Awaiting ae recommendation See an answer from Editage Insights and a guide to understanding journal paper投了40几天(植物分子方面),前天突然变成AwaitingAERecommendation状态。未知这个状态持续多久啊。求各位解惑。到了AE手里的话,意见应该都是很明确了吧,那么拒,那么 'Awaiting recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation 一旦审稿意见回来之后,副编辑(Associate Editor,AE)会进行审查,然后向 主编 建议决定。 主编会根据 AE 的建议来做出最终决定。 以你的情况来说,审稿已经完成了,AE 应该不需要花 The status ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. After [I resubmitted for] a major revision (which took two months), the status was Awaiting Referee Scores. Awaiting AE Recommendation 07. 2024/08/28 Major revision-----R1-----2024/09/06 A revision has been submitted . 一般要求审稿人三周内给出审稿意见 5、Awaiting reviewer scores ——Reviewers are working on their reviews. However, in your case, they decided to review it. 08. Find out how the Associate Editor and the Editor-in-Chief make the final decision on your paper. Awaiting AE Assignment 论文状态从5 awaiting AE recommendation状态变为3 awaiting reviewer scores。可能原因如下: 可能原因如下: 审稿人意见不一致,编辑无法定夺,所以继续邀请新的审稿人审稿 ,这是最 文章浏览阅读1. 16返回修改稿,第三次submission. ’ The following day, it changed back again TPEL二审的minimim review数量是2。 有两个Reviewer提交了审稿意见,状态就会变成awaiting ae recommendation。 但还有一个没提交,所以AE把minimim review数量调整 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › Awaiting AE Recommendation 要多久? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投 返修稿从awaiting AE recommendation又变回了awaiting reviewer scores,怎么回事? 已有1人参与 前段时间某trans的大修意见回来了,一共有6个审稿人,在major revision提交 求问:漫长的等待“awaiting AE recommendation”一个月后,居然有出现了“awaiting ASE recommendation”,各位大侠,后面这个·状态是什么意思? 我审稿结束后也从AE变成ASE 5、Awaiting reviewer scores ——Reviewers are working on their reviews. Awaiting Co-EIC Decision 07. Overdue Reviewer Scores. Q: What does it mean when the paper's status changes from 'Under Review' after two months to 'Awaiting Recommendation' in the editorial system? This is quite simple. 03. (审稿专家审稿。) 6、Awaiting AE recommendation ——The paper received the sufficient number of reviews (usually 2) and, on their basis, AE makes 2023/05/20 Submit * 2023/05/20 Awaiting Admin Processing 2023/05/21 Awaiting AE Assignment 2023/05/27 Under review 2023/06/02 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023/07/09 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 2024/01/24 Awaiting AE awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心 No revisions because it is already "Awaiting AE recommendation" publications; peer-review; journals; paper-submission; editors; Share. Awaiting EIC Decision 07. (审稿专家审稿。) 6、Awaiting AE recommendation ——The paper received the sufficient number AE:Associate Editors,副编辑,负责在评审意见的基础上对文章作综合评价,并给主编提建议(recommendation)。一般主编都会按照AE的建议写最终的编辑意见(Decision Letter)。 投稿结束后等待期刊分配编辑阶段,说法有With 拿到稿子之后AE可以决定拒稿还是找审稿人(reviewer) 审稿。审稿意见回来之后,AE根据审稿意见给出recommendation (比如小改,大改,或者拒稿)。然后就到了这个evaluating recommendation 的阶段,意思是主 帖子讨论了IEEE期刊投稿状态变为Awaiting AE Recommendation的原因和可能结果。[END]>"""COMPLETION_PROMPT = """You are an expert human annotator working for the awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。 等待主 awaiting recommendation状态的意思就是在等待编辑的处理. 26 awaiting AE assignment. 30. 46。最近一个同学也投了这个杂志,他的状态经历under reviewer (30天左右),然后变成Awaiting AE Recommendation (两周),最后awaiting EIC 论文投稿以后,先是under review,可以看到3个审稿人名字,随后差不多一个月变成awaiting ae recommendation,过了两天 今年2月投稿到《IEEE transactions on ITS》,现在状态Awaiting AE Recommendation,大概需要多少?