Warframe is vauban good. It's a really good weapon.
Warframe is vauban good Most of them, were for good. Throwing a few tesla's and a Bastille out by the pod on Xini, makes your life so much easier. When half your kit is done by something that can go with any Warframe, I'd say she's not doing a very good job at whatever she's supposed to be doing. He survives well, he's got decent damage on some of his abilities and he's got good crowd control. All i want to know is, are there plans to look into him? Why? Since Vauban came out, there was not much that he went through. He can group enemies up, lock them in place, and deal a bunch of damage all while staying stationary. Anyway it . U know, Rahetalius knows a lot more about vauban and everything that can help to max his potential. I've found that his Bastille range in particular is largely up to player preference and how they use the skill, like Frost's Snow Globe; some people want a REALLY SMALL Bastille, while others like to give themselves a bit more Vauban isn't as bad as people say. Also weapon choice im not sure of, I use a boltor prime/castanas/atterax right now as im only rank 3, but would like to know what works best w I'm just going to get right into the recommendations. A Frame like Vauban, that can pull the Mobs together or just hold them could make a great profit out of this gun, since if you charge it, it puntures through Enemys like a hot knife (or, well just a very sharp blade ^^) and you can make even more use of the Procs you can get from it. for that, Vauban Prime exists. Oh la la! It's reasonably good, I think it's a good option for those who like Acceltra (the build is similar too). Yes, Vauban is supposed to be a tactical frame, and I appreciate that you have to be a little smarter than just hitting 3 and sitting in a ready made fortress like with Frost, but Vauban did help me to clean up around 70-80% of the steel path, he is insane when dealing with defense / interception / excavation / mobile defense / arena. Vauban wouldnt be my first Prime to farm/buy. I also did something stupid and used my free plat for a reactor for rhino, and well I use Nah she just has rly specific playstyle for most players boring and there are other frames which can do the same as she but they are more fun to play. I don't look for any frames or weapons, all I ask is one good weapon and stay within shared XP range. i reccomend the augment for his 1 as it basically turns enemies into nova's 2, Yeah vauban is good, he isn't one of my favorite frames, but he gets the job done. Also his ult is freakin' ossum since its Vauban can be fairly effective in multiple roles but without in-built damage reduction he can be kind of flimsy. Vauban has 3 really cool, fun and good abilities that each have their use, and bounce isn't one of them. Every bow I have is used to basically kill heavy enemies and practice quickshots on the head (and play stealth in spy missions for example, it's fun), their main weapon is the melee, Ash uses the Stalker set, Dread and Hate, Valkyr uses Cernos prime and Venka Warframe is good fun. I tried Is Vauban good? Question/Request I understand that any warframe can be good with a decent build. Inate electric can be modded into corrosive against greener and good against corpus normally. Vauban Vauban Prime Is Vauban good? Question/Request I understand that any warframe can be good with a decent build. zephyr prime is my main and i normally use her to chew through steel path. Introduction: The Vauban rework came with a lot of promises - and while his playing style indeed is unique right now it feels like form over function is the guiding principle of his rework - and it's taking a large toll on him. I tried As a new player, spend your first 150 creds on a reactor and an aura for your favorite warframe. While he's not as good as a Blind Mirage or Chaos Nyx for other factions Vauban can do it quite wonderfully by placing Vortex on choke points and Bastille on large areas. Vauban inflicts 25% extra damage with his weapons and abilities against enemies that are incapacitated by an attached Tesla Nervos, entangled by Minelayer's Tether Coil, lifted by Bastille's prison, or pulled by Bastille's vortex gravity. And that's not even mentioning that even Revenant is a good tank that can do high-level content easily as long as the player doesn't have an extra chromosome, and that brainless DPS like mesa and saryn exist, which aren't nukes but just S#&$ out tons of damage ticks. Anyone else creeped out? Mesa - Please do not be similar personality. I recently just for fun went back and forth with Chat GPT over Vauban. 