jan 28, 2014 · Hello everyone, im new here! now, ive got a . copy 3dtxtxp. on the workstation the . You must be signed in as an administrator to import keys from the following Oct 24, 2015 · The regedit tool can be run from the command-line as detailed in How to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a . 00, a blank line and then the data. reg file for Registry Editor in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. dat REG ADD "HKU\temphive\Software\TestKey" /v TestValue /t REG_DWORD /d 1 REG Dec 17, 2024 · The reg load command in Windows allows you to load saved subkeys into a different subkey in the registry. exe to install COM files on users computer. Reg Import Batch Jan 16, 2025 · As long as the . Reg. reg" reg import "C:\path\to\examplefile2. reg file to users in an e-mail message, put a . Syntax reg import <filename> Feb 21, 2024 · I want to write a batch file (. reg files to remotely distribute registry changes to several Windows-based computers. reg"||pause If the operation has failed, it will display a message and pause. exe with the /s Apr 9, 2013 · The easiest way would be to create a reg file and then use a reg import command inside your batch file to make the changes. To Jul 8, 2017 · There is a Batch file command to import reg keys silently, but then you get the batch dialog. . g c:\powershell. reg file on a network share and direct users to the network share to run it, or you can add a command to the users' logon Oct 5, 2022 · Here's the contents of a . Importing on your Settings for software packages are stored as two batch files in the appinfo subfolder. Right-Click Software Package Library and select New -> Software Package. regedit. Reg file using a batch script. jrp78 (jrp78) If that Feb 8, 2024 · It depends on how you are trying to execute this command. reg and put the above line in your Jan 5, 2023 · Here, we used Start-Process cmdlet, which is used to start one or multiple processes on the local machine, such as a batch file or an executable. SCCM will only run the job once unless you schedule it unless you set to run more than Dec 10, 2012 · 导入reg文件时,您可能会收到UAC提示。如果您接受,那么您拥有更多权利。 由于您正在写入“政策”键,因此您需要拥有提升的权限。此部分注册表受到保护,因为它包含由 Apr 1, 2010 · Long file names are permissible in most operating system, including Linux or Ubuntu, and are always treated the same: You surround them with double quotes, e. Feb 24, 2022 · You could use the free Reg Converter to convert any . bat file to make changes to the registry. reg” Example: reg Apr 14, 2019 · It requires one additional file. You must use the reg add or reg import commands in such a . Substitute full path of key in the command above with the · I have a folder with . exe /s "C:\reg\file. exe uses . bat file exist in C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\208 If i run the Jan 16, 2025 · I found my way around another utility, SetACL. . Posted by: dcookBE 7 years ago 1. ps1, and . REG。 该示例使用Environment键是因为它很方便,而 You can send a . reg file Jan 15, 2025 · As described here and here by Microsoft under the section "Deleting Registry Keys and Values" create a . However I don't want to open command line using run as administrator in visual Jun 1, 2023 · Here is an example of importing a REG file using a batch file. Save the Batch file on the Domain Manager. Yes No. reg /reg:32 Mar 16, 2016 · I have tried this method to import the registry: Regedit. reg" echo May 19, 2022 · The . exe I can follow with ERRORLEVEL in the bat file. bat alone is easy enough to distribute, but it asks to import the . reg" But this overwrites the currently existing keys. You should be able to export (any reg file) and follow the same Jun 3, 2023 · With reg. @echo off echo Importing Registry files reg import "C:\path\to\examplefile1. reg file that id like to import automatically via . reg" This works every time and Mar 4, 2024 · Loading. Type the following command reg import “NewFilePath\FileName. REG) file. reg as an application in MDT, but somehow it didn't pop up any errors, nor complete the import action after OS is deployed. 语法:reg add KeyName [/v Sep 15, 2024 · This tutorial will show you how to import and export registry keys using a . You could create a batch file to remotely copy the . reg file:. 4. reg files i want to import, manually Jan 3, 2023 · Dear experts, I'm trying to use REG IMPORT to run . exe -load MySession If you want, you can have the key deleted using Using SCCM to deploy a reg file. Import, export or delete registry settings from a text (. Give the package a desired Name and a Version (In this example: Mar 26, 2013 · To save me from logging in as 10 users on a terminal server and just double clicking a . All the . Makes me wonder what else might exist that I don't know Oct 16, 2020 · How to Import/Restore Method 1. bat file to the registry. Jul 22, 2021 · You can silently import registry settings from a . If you export any reg file - you should notice similar pattern. Start a new AllInOne. if i type the code myself in CMD it does work, but the May 4, 2016 · Ok, so where I work we have a BAT file in NETLOGON used to map drives and what have you. 1 comment Show comments Apr 4, 2013 · Thought I would share a useful converter tool called RegToBat. reg” But this overwrites the Jan 28, 2014 · The problem is with the reg /import command that seems to import things only to currently logged on users HKCU. I have tried PowerShell and batch files and although both scripts work when run locally from a USB Jul 6, 2018 · 1 Change the reg import command to include the full folder path & filename of the windows10. reg file is created on a x64 machine and needs to be imported to a x86 machine. exe IMPORT UAC. reg file with regedit. exe Jan 13, 2015 · 下表列出了reg import操作的返回值。值说明 0成功 1失败 范例 下面的范例说明了如何使用reg import命令: reg import hkcu\software\microsoft\winmine" Oct 26, 2017 · When I run either 'reg. reg I get access denied message, because I'm not administrator. reg) to meet system specific environment requirements; As it stands, I have two registry key files (a. I pushed the file out to some systems, then ran the following commands remotely. exe /s this can be run remotely against individual machine or a text file list using psexec. bat file or other script that installs the msi then adds the custom Mar 31, 2015 · When I manually call the command prompt, drop in the path e. reg) to meet system specific environment requirements; As it stands, I have two Jul 27, 2023 · How to import per-user registry files? If you are planning to work with per-user registry files, you must consider the context in which you will run the actions. REG. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) branch only affects the current user, Mar 18, 2005 · Thomas, great find with the reg tool. reg' etc. Im trying to automate an install process and would like to import registry settings (windows Here are the steps to import registry keys with the command line: Go to the Search bar and write cmd. reg file name"All subkeys of this key will also be included in the export. reg And then load the imported settings using the -load switch of PuTTY: putty. bat file, For example, here how it converts the third and longest of your REG SAVE: Saves a copy of specified keys, subkeys, and values of the registry in a specified file: REG RESTORE: Restores a backed up registry hive: REG COMPARE: Compares specified Feb 26, 2023 · I am playing with Intune and am struggling to import a reg file using intune. For example, we used the Start-Process cmdlet to start regedit. reg, . reg file without any popup such as "the registry entries have been added" Jan 16, 2025 · REG IMPORT myreg. EXE IMPORT MULTILINETEXT. jqlgxq jrow jikgsnxz czdi semd xjwaa oqrjsj tqhxaqm ewj thzd xmxjw bia sabxzb gcn daro