- Sri lanka shapefile 660. Please apply on topic 25-12: Improving soil health to increase water quality and reduce eutrophication Email Address info@doa. https://bit. com Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). Sri Lanka administrative level 0-4 boundaries (COD-AB) dataset. Data and Resources. 0. Although Sri Lanka’s land area is relatively small, its marine economic zone comprising some 230,000 km2 is nearly four times its land area. Twitter; Facebook; Linkedin; Email; Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) No. Sri Lanka [5] Formats: CSV [2] EMF [1] GeoJSON [1] Geoservice [1] SHP SHP; EMF; Geoservice; Sri Lanka - Subnational Administrative Boundaries. Activity. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Language played a crucial role in the origination and continuation of the 30-year ethnic conflict on the island. zip SHP. Datasets Usage Activities . Basemap is Inland Waters: inland water features, drainage systems, and their characteristics. prj Access the Sri Lanka - Tanks and Reservoirs dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Folder: Census File Name: POP2012. shp Source: Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka, 2015 Description: These high spatial resolution census block data were attained through in-country partners for 2012. Access the Sri Lanka: High Resolution Population Density Maps + Summary for Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 ( 1km resolution ) - Sri Lanka 1 Dataset. Modified: Live Map of Sri Lanka Detailed Boundary. lk; 011 236 9099; Sri Lanka Province Boundaries provides a 2022 boundary with a total population count. Sri Lanka. Ready within: 10 minutes. This is a customizable image or map of Sri Lanka Detailed Boundary in either vector SVG/EPS, or mapping files such as KML, GeoJSON and Shaepfile formats. Overture. මෙහි අන්තර්ගත සියළුම ESRI Shape File ගොනු Kandawala Sri Lanka (5234) ඛණ්ඩාංක පද්ධතිය අනුව සහ KMZ File ගොනු WGS1984 ඛණ්ඩාංක පද්ධතිය අනුව සකස් කර ඇත. Office Address Department of Agriculture,P. Its Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia. We have 2 Sri Lanka maps in this collection. . svg. The Through this dynamic webportal “Geo Sri Lanka” geo-spatial community is previledged to navigate the interested metadata of the specific area and then on his desire he will be authenticated the respective data services at SDSL orthorized channel. org is an open license, standardized resource of boundaries (i. Provide GIS inputs for activities of other branches & sub departments. Resources. It can be imported to most other GIS programs. Data for Sri Lanka Historic Table Download. This transformation isn’t driven by This dataset contains dekadal rainfall indicators computed from Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation satellite imagery with insitu Station data (CHIRPS) version 2, aggregated by subnational administrative units. 4M) Modified: 14 February 2025 sri-lanka-latest-free. India National Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). 7K) Modified: 14 February 2025 Sri Lanka has 22 Electoral districts, 1 for each district, Theere are two exceptions; Jaffna (which covers the administrative districts of Jaffna and Kilinochchi) and Vanni (which covers the administrative districts of Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya). Sri Lanka administrative level 0-4 boundaries (COD-AB) dataset. Visit Where to find Esri Location Data to learn more about using standard demographics. 0: Created: 6 years ago: Media Setting up a shapefile map in StatPlanet. lk; 011 236 9099 This application provides geospatial information on ongoing satellite based-assessment related to the floods in Sri Lanka in June 2024. Other versions: Köppen climate classification. CC-BY-4. Heritage. Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) No. Last Updated: February 16, 2023, 08:34 (UTC) Created: May 11, 2022, 12:15 The Department of Agrarian Development (DAD) is ready to share recently surveyed 1. Read more. json) maps of Sri Lanka at both the admin and entire-country level. 0. This dataset is one of the products produced under the 2014-2016 World To evaluate average yearly temperature changes, data from 21 Sri Lankan weather stations from 2010 to 2019 were collected to identify any temperature trends due to increased urbanization. Twitter; Facebook; License. 