Adb get imei command android. , GSM) and Device ID (e.
Adb get imei command android. media shell command can also be used:.
Adb get imei command android Go to android_sdk/platform-tools/ with cmd or other terminal. bcoz all devices has different IMEI number. [:space:]' adb shell // Open or run commands in a terminal on the host Android device. This command shows the ADB status of the connected Android phone, tablet, watch or an emulator. To do so, first connect a USB cable to your phone and PC. adb reboot fastboot Step 2. serialno. Example: adb get-serialno adb get-state. Get the path to the package name. 4. adb view logs: adb logcat. CORRUPTED OR NOT? You can check if the efs is mounted or completly damaged with this command: adb shell mount media shell command can also be used:. Next, on 4. Assuming you have a bash shell (Linux, OSX, or Windows Subsystem for Linux), you can pipe the output of those commands to wc -l to get the count. For a quick answer, try this: String commandToRun = "adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed gps, wifi,network a broadcast -a android. Apr 13, 2008 3,252 2,282 New Jersey Google Pixel 7 Pro Google Pixel 9 Pro / 9 Pro XL. Even I tried using the "iphonesubinfo 3 i32 1" and "iphonesubinfo 3 i32 2", but it returns empty. e: wifi/bt mac address and your IMEI (nv_data. Set new IMEI. Don't use the MAC address from Settings->Wi-Fi->Wi-Fi Preferences. Properties include build information, API levels, and also the device From other stackoverflow post that I can see there's a adb shell script to capture the IMEI1 from Android device, but unable to get the IMEI2 and EID: adb shell service call You can try the following command to get IMEI on Android 14. ; Daemon: also known as ‘adbd‘ is the service that runs on your computer and Android device to facilitate command execution and acceptance between the adb shell. media volume: the options are as follows: --stream STREAM selects the stream to control, see AudioManager. Whenever you perform an action that triggers an activity, the script will provide you with a complete ADB command. you can't get device id in android but you can get IMEI number for push notification. 1 There are a few adb commands that appear to work (as of on Android 10). Exactly what I wanted. == Devices: adb usb: adb devices //show devices attached: adb devices -l //devices (product/model) (get the IMEI) adb shell netstat (list TCP connectivity) adb shell pwd (print current working directory) adb shell dumpsys battery (battery status) The details in adb devices -l consist of the following three properties: ro. Doing the following will get your android id "An easy way to get your Android ID is to enter “settings get secure android_id” in ADB shell. through Android Studio. You can get it with this command on Mac/Linux: . I used this exact command to get optimal video quality and minimal lag from a Galaxy S6: I'm trying to get the IMEI with this command "adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo" but is not working. Late to the party, but I came up with a way to accomplish this on a device without root. apk and a rooted version of busybox and su. exe executable file to the path variable to access it properly . How to get that using adb shell command? If you have more devices attached to your machine, you will not be able to use this command by default. 2. Note that ADB shell ends lines with \r\n, which depending on your platform might or might not make it more difficult to access the exact value (e. release adb Logcat. You will get the Product Model and Product ID, so you can copy & paste them into EMUI Unlock web site and you will get your Bootloader Unlock Code Client: the computer your Android device or emulator is connected to. Going by the context, you should use the first number (serial number) and not IMEI number. Remember that adb shell foo starts a shell on the device and runs the command foo there. How to Establish an ADB Connection Between Your Phone and PC Before getting to the list of commands, it is necessary to activate ADB commands between your phone and PC. It would be like looking in the ssh man page to find out what ssh myserver rm -rf * does. This is an example: adb devices (you will get attached device IDs) ANDROID_SERIAL=DEVICE_ID adb shell getprop ro. So, to save time, the first step is dump screen to a raw data file. 1. I am currently using this command adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1" to get IMEI number, but it only returns 1st one. The answer maybe device-specified (nexus7 2013), and you can adjust it to your own devices. It's highly recommended to backup the whole partition, or at least copy the files from the efs directory. Looking at the source code for dumpsys and service, you can get the list of services available by executing the following:. I have a Huawei g6-l11 (with Android 4. Something like this: adb shell getprop | grep -e 'ro. I didn't make my comparison which is faster between these two commands, but you can give your try in your real environment and make the final decision. location. Mainly IMEI number. So commands need to be executed from adb shell. adb shell make sure you Edit: Looks like you are trying to get the data for a SurfaceView, so you will need to use the info from dumpsys SurfaceFlinger instead. So, I am doing adb shell