6 Power Regenerate Rate Max Tesla Max Bastille Max Vortex 30M Enemy Radar +40% Knockdown Recovery +150% Power Max +75% Power Efficiency (Capped) +107% Power Duration -66% Power Range How's that? That go So when I finally finished Zenurik off I decided to never run Draco again. Saryn can be absolutely amazing and carry you through allot of content, some people have mentioned building out spores and toxic lash, both of which work great in higher level content because spores give you armor strip and toxic lash gives you damage that bypasses shields. Relax, it wasn't a waste of time to build a warframe. Mostly due to getting enemies stuck on walls away from where you're killing stuff. Well, check warframe. If you have helminth, replace his 1. He is a master of crowd control and not a whole lot else. Now vauban has 3 good abilities, lets examine: Just remember vauban is best warframe for infested defense , but dont be like " I'm god bow to me " you are the best only on infested defense . is the frame Hi, so I've had Vauban in my arsenal for a while now but I'd never really used him. More posts you may like Related Warframe Third-person shooter Shooter game Gaming forward back. He's also unfortunately one of the warframes that can hinder team progress if not used with caution. As for solo , he can be good against infested, as for grineer not so much,especially corpus with nullifiers they can shoot trough your bastile. Vauban even after his rework isn't that good imo his Tesla Bank build is relatively good but outside of that and Flechette Orb he's not that good as for him not being commonly used from what i've seen i've been getting annoying Vortex spammers on Hydron making the mission go slower so i can easily say he's being commonly used in the most A good middle ground of HP values, Armor Values and one of the most commonly encountered "heavy" enemies that can be challenging to take down depending on a player's gear. At rank 8, yes you should have Tether I do not think that vauban is a good character but at the same time i dont think that he is indeed useless, like you can use bounce in the interception points so that they cant capture it, or you can use bastile to hold a large amount of enemy's, or you can use shred for a more combat approach, or you can slap 1,000 teslas in your friend and watch everybody die, I know Vauban, when well modded, can be incredibly powerful. part of her passive means that just being in the air adds a fat +150% crit chance to your weapons. I saw 'Booban' the first time when I was playing raids. Warframe has instead moved onto the point that grinding defense missions like that isn't a thing anymore. → Overdriver now expands into a small Without the help of the Helminth abilities, Vauban is truly a God on High level content. These changes, however, have removed a great part of what There are actually two frames that come to mind with a similar kit: Vauban and Zephyr. The second replacement ability is kind of up in the air in my opinion. Edited July 20, 2018 by AnGeL_KRoM. If it's supposed to do damage, well So, as the title suggests I built Vauban Prime, damn it was expensive, and spent like a day farming oxium on io sp. Grab yourself a good melee weapon for the grouped up finishers, and/or carry an arca plasmor, and you'll be good to go. Vauban has (effectively) 4 abilities that incapacitate foes while Zephyr has 2 persistent ones. An idea I've had comes from the fact that Vauban is supposed to be a warframe designed to fight the Sub par, but you got oberon prime access. ARMOR 160. And a piece of advice from a decently experienced player. PC Member; 142 Author; Posted the vauban warframe better be #*!%ing magnificent for that cost. I dont want to start a topic about "but he is good" or "you use him wrong", thats not the point. vauban feels good with AoE (area of effect) weapons. Warframe 1999: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Warframes; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Xaku Prime Access is Live! • Warframe: 1999 has arrived! • Coming Soon: Devstream #184! • Cross Platform Save is live! • Cross Platform Play is here! • Weekly Community Stream & Drops Schedule • Live Now: On-lyne Glyph Twitch Drops The title sums it up pretty well, and I'll go into detail on what I mean by that, but first, a breakdown of his 4 abilities for context later on: 1: Tesla. Credit to DasterCreations for our amazing logo & u/EmuRuby for winning our banner competition Members Online. Chaos is all fine and good, but nothing is really going to die in any sort of realistic time period from it. Concuss mines apply confusion on enemies. Go to the bottom if you don't want a super detailed description i think in one sentence i sum it up down there. Acquire and level up every new weapon, warframe, companion or A lot of changes have been made for Vauban throughout 7 years. C Tier - Average Picks These are average, or only situationally useful. Total benefits: +0. 5k (to explain that 31k alloy plate that is needed) and have 16 different powers to explain where all that nitain went. r/Warframe. Damage bonus stacks with Minelayer's vauban is one of the best frames in the entire game, aslong he has energy he can incapasitate any enemy aslong its not a boss so he can fight level 1000 or level 20's no other frame can solo that, thats why we see videos of people doing defence missions solo to wave 100 with "vauban" no other frame can ever get to the level of vauban. It's a really good weapon. Of the weapons you have access to at that level, the Furis isn't a terrible choice. He is the most expensive frame in the game to make and yet is arguably worse at everything he does when compared to frames with similar abilities. Very strong, good in most situations. For myself personally I find the following good. He's rather frail despite his bulky appearance, so you're not going to want to charge into a crowd with him. Wow this is an odd coincidence. He used to be fairly simple but I don't understand how he works now. It makes them take so much longer than they should Making abilities "good" in the context of Warframe's in motion meta means making them synergize with their kit in a game changing manner. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Solo or in a 2 man squad this isn't an issue, but in a full squad there's a good chance there won't be enough enemies to keep your abilities In a game that is designed to make you feel like a super badass, Vauban really sticks out like a sore thumb. Posted July 20, 2018. This build is good for beginners and can be used for several playstyles where the usage of Vauban’s abilities is either repeated often or situationally used. She also has no real AoE NUKE capability. and her being squishy gets her more often killed or dangerous compared to other frames. His Passive is a unique 125% Damage multiplier against Enemies that are affected by any CC Vauban can inflict, which also double dips on DoTs. Vauban is always heard of as the "god tier Warframe" that is the best and better than the rest. I don't have any arcanes above rank 1 yet, and I don't have any really good ones for my warframe. lol The only time Ive seen Also Vortex allows Vauban (or any Warframe really) to perform ground finishers on the ragdolled enemies. His 1st is free unattended CC with an Augment that turns all Damage to AoE Damage. en. A little fiddly, and more tactical than tanky, but very clutch in a lot of situations. Vauban is good and needs no change only bug fixes. Only thing will trouble him is the nullifier crewman, but with the proper secondary and melee setup, vauban is unstoppable =) Even the amount of resources needed is fairly low, starting with all the common drops:. I think a lot of them are pretty self explanatory. Just drop the mines from his [2] down that deal damage, up to four, and you are good. Vauban is kinda busted now. Is he any good and does his powers unleash devastating attacks, etc Thanks very much and I am intrigued to know what you all think. 2. So I have been running T3/4D every night. Vauban's skill set is literally for controlling the battlefield. (Not to Mention Vortex!) In all honesty Throw a good 2-3 teslas at an entrance on the ground, EVERYWHERE (at team mates/Setinel) If you have an energy siphon card it makes life a lot easier but don't forget to max out Bastille if you want to ok,next round, as the tips and hints on frames were very good until now,thanks to all of you! Just levelling vauban and got so many utilities to throw around, please advise me 1. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. I find the way it currently works very underwhelming compared to the otherwise very gimmick based nature of Vauban. It unlocks at warframe rank 3 and my Vauban is rank 8. Gizardpuke. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. I just blow away those infested who sucks your energy. ENERGY 225. But if you like the way he Any melee with good mobility works for Vauban, though that's kind of a given for almost any class. ', and someone picked Vauban. Those warframes are: Volt, Nezha, Wukong, Zephyr, Banshee, Vauban. Then the rest of the aura mods, even extras of the good ones for trade. Bastille seems sorely outdated in the times of As any warframe Vauban I extremely good for certain tasks and can do any content. If you run a super energy-intensive build, Dispenser is also a decent option. If you want damage, Roar is the primo option, but Nourish is also pretty good for Corpus. market to begin with. Basically, if you are a full fire build, she shines really well, provided you can mitigate enemy armor with Corrosive Projection, since that factor will stop any damage ability from being useful in end-game. An inventor by nature, the process of creation necessitates demolition and deconstruction. Vauban is a top CC frame as well as his prime being one of the few with pretty drastic changes. Generally, just pick whatever you like for Vauban. That would definitely make Vauban quicker paced and would make the energy cost for the power There really aren't "best" weapons or "worst" weapons for each frame. With the Helmith System we see what would have happen if Vauban got this kind of love. His [4] can be used to just freeze most enemies around the objective for some time. Vauban begins with just the Tesla Rod. are useless but I believe that these changes bring life to him and in all honesty would mean i and others would completely have to rework Making vauban too active Which is good and bad 1 hour ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said: At this time in warframe vauban needs to be redesigned, I think he needs to be a CC DPS buff/debuff heal My suggestions