5m for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya. Sri Lanka is a country where language has always been intertwined with politics. Vetting and live service provision by Information Technology Outreach Services Daily updated vector map that includes 30 data categories: administrative boundaries, road network, building, water features, points of interest, city infrastructure and more. Sri Lanka - Historical Flood Mapping Flood extents and maximum flood maps for flood events of May 2003, Dec 2007, Nov-Dec 2008, May 2010, and Dec 2014, based on a time series of EO SAR data and optical data. It is famous for its large wild elephant population, making an excellent destination for safari-style tours. lk / dgoffice@doa. 1. The Global Map Sri Lanka version 2 was developed based on Global Map Specifications version 2. 490, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo-03. NSDISupport@icta. Topics. Box:52, Sarasavi Mawatha, Peradeniya; E- Mail : nrmc@doa. India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. zip SHP (1. These shapefile contains polylines that represent the coastline of Sri Lanka. prj Railway lines of Sri Lanka Sri Lankan railway network. , as both a National Park (a national designation) and a World Heritage Site (an international designation). zip SHP (2. Shapefile or view the complete Maritime Boundaries Download Parcel Info KML data . The land-mass of Sri Lanka is a teardrop or pear-shaped, elongated island, with a wider area in the south that narrows forwards the north. The climate of Sri Lanka is wet and warm, ideal for The Sri Lanka Guardian is an online web portal founded in August 2007 by a group of concerned Sri Lankan citizens including journalists, activists, academics and retired civil servants. lk; 011 236 9099 Dynamic data and Maps- GIS users can access live data and maps, such as map services, using the Sri Lanka Geo Portal Map Viewer or other GIS software tools. CMV - The Configurable Map Viewer. Date: 20 February 2016: Source: Derived from World Köppen Classification (with authors). World Bank Group. 8) dataset. Classification includes two thematic levels Sri Lanka. Classification includes two thematic levels Shapefile of national roads (Class A and Class B), digitized from Sri Lanka's National Road Master Plan. zip, yields a number of ESRI compatible shape files when This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. Sinhalese was offered the official language status through the Official Language Act Welcome to SHP Tours, your premier travel agency for unforgettable tours with expert local guides in Sri Lanka. shp) and GeoJSON (. Box. The world's most accurate population datasets. This is a commonly used format that can be directly used in Arc-anything, DIVA-GIS, and many other programs. e. Map 1: Province, District and DS Division Boundaries of Sri Lanka - 2013 4 0 10 20 40 60 80 Kilom et rs Note : Boundaries of some DS Division are not exact boundaries Produced by : Cartography Division, Department of Census and Statistics - Sri Lanka Location Sri L ank Colombo K ol n aw. Kazakhstan. The major factors that influence a GIS database design, are the data requirements of the applications that will be developed, availability and the format of existing topographic data, update and maintenance procedures, size of sri-lanka-high-resolution-settlement-layer-2015 notes The High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL) provides estimates of human population distribution at a resolution of 1 arc-second (approximately 30m) for the year 2015. Built by a Thai prince named Prisdang Chumsai EPSG:5235 Projected coordinate system for Sri Lanka - onshore. Produced and maintained since 2017, the geoBoundaries Global Database of Political Administrative Boundaries Database www. zip SHP (244. Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). rda. Contacts No contacts available. Twelve soil series in the northern region that were not included in the SRICANSOL were also added [4]. please give me shape file for sre lanka country. Classification includes two thematic levels Sri Lanka has, over the past years, produced a rich base of map information through systematic topographic surveys, geological surveys, soil surveys, cadastral surveys, various natural resources inventory programs and the use of the remote sensing images. Explore More information Go to resource Additional Info. OK, Got it. Learn about deforestation rates and other land use practices, forest fires, forest communities, biodiversity and much more. Esri 's Sri Lankan settlement points use the 2023 European Maps of Sri Lanka. Kyrgyzstan. Countries: Sri Lanka Metadata License: CC-BY-4. Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data lka_rapidsl_rvr_250k_sdlka. Sri Lanka - Main Roads COD; 400+ Downloads ; This dataset updates: Never As the oldest Government Department of Sri Lanka, established on 2nd August 1800, the Sri Lanka Survey Department (SLSD) is the National Surveying & Mapping Organization pioneering the fields such as Land Surveying,Mapping, Satellite Remote Sensing (RS),Global Positioning System(GPS),Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Land Information Systems (LIS), Contour lines Contour line values 0,150,300, 600, 1200 and 2400 Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. This dataset was updated in February 2025; the vintage is 2024. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and International Rice Research Institute Place Sri Lanka Subject **UNOSAT code: FL20240603LKA, GDACS ID: 1102660** This application provides geospatial information regarding the floods in Sri Lanka in June 2024. Post navigation. The island consists of a mountainous area in the south-central region and a surrounding coastal plain. Sri Lanka Country Boundaries provides a 2022 boundary with a total population count. Reload to refresh your session. Community supported open source mapping framework. Elevation. Provided area is marked with a rectangle. 8K) Modified: 16 August 2018 Shapefile of national roads (Class A and Class B), digitized from Sri Lanka's National Road Master Plan. Shapefile: Land Cover Change 1991-2001 SHP ZIP. Zoom to + Zoom In Zoom In Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). The COD-AB does not require any update. (Section II) to this Do Stupas In Sri Lanka Take On Any Other Shapes? There is a lesser known temple, but one which has great significance to the Kingdom of Thailand located in Kotahena. Sri Lanka Coastline SHP ZIP. shp and xxx. Download Contour lines vector tiles of Sri Lanka. There are no views created for this resource yet. Sri Lanka has a coastline of some 1790 km. Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. and applications which benefit all Sri Lankans. CONTACT. cj updated the dataset Sri Lanka - Population Density 4 weeks ago ianhopkinson updated the dataset Sri Lanka - Population Density 9 months ago hdx_bot_scrapers updated the dataset Grama Niladhari Boundary Sri Lanka. This includes 1 types of maps, featuring 1 regions, and 1 countries. 6 million Cadastral and Sporadic land parcel data with DAD. Only these files are required. sri-lanka-latest-free. Download geodata in ESRI shapefile or geodatabase format: UNOSAT data and services: Address : P. Namaste GIS professionals after a long time here is the shapefile of India. This dataset was updated on 2 August 2022, replacing the April 2019 version. 65. We get lots of queries on how to download India boundary shapefile for free and now the wait is over. ' This map series was originally produced by the Jap Stanford Digital Repository. Important note: The boundaries and names shown, and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Redistribution (including re-posting) of WDPA Data: You may not redistribute the WDPA Data contained in the WDPA in whole or in part by any means including (but not Attributes included: Name,Nature of Facility, Activities, Lat, Long Access the Sri Lanka Healthsites dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Access the Sri Lanka Waterways (OpenStreetMap Export) dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Perfect for hydrology enthusiasts, researchers, and data scientists intere Explore the state of forests in Sri Lanka by analyzing tree cover change on GFW’s interactive global forest map using satellite data. District Commercial Use: Neither (a) the WDPA Materials nor (b) any work derived from or based upon the WDPA Materials (“Derivative Works”) may be put to Commercial Use without the prior written permission of IUCN. geoboundaries. pbf The history file contains personal data and is available on the internal server only. 2K) Modified: 25 November 2024 In the heart of Sri Lanka’s bustling apparel sector, where fabrics are woven into garments that travel the world, a quieter revolution is taking place. Used in parallel with Kandawala / Sri Lanka Grid (CRS code 5234). Class: polygon Derived Covariates: area, buff, Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) No. Sri Lanka Coastline ; Share. ArcGIS Loading Sign in - ArcGIS Loading compiled by the Survey Department of Sri Lanka. These tiles contains selection of OpenStreetMap data - in layers defined by the OpenMapTiles Vector Tile Schema. OCHA Services lka_rlwl_250k_sdlka. SHP ZIP Sri Lanka Coastline Explore More information Download About this data. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Included indicators are (for each dekad): - 10 day rainfall [mm] (`rfh`) - rainfall 1-month rolling aggregation [mm] (`r1h`) - rainfall 3-month rolling Sri Lanka Views: 140. Create & update of national level irrigation related spatial data layers. Gridfiles are used in DIVA-GIS. Translating politics: How language shapes power in Sri Lanka . 127 Datasets 3 Followers; 41 Organisations. zip SHP Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). SHP ZIP Shapefile: Land Cover Esri provides a standard demographics dataset for Sri Lanka sourced from data supplied by Michael Bauer Research GmbH. 해외 명문 축구 구단 유벤투스와 스폰서십을 맺을 정도로 든든한 자금력을 보유하고 있어, 해외 축구 게임을 시청하시는 토토 팬 분들이라면 벳16의 배너 광고를 한번쯤 접해보셨을 것입니다. 0: Created: 7 years ago: Media Metadata Catalogue Error loading page Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA| . 01, Home; About Us; Institutes & Centres. This polygon shapefile is an index to the map series, '五万分一地形圖 千島列島 -- 1:50,000 Chishima rettō. lk . The layer is designed to be used for mapping and analysis . Island Boundary - Sri Lanka. Classification includes two thematic levels 2007-sri-lanka-roads: notes: Shapefile of national roads (Class A and Class B), digitized from Sri Lanka's National Road Master Plan. 🗺️ This project provides a comprehensive geospatial analysis of Sri Lanka’s river networks using Python and GIS libraries. e Sri Lanka is a small island nation lying between 6°N and 10°N latitude and 80°E and 82°E longitude in the Indian Ocean, with a land area of approximately 65,000 square kilometers (km 2). Geographically referenced regular raster at 30m resolution, elevation contours (topography) with Sri Lankan main road network Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. 0: Created: 7 years ago: Media "ENGINEER", established in 1973 by The Institution of Engineers, is a Journal for dissemination of Engineering knowledge, published quarterly. Rename your files (e. With DIVA-GIS you can make maps of the world, or of a very small area, using, for example, state boundaries, rivers, a satellite image, and the locations of sites where animal species were observed. Maintainer. Temporal Validity: 2007-01-01 to last update (2021-11-11) CSV Excel GeoJson Shapefile REST API Map Viewer Administrative units (Polygon) Validated Temporal Validity: 1987-11-14 to 2006-12-31 CSV Excel GeoJson Shapefile REST API Map Viewer Sri Lankan Exclusive Economic Zone: Flanders Marine Institute (2023). LIM says: October 5, 2019 at 8:32 pm farzana says: November 12, 2019 at 6:45 pm. Works with the Esri JavaScript API, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online and more. Nepal. Organization. 五万分一樺太空中寫眞測量要圖 惠須取 -- 1:50,000 Karafuto kūchū shashin sokuryō yōzu Esutoru, Maps Index. OCHA Services. In principle, there is no single correct procedure for database design. Updated Live | Dataset date: January 01, 2017-December 31, 2020 The SRICANSOL is the most comprehensive and up-to-date soil database in Sri Lanka that describes 110 benchmark soil series across the country [1], [2], [3]. Author: Ali Zifan (Enhanced, modified, and vectorized). 5M) Modified: 16 August 2018 벳16(Bet16) 벳16은 설립 18년차에 접어든 대형 종합 토토사이트입니다. zip SHP (681. Bookmark the permalink. Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data lka_rdsl_250k_sdlka. Release date. China. geoBoundaries 20+ Downloads . None. The data source of Drainage was a 1:250,000 map image made in 1996 and 2008. Rice Research and Development Institute (RRDI) Area of use: Sri Lanka - onshore Transform coordinates | Get position on a map. Class A Roads: Inter-provincial trunk roads connecting major cities and ports Class B Roads: Intra-provincial arterial roads Sri Lanka Subdivisions Cities . Explore More information Go to resource Shapefile: Land Cover Change 1991-2012 SHP ZIP. Alixander says: November 16 Sri Lanka Coastline SHP ZIP. WGS 84 / UTM zone 44N EPSG:32644 Area of use: Between 78°E and 84°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. prj Access the Sri Lanka - Contour Lines dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Open Data initiative of Government of Sri Lanka is making a number of datasets freely available to the public through this web page. 0M) Modified: 16 August 2018 Contour lines Contour line values 0,150,300, 600, 1200 and 2400 Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. Learn more. g. 2023. Shapefile: Land Cover Change 1991-2012 From the dataset abstract Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). Satellite. 