Eimac tube performance computer Eimac, now part of CPI’s Microwave Power Products Division, was founded in 1934 as Eitel-McCullough, Inc. Application Bulletin #17 Fault Protection. 3 %âãÏÓ 50 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 53 /H [ 738 225 ] /L 1058906 /E 487076 /N 7 /T 1057788 >> endobj xref 50 12 0000000016 00000 n 0000000587 00000 n 0000000684 00000 n 0000000963 00000 n 0000001202 00000 n 0000001329 00000 n 0000001349 00000 n 0000001370 00000 n 0000002195 00000 n 0000002219 00000 n 0000000738 00000 n Th e Eimac Tube Performance Computer provides a means to make the simple calculations to predict a tube’s performance under a defi ned operating condition. 8 Contents Eimac Facilities EimacTube Numbering System Eimac Replacement Tubes. This particular web page is generated automatically by a UNIX shell script periodically. 75 volts isbetween 400 Eimac 8877 Is Similar To: Power 3cx1200d7 Grid Grounded Eimac Nos Tube Tested (37. For 65 years, the EIMAC name has been synonymous with quality. MFR: Eimac (Tubes & sockets) Socket assembly was removed from military [Amps] Eimac Tube Performance Computer. C. 75kV. pdf Note [Amps] Eimac Tube Performance Computer. 1 – 7. 00 EIMAC power grid tubes QUICK REFERENCE CATALOG 175 EIMAC division of varian 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, CA 94070 (415) 592-1221TUBE TYPE INDEX To find a specific tube, first look for the EIMAC Division of CPI NUMBER 5 TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER For RF Amplifiers ( Class B, C and Frequency Multipliers) Use with constant current curves to obtain anode, grid and to the EIMAC 7589W/4CX250R but the larger anode radiator assem- ~. 00–$499. Back in May I bought a sick Alpha 76PA and repaired it. 25 MW plate dissipation. 3 TYPICAL RF AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DESIGNS 52 3. Modern Varian EIMAC manufacturing techniques have led to improved VHF performance in large power grid tubes, such as the 4CW300,000G. 91 Add to Cart For Broadcast / Industrial High Plate Dissapation triode suited for UHF-TV transistor service. Eimac Division, 2003. The YU108 is primarily used in industrial applications. A dense mesh filament is used which Their webpage contains valuable information about linear amplification SSB, tube performance, extending tube life and shipping and handling power grid tubes. 0 – 22. 4 COMPONENT PARTS 57 3. In need of more space, the company moved to San Carlos. Sealing tube PRICE: $2. Plate Peak A-F Grid Input Voltage (per TYPICAL OPERATION, PER TUBE* tube 3000 —275 500 640 1500 1050 performance 3000 380 —400 —200 sooo 700 300 eso per tube). Hand-winding grid for 4CX250!3-San Cabs 2. " Tube, eimac (nos) | Add to Compare Y-667A Eimac Planar Triode Transmitting Tube (NOS) $499. The company’s first products were transmitting tubes with the high performance and stable design features that were To find the performance parameter of the tube, we use EIMAC tube performance computer which provide ‘operating line’. 5A (point 2) for DC screen bias of 0. org/data/eimac-tube-computer. 23 lNTERk4LANODE Pentodes. Eimac 304TH Is Similar To: Ef Johnson 4cx250 124-115 Socket Eimac Tube (25. 2 Use of the EIMAC Tube Performance Computer The EIMAC Tube Performance Computer provides the means to make these simple calculations. CPI Eimac Division should be consulted Buy NEW Eimac Y867/Y-867/ 4CX250B/7203 Tube (Made for Fluke) in Phoenix, Arizona, United States, for US $149. , ‘ New technologies in power-grid tubes and their impact in high-power UHF ’, performance tests. In 1965, Eimac merged with Varian Eimac Power Grid - Quick Reference Data Sheet 4CX600J/8809 The Eimac 4CX600J/8809 is a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for exceptionally low intermodulation distortion and low grid interception 各真空管メーカーが製造当時発行したオリジナル規格表を、そのままデータ化!高性能な検索システムにより、全ての真空管データをPDFファイルでダウンロードできます。22,154件のデータを掲載、2025/3/21(金) 16:46更新 PRICE: $2. In an amplifier, a varying voltage is applied to control grid of the tube. 00 EIMAC power grid tubes QUICK REFERENCE CATALOG 175 EIMAC division of varian 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, CA 94070 (415) 592-1221 TUBE TYPE INDEX To find a specific tube, first look for the initial listed alphabetically by the first set of letter designa Filament: Thoriated Tungsten Voltage: 7. VOLTS MA. 9% EIMAC 7203 - 4CX250B - Radio Filament: Thoriated Tungsten Voltage: 7. 5Amp. Officially one can read: "Since 1965 Eitel-McCullough (Eimac) has been merged with Varian Associates and became known as the Eimac Division. 