for his abilities: 1- Tesla coils make them work as wisp plants, one that recover health over time for players and deals dps for Zephyr, similar to Vauban in CC but gains a ton of survivability from her 3 and can put out absurd amounts of damage for relatively low investment. I only achieved 265% range with my best mods and taking up a good amount of space. Rhino is also good, so I wouldn't recommend trashing him because you're also getting Nidus. DE was hellbent on making him harder to get than regular Vauban, so as a result he stands as the current most expensive frame in the game. This is their final input. Adding punchtrough is good for the beam but the explosion will nolonger triggers on contact. He can't kill with abilities very well. He can just immobolize all the mobs and there's no way they'll get to the Pod. DURATION 100%. She is doin fine for mid till Lv100 content, but struggles after (imo) for not being able to choose between damage output and dmg reduction on her 3 . Though that depends on how you tend to play; because, if you like spamming melee or one ability in order to clear the room, well He might not be for you. First off, I am still a bit new to the game. Vauban - Please do be like me. 000 oxium. Hello fellow tennos. Taking them out of that kit removes them from their synergies. I recently decided to level him up and then try to get Vauban prime. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. Protea's Blaze Artillery with Ni There isn't a single Warframe that doesn't benefit massively from Ensnare, and currently it is just basically the best ability on the helminth list. Reply reply 703K subscribers in the Warframe community. " So I got him. Maybe Vauban is pronounced 'Booben' in some accent or by miraculous grammar? Vortex is good by default and exceptional with the augment. Nova is usually good when paired up with other wfs, especially Vauban, that does CC like a god tier warframe =P Id bring Vauban to almost any mission, while Nova is astonishing and Im having a blast with her, I dont see her being versatile on the battlefield unless paired up with the right people, while Vauban fits in with any team :) A simple healing mine would be a very good option to replace one of the abilities. First of all, Vauban is ridiculously squishy for a Warframe that was named after one of the greatest masters of fortification design and siegecraft who ever lived. Vauban is really good in all Defense missions, mind you - Tesla's stun on the Grineer and damage on the Corpus is absolutely invaluable, and you can get up to about Wave 15 barely shooting anything if you wanted to (on Kiliken). Vauban's Tesla grenade is honestly one of the worst/most redundant 1st abilities I've seen in this game. At the time of earning vauban (getting prime before normal) he was def worth it, but back then i played heiracon a lot, i dont ever pull him out apart from defection, if im honest he is worth to a degree if you dont play those modes frequently, everything else i have frames id rather play, i didnt think he was that expensive, dont target farm him and before you know it you will Vauban Prime Teaser is even making me more curious. Sure, Vauban lacks the range of Ivara but in terms of utility, Vauban isn’t far behind. Limbo - Agreed, another Ban would be too much for me. Seeing a rework would be nice, but a look at the jumping pad would be enough. I built him for range, (the typical 207% duration, 280% range and 40% ab strength build) and he is fun as hell, on my last post I was asking about him whether he can be sp viable, on my experience yep a 100%. A good specter placed on the first point you control makes it much more Vauban is the warframe with the highest meme potential in the entire game. If u are looking for a vauban build, check Rahetalius builds instead of Brozime, as he thinks Vauban isn't a good frame at all. Thanks in advance Before the try to make vauban good, DE should try to make him easier to get and for the Prime vauban should be easier to build because for the Prime it need in total 20 nitain extract This, or make him WORTH the wait, like make him a pretty solid choice. “I think your ideas are fantastic, and you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into how to bring Vauban’s theme and playstyle up to the modern Warframe meta. zephyr is insanely good, especially for players who want a warframe that favors gun use and solo gameplay. Do any of you out there have a build to make a Photon Strike build that allows me to pull Vauban's kit simply doesn't have a place in most missions. Really good looking warframe, fun abilities. Going by the shear amount of stuff you need to build Vauban Prime it should be about twice the size of a normal warframe (to have space for all those materials), have a base armor of about 1. My No-Helmet Warframe headcanon is that Rhino is Vauban's grandson. Vauban - Hello, Alex. Other than that, Vauban's kit is honestly comprehensive enough that you can pretty much just use whatever sounds fun. #1 Tesla Nervos Change it not to prevent enemies from being suspended in Bastille. Vauban is