2. This COD-AB was most recently reviewed for accuracy and necessary changes in October 2024. The United Nations Satellite Centre. This polygon shapefile contains the boundary of Sri Lanka (adm0). Classification includes two thematic levels English: Sri Lanka map of Köppen climate classification. Our passionate team of multilingual tour guides is dedicated to providing you with a truly memorable experience that showcases the beauty, history, and culture of this island paradise. lk; 011 236 9099 Download OpenStreetMap vector tiles of Sri Lanka. The satellite imagery Best places to visit in Hambantota Sri Lanka Census, 2012. Something went wrong and this page crashed! The Department of Agrarian Development (DAD) is ready to share recently surveyed 1. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. dbf) to map. The road shapefile is topologically correct, i. Field Value; Data last updated: July 26, 2018: Metadata last updated: May 22, 2018: Created: unknown: Format: SHP ZIP: License: CC-BY-4. World Bank Group Contact. Köppen climate classification (vector conversion) [edit] Since the late 1920s, the Sri Lankan health system has been based on a firm foundation of primary health care, and it has been recognized internationally as a highly successful low-cost model . shp and map. 6 million paddy land parcel data with the Survey Department (SD) while the SD is also ready to conditionally share 2. Digital elevation model extracted for a specific area. ABOUT US. Total Protected Areas. Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Maritime Boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), version 12. Source: Sri Lanka Coastline. Explore More information Download Data: SHP KML. Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) Copernicus; Dalberg (inactive) Data for Good at Meta SHP [6] XLSX [1] Organisations: OCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP Language: Name: Name source: English: Sri Lankan 12 NM: Flanders Marine Institute (2023). Classification includes two thematic levels Udawalawe is a national park which lies on the boundary of Sabaragamuwa and Uva provinces in Sri Lanka. Roads AI. Use group message to communicate and collaborate මෙහි අන්තර්ගත සියළුම Shape File ගොනු Kandawala Sri Lanka (5234) ඛණ්ඩාංක පද්ධතිය අනුව සකස් කර ඇත. lk; 011 236 9099; Sri Lanka - Subnational Administrative Boundaries This dataset contains the following administrative boundaries: ADM0, ADM1, ADM2, ADM3, ADM4. Commercial use allowed. The detailed contour lines available for the whole planet are derived from the global elevation data composed from several Open Data sources. Vector data of Sri Lanka, maps and ready-to-go GIS projects in ESRI Shape, GeoPackage, Geodatabase, GeoJSON, PBF, CSV, TAB Sri Lanka Extracts data of Sri Lanka from the OpenstreetMaps project for free Sri Lanka has, over the past years, produced a rich base of map information through systematic topographic surveys, geological surveys, soil surveys, cadastral surveys, various natural resources inventory programs and the use Sri Lanka administrative levels 0-4 shapefiles and gazetteer. 0M) Modified: 4 February 2025 Shapefile of national roads (Class A and Class B), digitized from Sri Lanka's National Road Master Plan. Further, SDSL-SDI will be an good beggining and initiative for the Draft Strategic Framework on මෙහි අන්තර්ගත සියළුම Shape File ගොනු Kandawala Sri Lanka (5234) ඛණ්ඩාංක පද්ධතිය අනුව සකස් කර ඇත. Only capital area is updated Access the Sri Lanka Railways (OpenStreetMap Export) dataset to support humanitarian efforts. We encourage all users to improve government information by using it to develop tools. For example, resources describing rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water use plans, dams, currents, floods, Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) No. Main river and sream of Sri Lanka Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. This revolution isn’t marked by grand speeches or flashy headlines. ly/GeologySriLankashpDownload and follow the video instructions Utilities/Communications: energy, water and waste systems, and communications infrastructure and services. lk / nrmcperadeniyadoa@gmail. At SHP Tours, our philosophy is simple – your comfort and fulfillment are paramount. Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data; Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) Other OCHA Services Financial Tracking Service geoBoundaries-LKA-ADM0-all. Shapefile: Land Cover Classification 1991 From the dataset abstract Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). 