which gets me to the android shell. Open two cygwin consoles/terminals (one sending data, one receiving data) and enter in one of the terminals to enter the device: Instead, I was able to switch to root as part of the shell command: adb shell "su -c Besides the command screencap, there is another command screenshot, I don't know why screenshot was removed from Android 5. Going by the context, you should use the first number (serial number) and not IMEI $ getprop | grep -i IMEI [persist. name, ro. adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input # get device IMEI adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. Last edited: Dec 28, 2011. Views 485K. STREAM_* controls AudioManager. List the people in the contact list adb shell content query --uri content://contacts/people/ Count people in contact list. Another option if you have root (and possibly needing busybox as well): You can get the EID with adb shell service call phone 190 s16 com. , GSM) and Device ID (e. This can be done either via button combination which differs from device to device or the easy method over adb command. adb wait-for-device: Used to set a delay before the next command is issued. instead of Nexus 7 you might get Nexus 7\r). 0, but it's avaiable below Android 4. shell | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. service call notification 1 This will send an sms (doesn't require su). In this article, we’ve compiled a huge list of ADB Shell commands settings get secure android_id from adb shell is the simplest, I find — no extraneous output and does not require root. 2+ devices, you have to use grant the app CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission via adb, adb shell pm grant Try this command, it will help you to get ipaddress. [:space:]+'" # get Android ID adb shell settings get secure android_id # get device Serial Number adb shell getprop ro. Bookmark this page for To get into adb shell: 1. iphonesubinfo I think you are looking for ro. – Harvey. To lock the screen: adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input keyevent 26 && adb shell input keyevent 26 To lock the screen and turn it off. 4 . This is a cross-platform service (now mainly Android, iOS with other platforms on their way) which allows to debug remotely any mobile device (Android, iOS now - others under development). Closed 5 years ago. Android comes with an input command-line tool that can simulate miscellaneous input events. Until you add a second line to the phone, it will be blank It looks like you are confusing two different numbers: adb get-serialno gives you the serial number of the device. However both methods have been removed for normal apps usage in Android 10. Manish Some Android versions offer two different ways to get MAC address and only one is correct. It's much more than just a crashlog, in fact it is much more: logging, reporting of problems by testers, crashlogs. I needed to confirm that the serial number of the device in the shell session was the same as the serial number from adb devices. Example: I use the following code to get the IMEI or use Secure. The command 'adb devices' also lists the active emulators, which can give the device id. model and ro. Dec 22, 2011 26 2. Thread starter MartyP; Start date Dec 28, 2011; since I have done some development for Android. You need to provide ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable which identifies your device ID. / we cat the content of text-clean. sys. GPS_ENABLED_CHANGE --ez enabled true"; adb get-serialno: Shows the adb instance serial number string with the device. You can find information about the MAC address you need to generate license in Settings->About Phone. Use adb devices -l to list the devices along with their transport_id and then use adb -t ID to access the device. – Chris Stratton. Check IMEI. You can get the surface name from. I was using the shell in the device (starting a session with adb shell) and was getting different results from using adb commands from the host command line (eg. I know I can get uptime and realtime through SystemClock: SystemClock. I want to get 3rd and 4th number for quad sim phone. Firstly, I find out that the command screencap screen. cut is not a standard command provided by Android's Toolbox. I added some examples below: language - adb shell getprop | grep language [persist. HK for the S18 MiniPad. If you’re running a script and want to ensure that the ADB command only runs when your device is ADB command to get device IMEI: ADB command to get device phone number: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 18 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 But device has two imei numbers , How to get second imei number through adb shell . [:space:]'" # get device phone number adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 18 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. I am using service call iphonesubinfo 3 i32 1 to get the 2nd IMEI number. Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 22:01. Adding hosts to /etc/hosts (that all pointed to localhost) fixed that for me. Using adb exec-out, as noted by lord-ralf-adolf in a comment on the accepted answer, fixed the problem. Most official-release android devices do not have a find command, though those with custom ROMS or other busybox installs may. adb devices to check if your mobile can be found through USB. This command works to obtain IMEI. nickname. The picture below shows the official introduction of Adb by Android: It can be seen that the original intention of Android is to use a tool such as adb to I want to change the IMEI of a rooted Android device via adb so that the entire process could be automated via appium. Share. Access fastboot. release – ADB commands provide access to a Unix Shell that runs a command directly on your Android device. Helps if you're interested in one of those, otherwise, keep using media shell command can also be used:. bin). rar dl there is also the SuperUser. Is there any way I could do that using appium. The command you want help with is ime list, and Getting IMEI number using ADB commands Android 12. adb devices -l # first_huge_device_id0000 device product:p124 model:md1 device:d1 transport_id:1 # second_huge_device_id0000 device Inorder to find an app's name (application label), you need to do the following: (as shown in other answers) Find the APK path of the app whose name you want to find. Commented May 28, just to add the full command: adb shell ls -R | grep filename this is actually a pretty fast lookup on Android. Thread starter deadwolf666; Start date Jul 13, 2015 I get a long HEX and the imei but I dont know how to parse it using Batch commands also on htc devices I know there is Code:. service call isms 5 s16 "PhoneNumber" i32 0 i32 0 s16 "BodyText" Use adb shell getevent -l to get a list of events, the using grep for ABS_MT_POSITION (gets the line with touch events in hex) and finally use awk to get the relevant hex values, strip them of zeros and convert hex to integer. If there is no better way to get the serial number of an emulator, I will diff the output of "adb devices" command before and after starting an emulator to determine the serial number. You won't find anything about this in the man page on your desktop, nor the usage information for adb because this isn't an adb command. You can change the locale/language for testing purposes without rooting the device, also on newer (4. fastboot oem writeimei 123456789012347 Step 3. Does anyone know how I can get the 2nd IMEI number? I recently updated my Pixel 5 device to Android 12 Beta and found that it is no longer possible to fetch the IMSI information via ADB using the command service call iphonesubinfo 8 i32 1. bigboss59400 Member. device. And if I'm approaching this the wrong way then please suggest me some alternative. ANDROID_ID as an alternative, when the device doesn't have phone capabilities: /** * Returns the unique identifier for the device * * @return unique identifier for the device */ public String getDeviceIMEI() { String deviceUniqueIdentifier = null; TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) How I can get the list of all installed on my Android 8 packages using ADB Shell? I preference to query Sqlite base, but accept any command-line solution. android. adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input keyevent 26 To unlock the screen without pass. Or, you can use a helper app, e. B. For environment reasons I can only use adb commands. Follow the steps below to fix invalid IMEI on a mediatek android phone using ADB. adb wait-for-device. The only method I could figure out was search the dumpsys for the WiFi network info and get the SSID. . Is there a way to get the current layout attributes like id, position, text etc ? Similar to what uiautomatorviewer shows. How can I get the AVD name of the emulator device from Using any of the adb shell commands produced corrupted data for me. You can’t set the IMEI, of any of the forms. language]: [en] [ro. You won't be able to use the button id, but you can get the button coordinates and simulate a tap event. Make sure to add adb. I've googled it and found many results. uptimeMillis(); SystemClock. So I must recognize each emulator to install the correct APK and send right commands by using shell scripts. To fetch the serial number of the connected device, use the adb get-serialno command. build. imei]: [<IMEI here>] That's a custom property on my particular device, but yours might have something similar. Run commands on the android device shell via an adb shell: adb shell adb android version. language]: [en] boot complete ( device ready I'm using command: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. Commands related to adb logcat, allowing access to Android logs via adb. sdk Complete list: adb shell getprop Through the package manager: adb shell pm list features To retrieve detailed information about the camera. Second, use adb Switch adb to using TCPIP: adb tcpip 5555; Have adb connect to the device using the network: adb connect yourhostname; I've run this through SSH tunnels where it would connect to localhost, so all devices show up as 'localhost' which is quite unuseful. In the files. The output of adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 is as below (which is inbetween quotes) ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility included with Google's Android SDK. Any help will be much The full name of Adb is Android Debug Bridge: Android Debug Bridge. ) shell@mydevice:/ $ settings get secure android_id 0123456789abcdef shell@mydevice:/ $ Now with your IMEI lets get the last two codes: Product Model and Product ID Go to imei24. adb devices #You should see some number now. I know that this device is ancient, but this is one of my tasks. /adb shell getprop | grep "ro. ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more. adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --list It ensures that only the first match is processed before exiting thats why I included "tac" so we skip the earlier messages since it is printed every ~10 seconds if monitoring the command, for doing that just add adb logcat -c; adb logcat -s and remove the tac and -d from the command: # Clear old logs adb logcat -c # Monitor remaining time I will post an answer to my own question. Link in your question is referring to IMEI number which can be obtained by adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 (see this and this for more) . oppo. I was able to get one imei number through adb shell with command . adb shell -n service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. adb get-state: Displays the device status. locale. , IMEI), not the phone number. I want to get/set an imei number for rooted android phone. (From a regular terminal on the device, root is required. txt and use that input with XARGS command to pass the command adb pull for each file. adb shell. adb clear logs on device adb shell // Open or run commands in a terminal on the host Android device. I want to do like this: First, run a background process in the phone which caculate the CPU usage and show in terminal. Simply navigate through the graphical user interface (GUI) on your phone and explore different options and GUIs. version. txt | xargs -t -I % adb pull % . However, it only reports Phone Type (e. STREAM_MUSIC if no stream is specified --set INDEX sets the volume index value --adj DIRECTION adjusts the volume, use raise|same|lower for the direction --get (ADB = Android Device Bridge available in the Android SDK) I found ADB. adb shell getprop ro. Therefore, In addition to other answers guiding to rename the device serial, you can also use its transport_id to access. Return the running Android version of the connected adb device: adb shell getprop ro. com and type the IMEI you found from fastboot command. It executes when the device is online but it can be programmed to wait till another process is done. camera Get IMEI number from ADB. ADB Change Language. cat text-clean. To utilize the script, you can run it in any terminal with ADB installed, or directly on your device. I also want to record the time when program execute these command in a form of realtime and uptime. It may not be pretty, but it works. answered Jun 20, 2017 at 8:05. How do install a apk from adb command line? Keypel; Feb 15, 2012; 2. Best command to get the current app you're looking at: adb shell dumpsys activity activities | findstr mFocusedWindow. " But for the lazy people in us,i created a quick app which shows the device id,you can share,copy and register the device after installing the app. Type in the commands below into adb CMD prompt window and hit Enter after each line adb shellsu; Check your phone's screen and grant root permission; To write sim 1 IMEI, type the command below and hit Enter [you're to replace 123456789012345 with the original I want to get cpu usage of the phone and then draw on PC. – /EFS partition contains a lot of information about your phone, f. [:space:]'" It was working fine on Android 13, but now it gives partly broken IMEI, where 3 numbers came as ' symbol It's not just these are additional symbols, what i mean is that exactly 3 numbers comes as symbol As far as i know, every $ getprop | grep -i IMEI [persist. elapsedRealtime(); Is there any way I can get these information from the I am wondering if there is any way to run *# codes on android using adb command I have tried this: **service call phone 2 s16 "*#06#"** tried with % instead of # as well. adb shell dumpsys media. Replies 21. android; adb; android-view; @Alex I tried running Hello, I'm using some scripts that gather information from phones. /adb device This gives me the serial number of available devices. 3) from which I am trying to extract the IMEI via ADB. shell | cut -d "'" -f2| grep -Eo '[0-9]'| xargs| sed 's/\ //g' That might not work in the case that you have multiple Uicc slots since the bash commands will jam the IDs together, but you should be able to edit the bash commands to get it to work. It works by pressing the dialer key, then typing *#06#, then parsing the text on screen to find the IMEI Label and the next element which contains the actual IMEI. It now shows the following information when executed via ADB: Wondering is there an android adb shell command that I could get the IMEI2 & EID from Android phone? schmeggy929 Recognized Themer. 4, you can check the source from here. Transition codes of iphonesubinfo used: Let's look at some of the most useful ADB commands you should know as an Android user. An ‘adb shell’ command in a terminal sends a signal to your device and triggers the remote shell command console. below is the code to Get the currently opened app with: adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep mFocusedActivity if grep isn't recognized, you're using a Windows terminal use findstr. adb shell ifconfig tiwlan0 Make sure you have adb inside this location android-sdk\platform-tools. 