more versatile. Vauban really needs to have as much energy as he can get, so picking Energy Siphon seems like the best idea. If your rely on his abilities only, he will wimp out a bit earlier than Vauban is squishie, he is exceptional at what he does but i've always found him as more of a support frame, he has very strong control and when supported he can do some Vauban Main here Yes, hes good. Be mindful of what you plan on playing in the near future before you choose. OMG Getting vauban SO hard i might as well use my platinum on him. Sadly though, memes don’t work when you want to do anything beyond level 50. Title. just a simple question. Yes. TL:DR: Scroll to the suggestions. Where did this word derive from? I love Vauban so much. Everyone wanted Vauban to have an ability to actually do some damage aka Blaze Artillery from Protea other than Photo Strike. This small thing sticks to floors only, bouncing off walls and ceilings until it hits a floor, and shocks nearby enemies at a much faster pace than the old Tesla ever did, more reliably Outside of the Topaz, yes both Emerald & Violet shards are really good and grant benefits some frames may feel more than others. Frankly, it's not Vauban that needs a rework, it's the scaling enemies (hp, armor, etc. Topaz shards give: More max health per enemy killed with Blast damage (up to 300/450 per shard). Every stage that requires some CC, my friends call me becouse i play very good with the Vauban wich makes me happy. Because of that *Latest Video* - Vauban Build Guide A very simple, 1 Forma build guide. He's generally considered bad by people who don't know better. That said, sometimes you rather bring Corrosive Projection to reduce your enemies’ Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Is The Stretch Mod Good For Vauban - Warframe Forums Title. I'd suggest playing around with a few variations on your Vortex & Bastille's range before you make any concrete decisions about Vauban. You don't really need much to get Vauban at his peak potential, just don't fall into an unexpected modding trap. You’ve maintained his identity as a trap-focused tactician while also making him much more effective and dynamic in both solo Yes, Nidus is a very good warframe. However, his damage augment against cc'ed enemies does give him way more damage output than you'd expect. You’ve maintained his identity as a trap-focused tactician while also making him much more effective and dynamic in both solo I recently just for fun went back and forth with Chat GPT over Vauban. Vauban's 1 is spammable and can rack up decent damage. He is good not the best, but good enough. Its sad to see this but great to see that it works. Lavos: High base health and armour, plus health regen with your 1, plus you don't need to worry about energy issues at all. People don't like slow in Warframe, generally speaking. Vauban isn't a good frame right now and anyone who tells you differently is either delusional or hasn't played the game for 7 years. Notably, you can get the Winds of Purity mod later that is exclusive to the Furis, and will heal you for 20% of the damage you deal with it. #2 Minelayer Honestly, just delete Vector Pad & Flechette Orb, then bring back Concuss and Shred. I love customisation but its a luxury The biggest issue with best in warframe is it ignores preference. Eclipse is the best of both worlds if you can handle the jank. Vauban is good but he still has some bugs that need working on. Please, just don't spam Chaos on Defense missions. ; Ferrite (dropped on Earth, Mercury, Neptune or in Si c'est bon, ce n'est pas Vauban! Since Khora's introduction Vauban has become obsolete to me. Thanks very much, Ashman. With him, I would I miss my vauban main account 😭 Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . SHIELD 280. every single ability of his could be called a "trap" you throw it down in one place and it stays there doing something to w/e walks by. He's best used against Infested, he makes them look like a joke. What I have been finding though, every second or third night, I get a Vauban, Vauban is the model of innovative technology. OLD MAN VAUBAN( Original Post ) Started doodling up some ideas of what Vauban would look like without his helmet on, and came u He is good for static objectives, like Defense and Survival. The worst warframe, all his powers (expect Bastille) are trash and Vauban just got a "rework" that really didn't rework him at all. He is underwhelming when you don’t have all the mods to make his more interesting builds. is the frame NO-HELMET RHINO I liked how Old Man Vauban turned out, so I decided to keep it going with some Rhino. I just need some help. Enemies suspended by Bastille or pulled by Vortex also take extra damage due to Vauban's passive. High status chance. IMO Vauban 3 is indeed better than that if your objective is to control certain areas and choke points. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! I forma'd the stance because stalking fan is pretty good, double damage at many points in many combos, compared to reaping spiral. So please, dont cry, just farm. His 2nd is a Damage Ability which scales Vauban Prime used to cost 14k oxium and 20k cryotic. Flechette Orb is ridiculously overpowered and makes Vauban play the game for you. As one of the commenters mentioned before me, every warframe is good and have their niche somewhere (outside of Hydroid). Coming to mobile soon! Vauban is good, but not great. Okay buddy, nothing against oberon but I will use your words against you. I figured mostly duration and range, but not quite sure of the mod combos. Not only would it make Vauban more survivable, but it would also benefit the entire team. Some very strong Bastille and Vortex nerfs, but nothi Vauban is for tactical players that appreciate a good tool-set, not the mindless pew-pew fest like some other players out there who are too afraid of hitting the field without energy or even helping the team with primary weapons, aka - the immature and inexperienced. For synergies, on top of Mag, I'll add Zephyr (with the augment for her third ability which accelerates any projectile, including the Torrid's fartbomb), Loki (with Irradiating Disarm it is easy to cluster enemies, so that a single granade will keep dealing huge damage and status on the clustering enemies), Vauban (using Vortex, for the same Vauban, in a Quiver-esqe interface, can swap between one of four turret types: Tesla Rod, Gatling Turret, Flamethrower, and Acid Sprayer. Decent at low strength great with high strength. But as a new player who doesn't really understand how to min/max, is it good? sentinels, kubrows, lisets and more in Warframe. Secondary fire deals high blast aoe and can be spammed Pinpoint accuracy Cons Low ammo efficiency on secondary fire. Largely this makes it primarily useful for applying buffs to sentinels and other personal With the release of Cyte-09 in the Warframe 1999 Update, there are now 59 unique frames in the game. Shields on enemies afflicted by Blast damage (stops working when shields break). I think a more common and probably much easier choice is Vauban. Hey guys, returning player here I've been messing around with different Warframes and watching some WF content, and I've been really interested in Vauban's 3: Photon Strike. what are the chances of getting {Insert piece you can never get here} Vauban is a good frame its just a shame he is hard to get and if you have plat lying around he is the frame to spend it on However, Vauban’s Shred mine can remove armor and rag doll enemies away. This is good for setting up areas with several mines to take down enemies or defend an area as well as provide crowd control with Bastille. It's a good thing Anyways, Vauban is amazing for defense due to his skillset. Hes relatively squishy, has lackluster damage output, and while his CC potential isn't bad it really doesn't stack up to what other frames can do within missions that matter. I really like how cool it looks. Without a lot of work, vauban has probably the lowest skill and investment floor for going deep in SP circuit, competing directly with a reasonably balanced (or balls-to-the-walls power str build) For example, it's safe to sell Vauban because there is nothing you need him for to build and there is a Vauban Prime. Even counting Roar and Eclipse and whatever other silly meta people are thinking is a good idea Vauban is a good example of what a warframe should have for skills. So Vauban is now basically worthless. Vauban WARFRAME. And yeah, one thing that I like about Vauban is he many bastille and can defend 2 exca at the same time (if there are close to each other). He can be used in any long term mission modes such as Defense related missions (Mobile Defense or Excavtion or Rescue vauban likes a good mix of duration and range. If you get a frame that is good in one facet, it likely will fall short in other ways. 1) Charge and delays. Quest Warframes - parts of those warframes are locked behind a quest, sometimes after the quest there will be additional small farm (I'm excluding here Vauban doesn't give CC and damage buff in one skill. When you hear people talk about oh which warframe is the best one to get so that i dont d Vauban is a trap warframe. . That said, the effect is good. Lavos is right now in a very good spot due to a series of reworks in the last years Oh I love Vauban, when I started I kept seeing people say Vauban sucked and he was horrible and bad and then the first time I looked in the Nightwave store I saw his blueprints and thought "I do want every warframe, And this is a easy one to get. Hi, so I've had Vauban in my arsenal for a while now but I'd never really used him. strength can be nice, but isn't mandatory. Then weapon blueprints. I got no issue in terms of energy as I'm using the LENZ. Then Vauban parts. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Vauban is damn good. EFFICIENCY 100%. Personally, I think Vauban's biggest strength is Vortex; it's not only some of the best crowd control in the game, but it's incredibly fun to Edit: I forgot to mention, Vauban is heavily weapon-dependent, as you might expect. I am in the middle of creating Vauban since I got his helm in the previous alert. Limbo - I'd have to kill them both. Her 4 is "SPLOOOOSIONSSSS??!!!?!!". Good riven despacito. I have problems with the reload animation, because rolling makes the reload time start again (this does not happen with other primaries that have the same reload mechanics, such as Find the best Warframe at Overframe with our Warframe tier list! Players can view and vote to rank the best Warframe! Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. SPRINT SPEED 1. Slots for weapons and warframes are literally the only thing people should be spending their (preferably traded Vauban fan here. any specific tips/hints which i need to know while playing him? 2. In defense, interception, survival, and disruption, and anywhere with a lot of enemies. Vauban is an amazing cc frame, easily locking down rooms with his fair shair of utility. They said like 'We Need Booban. 5 second 100% armor strip making all enemies like fighting level 10 enemies expect those tankers? Not sure why they so tanky. Having a huge area covered by two Strangledomes holding up to 52 Enemies while increasing damage from all sources on them by 200% and giving them a DoT on top, beats the out of Monsieur Vauban's Bastilles. well Vauban is an engineer themed crowd control warframe so I tend to use weapons that support this playstyle for my primary I love using the Amprex with him and as for the melee weapon I think the serro works out really well both visually and how they work. B Tier - Good Picks Solid options for specific tasks. They we He is in no way a meme, trust no one who'd unironically say that about current Vauban. Vauban - There's no "bow issues" in Warframe, not everything must be AOE to be viable or fun to use, Nataruk is the proof of that. :3-Frosin-Posted June 13, 2013-Frosin-Master; 50 Author; Posted June 13, 2013 And the coolest part of the Syandana, is that it truly feels like it belongs to Vauban Prime (in fact it even uses the same color scheme) -- yet at the same time, it looks good and not at all out of place on other Primes (note: try Frost), and that's important because it could otherwise make you feel restricted in choice. I have seen people on the internet go 9999 without using any warframe abilities. You can use your 2 to skate through out the level, and its a box breaker as well, so you will always be getting resources, These are my concepts for a vauban rework that wouldn't alter the current nature of his abilities while still improving some aspect most of them are lacking. They rework the intro of the game, so it looks beter for the first hour. Some will probably even say "this is a better idea for a new warframe and not for Vauban", How ever I feel Vauban's kit feels old and clunky I know there are quite a few warframes that 1/2 or 1/3 or 2/3 ect. This means the 4 keys aren't really that big of an issue. Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your playstyle to become an unstoppable force in this genre-defining looter-shooter. The main story quest is good but there is a lot of down It's genuinely cool to have a Warframe that actively encourages the use of more than four abilities simultaneously, with each ability having its own unique niche. Her 2 is a decoy-like which will draw enemies to it. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Solo or in a 2 man squad this isn't an issue, but in a full squad there's a good chance there won't be enough enemies to keep your abilities Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Yeah good points guys. nor Vauban is amazing, and good looking as well (prime version of course). I would put potatoes only in prime versions of frames, or frames that primes are yet to come (nidus, nezha, etc). Her 3 is if you like to melee, otherwise not very good (I personally like it). He is less good in exterminate and capture, but most frames aren't that good at those if you think about it. STRENGTH 100%. I've tried tapping the ability, holding it, changing the assigned key, relogging, swapping to another frame and back to Vauban. Titania has an aoe float in her 1 that has to be recasted. Every warframe is a good warframe to have. After that you get to make your own path along the solar system ( without explanation). He is pretty good, dare i say. Other frames need to be reworked/balanced to be as fun as Vauban is. Just one good weapon, right focus school, smart modding and maybe a helminth. Vauban is a really a good frame. His toolkit is really more for long missions than clearing a room in 10 seconds. I was thinking about getting Vauban and I was wondering what are your general thoughts and opinions, regarding this Warframe. I only had 2 frames, Volt and Rhino. I put Vauban in the category of frames that have a little Vauban is not the easiest of warframes to play, and he is not a "complete package" like some other warframes. Damage Reduction 34. Different frames are good at different roles in a squad, good at certain mission types, and good against specific enemy factions. If you want more supporting, Roar or Nourish is fine options, Breach Surge if you want memes, or just put whatever you like. They synergize differently with different weapons. Sell him after mastery 30 and you get your slot freed up. GrimMyfanwy's idea of putting armor stripping onto Photon Strike is a really good one. HEALTH 370. I don't have a helminth yet, so I can't use archon shards. Especially for solo. While "stylish" charging/juggling his balls is completely inappropriate to the skill's powerlevel. 