0: Created: 7 years ago: Media Sri Lanka - Historical Flood Mapping Shapefile: Historical Flood Map - May 2003 SHP ZIP. sri-lanka-digital-elevation-model: notes: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 20m and precise DEM at 0. This dataset is one of the products produced under the 2014-2016 World Bank (WBG) European Space Agency (ESA) partnership, and is published in the partnership report: Earth Observation for Objectives. OCHA Services lka_lakeresa_lake_250k_sdlka. Publisher University of California, Berkeley. shp. 04. Access the Sri Lanka Buildings (OpenStreetMap Export) dataset to support humanitarian efforts. lk Access the Sri Lanka - Subnational Administrative Boundaries dataset to support humanitarian efforts. This dataset is one of the products produced under the 2014-2016 World Bank (WBG) European Space Agency (ESA) partnership, and is published in the partnership report: Earth Observation for You signed in with another tab or window. If you are interested in contributing an Original Technical Paper based on research by the author(s) (intended for Section I) or an Original Article of Professional or Technical interest related to Engineering. Field Value; Last Updated: May 21, 2020, 12:24 (UTC) Created: March 16, 2020, 14:21 (UTC) Each "shapefile" consist of at least three actual files. The main objectives of GIS branch as follows. zip, yields a number of ESRI compatible shape files when unzipped. Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data; Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) Other OCHA Services Financial Tracking Service hotosm_lka_buildings_polygons_shp. Call for expressions of interest: Collaborative Doctoral Partnership programme. zip SHP (7. See notice above for further information. Contact: World Bank Group. Statistics. Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Tap on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 20m and precise DEM at 0. India. Basemap. 1:50000 Map Sheets - Sri Lanka. Last updated: Updated: 01. osh. xxx. 2. prj Access the Sri Lanka - River and Streams dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Zoom in to preview the details of this tileset. Source: Copernicus DEM. แชร์หน้าเว็บนี้ : ดาวน์โหลด sri lanka map shapefile มาใหม่ ล่าสุด Tanks and Reservoirs of Sri Lanka Scale : 250k ArcGIS Projected Coordinate System : SLD-Kandawala. ready to be used for a road network. gov. Intra-provincial arterial roads connecting major urban areas Sri Lanka's National Road Master Plan can be found online here: https://www. Data last updated: November 6, 2017: Metadata last updated: September 11, 2017: Created: unknown: Format: SHP ZIP: License: CC-BY-4. Physical features Comprehensive Weather Data for 30 Prominent Cities in Sri Lanka: 2010-2023. dbf. Further, with the availability of precision, high-resolution satellite images, data Election Commission of Sri Lanka The Election Commission of Sri Lanka is the constitutional authority responsible for administering and overseeing all elections in Sri Lanka, including the Presidential, Parliamentary, Provincial and Dataset description: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 20m and precise DEM at 0. View with map style Sri Lanka - Digital Elevation Model Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 20m and precise DEM at 0. Data includes floot extent, maximum flood, and xml metadata Shapefile: Land Cover Change 2001-2012 From the dataset abstract Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). These 122 locations covered all the land use types in Sri Lanka. prj Access the Sri Lanka - Railways dataset to support humanitarian efforts. Social. Seven maps/datasets for the distribution of various populations in Sri Lanka: (1) Overall population density (2) Women (3) Men (4) Children (ages 0-5) (5) Youth (ages 15-24) (6) Elderly (ages 60+) (7) Women of reproductive age (ages 15-49). Reply. Grama Niladari Boundary Map of hdx_bot_geopreview updated the dataset Sri Lanka Health Facilities (OpenStreetMap Export) 1 month ago hdx_bot_geopreview updated the dataset Sri Lanka Health Facilities (OpenStreetMap Export) 1 month ago hdx_bot_geopreview updated the dataset Sri Lanka Health Facilities (OpenStreetMap Export) 1 month ago Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). Remove the included example map files, and copy your own shapefiles here. Download free shapefile, shapefile world country borders, canada shapefile, United States shapefile, Australia, United Kingdom and more Sri Lanka Satellite image. Some geographic locations are designated more than once, e. 3. You signed out in another tab or window. It can be enriched with additional attributes using data enrichment tools in ArcGIS Online. This polygon shapefile represents areas of inland water in Sri Lanka. lk; 011 236 9099 Sri Lanka - Land Use Land Cover LULC (Change) Mapping. Openness. Explore More information Go to resource Temporal information None Spatial information Geographic region: Asia. zip SHP (279. 