3D Printing Android Auto Android Mods Android TV Apps & Games Themes Wear OS Smartwatches Windows 11 XDA Computing. Another ADB shell getprop is a command for Android development in retrieving system properties from the connected device. Now you can cat the new clean file text-clean. serialno #Note: No root is needed for any of the above commands I'm writing a script containing several "adb shell" command. Verify that the IMEI has changed Is there a way to get the phone number of a phone over adb? I looked at dumpsys as a likely answer, but none of the system services seem to keep track of the phone's own number. It was, so I had to look elsewhere for why my But in S20 Ultra(Android 11), I cannot get IMEI 2 using the above cmd. 2+) devices. == Devices: adb usb: adb devices //show devices attached: adb devices -l //devices This is a complete list of ADB commands cheat sheet that you can refer to when working with the Android Debug Bridge and Android devices. Now, if I were to get the PID using a regular shell I would use install adb e. Only system apps with READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE will be able to get this information. adb shell pm path Using the Android SDK from the command line, I can get a list of the running devices available using:. adb shell pm list packages). But this is cumbersome. Codes 7/8 correspond to getSubscriberId and 10/11 to getSimSerialNumber. In Emulator you get by default 0000000000000 As your IMEI but in device you get perfect number. 3. STREAM_MUSIC if no stream is specified --set INDEX sets the volume index value --adj DIRECTION adjusts the volume, use raise|same|lower for the direction --get If you have encountered the same problem when you try to use ADB command, it means ADB cannot work normally, and you could not control Android device with ADB command on computer at that time. I already build an app which does 3. nickname' adb installed on host computer (not needed, but recommended) Step 1. Also I try this: adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 but neither My final solution for that was to create an Android application that subtracts the IMEI because some version also had the same problem. However this stopped working; adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 Normally it would return something like that: Result: Parcel( 0x00000000: 00000000 You should use adb shell getprop command and grep specific info about your current device, For additional information you can read documentation: Android Debug Bridge documentation. adb shell service -l You can then supply the service name you are interested in to dumpsys to get the Using adb shell or a terminal emulator on the device, entering this will clear all notifications (requires su). ADB command to get device Serial Number: adb shell getprop ro. There is a good tutorial on executing shell commands here. This continuously prints the x and y coordinates in the terminal only when you press on the device. Hot Network Questions Origin of the word "literjon"? Changing \section number color based on input arguments Visualization of the derivation of the area of a circle A Challenging Logarithmic Integral with Connections to the Binomial Coefficient I am trying to get the connected Wifi network name through the ADB commands. Follow edited Sep 5, 2018 at 4:43. Improve this answer. product. nickname" The Windows command should be similar. Using cat /proc/mounts shows the partition file path, the alias, the filesystem type, the startnig inode, the number of blocks, read/write status (and other parameters of the individual partition that I'm not entirely sure of). You must backup for your photos, and applications because it will erase everythings. You have to create an application that changes the device locale. Get imei by adb or fastboot H815. Edit: There are various ways to change it. The EXTRAS are then provided using the am command's -e <KEY> <VALUE> parameter. Thus ADB Shell commands let you control your Android device. exe while looking through the firmware downloads at JXD. App is hardly 1 mb and it does this only purpose. Run command in I need a bit of assistance. g. OK you will be needing Runtime class. adb start-server: Starts the adb server process Below commands works both when screen is on and off. Basically what I propose is to create an app that joins an access point based on EXTRAS given when starting the app. png is quite slow because it take most of its time converting to png file type. Android Nougat comes with toybox which acts as an alternative to busybox and has some useful utilities. I managed to use those tools to print IMEI like this: adb shell service call adb get-serialno gives you the serial number of the device. To simulate tapping, use: input tap x y You can use the adb shell to run the command remotely: adb shell input tap x y Other options are: INSTRUCTIONS To clear the IMEI use the SmartFlash Tool. Aug 24, 2023 #2 The second IMEI is allocated for the E-Sim card. [:space:]+'" ADB command to get Android ID: adb shell settings get secure android_id. txt and send the output to XARGS, then we see what is the result of command with -t and -I to add variables. I am trying to get the PID of the process INSIDE adb shell. ngzgqth osfymh tdhror kcu aqri ckvm ztw wooj zlkl lscxi wgdo hya nsfq pivkflt cjht