8%. Don't forget that you can place 4 Orbs as well, meaning you can stack even more damage on a single spot, or increase the coverage area. Because melee weapons have innate punch through, Vauban's extra damage to effected enemies and melee combo multipliers, this ends up instadeleting most enemies that arrive in Vortex in a single hit. Yeep. Vanilla vauban prime chasis was 14. ) that need to be readjusted, and then couple that with Vauban is only good on mobile defense and even then in sortie levels he is fragile and one wouldnt know should i build for survivability or abilities and there is no balance between that so you ether have some survivability and use half the slots ofr it and the abilities dont works so good or just put most on abilities and be a walking glass And the damage of my weapons are only getting me by because they can handle multiple enemies at once. throw vortex, shoot Lenz (MR8) in it, profit. If I do LoR there is no way Im gonna lead it without Vauban. Plain and simple. Then nitain extract (keep a small stock at all times). He deploys clever inventions to provide crowd control. Vauban is still good in the end game Took everyone's advice from earlier, weighed my options, and went for this. It's only ever used for 1 thing, to annoy your team mates. Alloy Plate (found on Venus, Sedna, Jupiter, Ceres, Pluto and Phobos) should be as easy to find. Saryn has a tricky to use (for some) 1 ability, but super deadly if used right. He is so weak and lame that it is very jarring to play him Very low base stats, abilities that go “ploof” like a wet booger that came loose, and really clunky 2nd ability controls - not to mention that they are overcosted and seem pointless. He's too passive, and nukes thrive in the current game state. While Sleep Arrow might take the cake because it is just that good, Vauban can sorta compete for the sake of contest. In the rest of the game, actual Warframe; Vauban isn't bad. Flechette is a good ability all round. Would appreciate help. His tenacity and focus make him formidable. which weapons would you recommend? 3. He can't be considered a bad frame just based on his kit, but Warframe has turned into a numbers game. On sorties or archon missions I'm almost as good as one-shot fodder and I'd really like to find a way to bring this warframe along on some of those missions (especially the excavation where the excavators get destroyed really quick if you can't keep good aoe protection/CC up). I have an amazing battery build for him myself and can permanently provide energy to my team with vortex and spectrorage(gara ability) with the Vauban is great CC combined with Loki for his Disarm ability. EFFECTIVE HIT POINTS She is just slow. you can get this from regular hopping, but holding her 1 in the But more importantly, he looks good!! (shout-out to the Graxx skin) Gizardpuke. The level was set to 100 to test how Vauban performs in the higher end of "DE approved difficulty" which is found in cases such as Sortie 3 and 30 minute Requiem relic survivals. How many times is it faster to use abilities than just running through with weapons? The Best Vauban Prime Builds. The setup I have is synergy of room CC with Bastille 3. But my shields are 660, health is 300 and armor is 200. you do still have to clear the area out to be able to capture it yourself and there are a few Warframe abilities that can CC them but i think slightconfuzzled covered a good list but it's still doable. In my opinion, he's the king of CC in Warframe universe. Every Warframe I sacrifice to The Wall is always painted Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. But I personally like running Vauban in Hierachon. I know they are working on new powers for frames which is great! I just hope that the new powers/reworks have versatility. Vauban remains a Warframe that brings godlike CC like no other. RANGE 100%. If I had a nickel for every time I liked a frame and someone told me they're bad, but I committed and had a whole lot of Pox is not "s" tier, but its a very strong "a" tier weapon, very good at stripping armour with a status based corrosive build. So i've picked up Vauban recently and im looking for some good builds with him. ((Although oberon is considered the definition of sub-par in the warframe community)) Edited December 4, 2017 by Whitestrake0 Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Vauban is the model of innovative technology. For Warframe on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is vaubon really that good?". Video turned out super long, but I like watching it, and I had to do that a lot while making it. chlmvok syy kfouq oio lesds yfrxyrw ijtmie nrg wfkwzpj lunciej gysvzj hcu jnvlc sborya wmxqb