另外 This is quite simple. 过了这关之后应该就是送审了. 26 awaiting ae recommendation 2024. But all of a sudden, instead of moving to "Under Review", the status changed to "Awaiting AE Learn what it means when your manuscript status changes to Awaiting AE Recommendation without being Under Review. 2024/07/30 Awaiting Reviewer Scores. Explains what happens after you get the decision letter, including the three types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. It means that the peer review is over, taking about two months, and the peer reviewer recommendations are awaited on the paper. Initially, the status was ''Awaiting Reviewer Scores'', then changed to ''Awaiting AE Recommendation'', and now it is ''Awaiting AE evaluation''. 23. 26 resubmitted />>>>> 中间忙别的去了,没看状态变化 awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心 reviewers’ recommendations are highly valued in the peer review process, the final decision on a manuscript always rests with the Action Editor. "Awaiting AE Recommendation"只持续了半天,这正常吗? 已经有7人回复; Awaiting AE Recommendation两个月了 已经有5人回复; Awaiting AE Recommendation已经大半个月了 已 I guess, awaiting recommendation status has been shown after the completion of a review process, in that case the editor might be busy to look through the comments of the reviewers, or the What you are seeing generally indicates that there is at least 1 review task pending, and also a recommendation task pending. 22更新. Associate Editor の指名待ち 査読結果待ち. paper投了40几天(植物分子方面),前天突然变成Awaiting AE Recommendation状态。未知这个状态持续多久啊。求各位解惑。到了AE手里的话,意见应该都是很明确了吧,那么拒,那么 awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。 等待主 awaiting AE recommendation需要多久?在稿件提交后的旅程中,每一步都至关重要。首先,稿件一旦提交,通常会经历"awaiting admin procession"阶段,大约等待3-4天,编 What is meant by ''Awaiting AE evaluation''? I submitted a paper to the journal. This is 5) Awaiting Reviewer Scores: AE送外审,AE邀请若干数目的外审专家,足够数量的专家接受邀请,评审状态变为Awaiting Reviewer Scores. Selecting reviewers. However, today, Evaluating recommendation 状态表示论文已完成审稿,而副编辑 (Associate Editor, AE) 正在评估审稿人的意见,对论文做出决定。 不过之前的状态不是很清楚,我不确定 Under 通常情况下,从"awaiting co-eic"状态退回到"awaiting ae"状态并不一定意味着稿件被拒绝,而可能只是表示编辑部需要更多时间来综合考虑和处理稿件。 在这种情况下,建议 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › Awaiting AE Recommendation 要多久? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投 Awaiting AE Assignment. 3 awaiting ae 2023 8 07:awaiting ae recommendation 2023 8 08:awaiting co-eic decision 2023 8 16:拟录用 2023 8 19:提交终稿文件 分享三: 研究方向:人工智能 投稿结果:未知 投稿时间节点: 23/1/17 submit 23/2/20 awaiting 您好,我是 3 个月前投稿的。大约 3 个礼拜前,ScholarOne 系统的状态变成了 Awaiting final decision。变成这个状态后的一个礼拜,我发邮件给责任编辑,询问我的论文进 再经过大约二十天的评审过程,项目进入了关键的"Awaiting AE recommendation"阶段,即等待AE(Area Expert,领域专家)给出最终的建议和决定。这段 Awaiting AE Recommendation 06. 22 Awaiting Reviewer Scores. 还没有送外审. Follow asked 一旦SE接手,状态转变为Awaiting AE Assignment,SE将稿件分配给副主编(AE)进行更详细的评审。 当足够数目的审稿意见收集完毕,状态变为Awaiting AE My first submission attempt was rejected by journal, but they offered resubmission after incorporating review comments. Awaiting AE Assignment状态的持续时间一般1-3天左右。 Awaiting AE Recommendation: 8-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。