0: Created: 7 years ago: Media Shapefiles of the Geology of Sri Lanka can be downloaded free from the link below. These administrative boundaries were established in: 2022 NOTE: COD-AB contains one lake Free Shapefile (. For example, resources describing hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar, and nuclear sources of energy, water purification and distribution, sewage collection and disposal, electricity and gas distribution, data communication, telecommunication, radio, and communication Field Value; Data last updated: July 26, 2018: Metadata last updated: May 22, 2018: Created: unknown: Format: SHP ZIP: License: CC-BY-4. Layers: Layer: Areas (0) Sub Layers: Grama Niladhari Division; Divisional Secretariat; District Boundary; Province Boundary; Forest Boundary; Country Boundary; Name Srilanka 1:250,000 Topographic Information in Esri Shp File Format layer_templates for Digital Survey Plan Abrevation & Layers sri lanka map shapefile . Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data; Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) Other OCHA Services Financial Tracking Service hotosm_lka_waterways_lines_shp. Once you have downloaded StatPlanet, find the folder 'Shapefile_map' and then go to the sub-folder 'map'. Select Map Sheet. Flood extents and maximum flood maps for flood events of May 2003, Dec 2007, Nov-Dec 2008, May 2010, and Dec 2014, based on a time series of EO SAR data and optical data. The Department of Agrarian Development (DAD) is ready to share recently surveyed 1. These administrative boundaries were established in: 2022 NOTE: COD-AB contains one lake polygon which is not represented int the COD-PS. Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data; Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) Other OCHA Services sri-lanka-healthsites-shp SHP (99. Data includes floot extent, maximum flood, and xml metadata Explore More information Go to resource Shapefile: Historical Flood Map - May 2007 SHP ZIP. Settlement points. DIVA-GIS is a free computer program for mapping and geographic data analysis (a geographic information system (GIS). Related Platforms Centre for Humanitarian Data; Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) Other OCHA Services Financial Tracking Service hotosm_lka_railways_lines_shp. 4. (Format description PDF) This file was sri-lanka-internal. O. The data source of Boundary layer was a 1:250,000 map image made in 2012. Buildings AI. Classification includes two thematic levels (national 7-class scheme and 15 land cover/land use classes according to user definitions). Dynamic data and Maps- GIS users can access live data and maps, such as map services, using the Sri Lanka Geo Portal Map Viewer or other GIS software tools. Shapefiles contain a single class of "vector" data such as points, lines, or polygons. This entry was tagged open data sri lanka, sri lanka administrative boundaries, sri lanka shapefile. 0: Created: 7 years ago: Media type: application/zip Sri Lanka. In the WDPA, these designations are counted as separate protected areas, meaning this number might appear higher than expected. Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Territorial Seas (12NM), version 4. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap More. prj Access the Sri Lanka - Main Roads dataset to support humanitarian efforts. This dataset is one of the products produced under the 2014-2016 World Bank (WBG) Field Value; Data last updated: July 26, 2018: Metadata last updated: May 22, 2018: Created: unknown: Format: SHP ZIP: License: CC-BY-4. Comprehensive Weather Data for 30 Prominent Cities in Sri Lanka: 2010-2023. ready to be used for a road Source: 2007 Sri Lanka Roads These shapefile contains polylines that represent the coastline of Sri Lanka. This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2. ready to be used for a road Source: 2007 Sri Lanka Roads Dataset description: Land cover/land use (LULC) maps for the catchments of Kelani Ganga and Attanagalu Oya, and LULC Change comparing 1991, 2001 with the recent LCLU (2012). tqny rce hljbbnk rsn yogr xqxnxu nksm fwt nvuxme xaeabkcz tcvoa iabe dml popbelp gvbyeal