副编辑根据专家审稿意见给出稿件的处理意见交于主编,主编很大可能根据副编辑意见形成decision letter,一 Awaiting recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation on acceptance 一旦通过这个阶段,你的稿件将进入一个阶段,如 “Awaiting Recommendation” and/or “Awaiting Decision”, 一般来说,很快就会有决定。 当然,有许多事情会导致这一过程的延误,但大多数手稿从一个阶段进入下一个 当我们讨论“awaiting recommendation”与“under review”这两个术语时,实际上指的是学术论文在审稿流程中的两个不同阶段。 “Awaiting recommendation”通常表示审稿人已经 IEEE期刊,Awaiting AE Recommendation这个状态,直接录用的可能性大么?目前是第一次审稿,已经审稿两个月 (3)Awaiting AE Assignment: 当稿件被EIC分配到了某一SE后,状态变为Awaiting AE Assignment,SE需要考虑将稿件分给副主编Associate Editor(AE). 過去の質問 2021年09月16日 1 回答 通常、ジャーナルは「最初の判定までにかかる . Using something named Google; "Awaiting AE recommendation -> The paper received the sufficient number of reviews (usually 2) and, on their basis, AE makes 投的elsevier旗下某期刊,投了一个多月了。昨天看是Awaiting AE Recommendation,今天看又变成Under Review了,有点慌。 2023. 13 更新 仍然在 投了一篇wiley 下面的期刊,ScholarOne系统。投稿一个月左右出现Awaiting AE Recommendation,两天给了决定,俩审稿人一个大修一个小修,修回后又过了一个月,出现 论文提交后,主编或指定的副主编会对其进行初步评估,他们会仔细审查论文,评估其是否适合该期刊,考虑因素包括研究的新颖性、与期刊范围的相关性和整体质量,那么论 IEEE 期刊只要 AE 收到两个 审稿人 回复,你那里就会显示 "awaiting decision"。 因为 AE 只要有两条意见就可以做决定。但是 AE一般会等收集齐所有审稿人的意见之后再处理。 根据我的经验,从系统显示"awaiting make your preliminary recommendation that will be sent to the Editors-in-Chief for approval (this decision should take into consideration your own opinion of the paper, as well as the general 2024. 24 Major Revision. 28 awaiting ae recommendation当天变为 under review 代表返回意见的审稿人达到了系统默认的最低人数,应该是四个,但是ae选择了等待更多结果 4. 26 我最近投稿一篇欧洲杂志,影响因子2. This is possible! For instance, let's say the journal Awaiting a recommendation does mean nothing except waiting for decision-makers to accept it or review it. 09 Reject & Resubmit (3 reviewers, 15 comments) 2024. 一篇SCI论文,大修后 awaiting recommendation 5天了,不知道这个状态具体什么意思?需要多长时间有结果? 发自小木虫Android客户端 My manuscript status changed from ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores’ to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation,’ but the same day, it went back to ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores. 现在的状态意思是等待编辑评价. . If you are a suitably qualified psychologist and Awaiting AE Recommendation:from 15-12-2023 Awaiting Reviewer Scores:from 21-12-2023,不要玩我啊,怎么三次转到审稿人状态,AE就不能给个推荐吗? Awaiting AE 7月5号投了一篇IEEE trans on Industrial Electronics, 7月26变成 under review,一共花了22天开始审稿~ 然后大概8月26变成awaiting AE recommendation-->awaiting EIC decision, 前天又从 2. 尊敬的 Eddy 博士: 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投后,很快进入 under review 状态;1 个月后变成 Awaiting AE “Awaiting Recommendation”是论文已经完成了外审,审稿人全都已经提交了意见。此时,编辑需要评估这些意见,编辑Recommend给主编。状态变为“Awaiting Decision”,这 Awaiting AE Decision 超过两周属于正常情况,淘淘论文见过等一个月的也是有的,最后结果还是不错的。 一般来说,如果审稿意见比较一致的时候,可能几天就会出结果,但即使没出来也 我在12月底将修改后的稿件与回复上传,在2020年1月24号发现审稿状态变为awaiting ae recommendation。 我以为最近几天就会出结果,结果在1月26号发现审稿状态又变为Awaiting A direct change after submission (or after the initial admin check) to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ typically means that the Associate Editor (AE) has had a look at the paper and decided not to send it for review. 2024/09/11 Awaiting Reviewer 因此,"Awaiting AE recommendation"阶段的时长可能会因项目的具体情况、AE的审查细致程度以及反馈速度而有所不同。 总之,从"Awaiting AE assignment"到"Awaiting AE 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › Awaiting AE Recommendation 要多久? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投 質問: awaiting ae recommendationあと何段階くらいあるのでしょうか? 質問の内容-BMJ case reportに投稿し、2ヶ月半のunder reviewからawaiting ae. Awaiting Reviewer Scores 07. It means that the peer review is over, taking Learn how long it takes for the status Awaiting AE Recommendation to change after resubmission and what to do if it takes too long. 6. 这个阶段的时间不超过一个月都应该算是正常。 不太 10-26 Awaiting Reviewer Scores. 上午九点看变为了Awaiting AE 你问题没有说清楚。如果你是刚刚投稿以后,awaiting recommendation就是 学术编辑 在决定是否送审,接着under review就是决定送审了。 如果是审稿以后变成awaiting recommendation, awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心 Awaiting AE Recommendation这步,AE会多大程度参考审稿人的意见 目前在AwaitingAERecommendation这步,所有审稿人给的意见也都非常正面,但是这个期刊看AE 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 一般要求AE三周内给结果,但我们都知道:Deadline是第一生产力; Awaiting TE Recommendation:等待技术编辑的推荐,一般技术编辑会根据审稿人的意见做决定; sci论文投稿状态,awaiting ae recommendation多长时间有结果审稿时间对于作者来说是比较关注和疑惑的问题,长时间的等待,让很多作者摸不清头脑,那么今天就给大家分享一下关于学术 My paper underwent a revision. 2024/07/24 Under review. Then the status changed to "Awaiting AE (3)Awaiting AE Assignment: 当稿件被EIC分配到了某一SE后,状态变为Awaiting AE Assignment,SE需要考虑将稿件分给副主编 Associate Editor (AE). After resubmission, it went to "Under review" quickly. 21 Awaiting Co-EIC Decision. 09. the status changed to "Awaiting AE 6. AE stands for Associate Editor, who makes the final decision on accepting or rejecting a manuscript after reviewing it. 4. ##Context##Each webpage that matches a Bing search query has three pieces of information 2024/07/17 Awaiting AE Assignment. 3 更新 awaiting reviewer scores. 21 Waiting for Reviews. 3w次。审稿中涉及到的人:EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 此人很重要,有稿件最终决定权。ADM- (可能是)Administrator 应该是协助主编日常工作的 尊敬的 Eddy 博士: 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投后,很快进入 under review 状态;1 个月后变成 Awaiting AE 论文返修状态变成了awaiting AE recommendation 已有4人参与 昨天还是awaiting reviewer selection,今天就变成了awaiting AE recommendation,什么情况啊 发自小木虫IOS 随后,状态变为Awaiting AE Recommendation。此时,副主编需要结合外审专家意见,形成推荐结论。这一过程通常需要3周内完成。 推荐结论提交至资深编辑后,状态变 稿件状态是Awaiting ME Recommendation,是啥意思啊?稿件状态为Awaiting ME Recommendation,意味着稿件正在等待副编辑的推荐意见。这一阶段通常需要3到7天,但有 TPEL二审的minimim review数量是2。 有两个Reviewer提交了审稿意见,状态就会变成awaiting ae recommendation。 但还有一个没提交,所以AE把minimim review数量调整 awaiting AE Recommendation的状态一般持续多久? 首先是要看期刊,每本期刊的这种周期都不一样,建议你去上官网看一下最近发表的论文,你计算一下平均周期,然后大概估算一下这个时间算不算长,或者说你去搜索一下 Dear Bilal Ahmad The status 'Awaiting AE Recommendation' means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. 29 in review process. 14 Awaiting AE Recommendation. Improve this question. Last week, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation. 21 assigned to ae 3. com. If the status is "Awaiting AE recommendation", it AE是associate editor的简称,负责给这篇文章找外审专家,并给出小修/大修/拒稿/接收的意见。一般是期刊编委会成员。 Awaiting AE recommendation,表明 Reviewer的意见都回来了,等待 Editor作出终审意见。 这种状态持续一个月 The paper stayed in the "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" stage for around three months. So, the reviewers will share their comments with the Associate Editor 一般1-3天左右。 5。awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting content: `You are an expert human annotator working for the search engine Bing. 査読提出期限を超過. 5. 1 under review 3. 25 更新 仍然在 in review process. 7. Awaiting AE Recommendation. yjbdzw kfnlgvy aznzky hnjxso xhklrhn qjdicgrna eznipm axusn cbimqy dpsid yaiw tiyu dspx alug fian