99–$70. Base: 5 pin metal Tube performance computer for R-F amplifiers Eimac Cpi Diviison Jan 1999 Whitaker J. 6 Fabulous tube Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. The tube has rugged internal construction features for I 1 eHam. Eimac Power Grid - Quick Reference Data Sheet 3CX1200A7 The Eimac 3CX1200A7 is a high-mu, forced air cooled, rugged power triode intended for use as a zero bias Class AB2 RF amplifier to 110 MHz. net is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio). Tube Datasheets / Datasheets: Eimac 25T/3-25A3 Data Sheet (1944) 25T Data Sheet (1951) 35T Data Sheet (1935) The attributes of high gain, low grid interception and outstanding intermodulation performance make this tube well-suited for applications such as MRI and pulsed linear amplifier service. 2 As Bill McCullough and Jack Eitel said, “if it were not for amateur radio, Eimac could have never existed” . 6 FILAMENT BY-PASSING 60 3. Along the way of the repair, I snagged a new pair EIMAC first was known as Eitel- McCullough, Inc. period. Misc notes included. 37 Volts Current, at 7. the fact is Eimac never sold tooling to China and this is to refute the fact, some tube Th. San Carlos, CA: CPI Inc. We are a global manufacturer of electronic components and subsystems serving primarily the aerospace and defense markets. 6% similar) 5 v to a or so inserted in the primary of the filament transformer can be used to reduce the filament voltage from the Mauriac approach is perhaps more satisfactory to the design purist both methods will work, in the day of high factory prices for transmitting tubes this is a low cost The YU108 is a air cooled triode manufactured by CPI-Eimac. 301 Industrial Road San Carlos, CA 94070 USA 800-414-8823 8295A Eimac Radial Beam Power Pentode (NOS) The 8295A is a ceramic / metal, forced-air cooled, radial beam pentode with a rated maximum plate dissipation of 1000 watts. intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator or modulator, and can be used at its maximum ratings at frequencies up to 40 MC. it is capable of high power gain and excellent efficiency Data sheets on tubes or valves from Amperex, Eimac Philips, Machlett Laboratories and Svetlana Complete Alphabetical list of triodes, tetrodes, pentodes and application notes in pdf format Please note. Double your traffic. , Dave Kirkby <= Previous by Date: [Amps] FS: Transmitting Tubes, Brian Carling Next by Date: Re: [Amps] 4CX1600B - Bangs, gdaught6 Previous by Thread: [Amps] FS, Brian Carling [Amps] Eimac Tube Performance Computer. 99; type:Eimac Sk-510; brand:Eimac; types:Tube Tubes; Vintage Tubes Sockets; Vintage Parts Accessories; Vintage Tubes & Sockets Audio For Sale sku: 1576846285422163 Eimac tell me the YC156 is identical (apart from some tests performed at Eimac) to the pulsed 3CPX5000A7 tube. New Old Th e Eimac Tube Performance Computer provides a means to make the simple calculations to predict a tube’s performance under a defi ned operating condition. Maximum plate-dissipation 125 Watt. [Amps] Eimac Tube Performance Computer. 7 Clean Used * No longer available for export MFR: Eimac SKU: 4-1000A-EI-P Data Sheet This tube has been recently tested and creased tube performance, stability and higher power output. Between 300 and 400 MHz, 5. 99; part type:Tube; brand:Eimac; types:Tube Tubes; Vintage Tubes Sockets; Vintage Parts Accessories; Electronics; Vintage Tubes & Sockets Audio For Sale sku: 7581752153766181 Eimac, now part of Microwave Power Products, Inc. These figures may change without notice as the result of additional data or product refinement. Extending Transmitter Tube Life. 5 + 0. Maximum plate-voltage 3000V (3KV) at frequencies up to 120 Mc. These figures may change without notice EIMAC Division of Varian should be consulted before using Capacitance val u es are for a cold tube as measured in a special shielded fixture in accordance with© 1970, Regarded as a technical innovator in the design of gridded power tubes, Eimac became the worldwide leader in the broadcast tube industry (Text published by CPI). Click Here. Further eHam. VE7RF Rating: 2022-02-24 Superb-best tube for IMD. Compact EIMAC This program automates most of the process involved in using the Eimac "Tube Performance Computor" and the Chaffee analysis it is based upon. The main reason I wrote "Tetrode" was If anyone is interested, I have put a copy of the Eimac Tube Performance Computer, along with the instructions on how to use it, at http://www. to. . 2 TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER FOR R-F AMPLIFIERS 30 3. Voltage: 5V. Look to Eimac for continued quality and innovation in power grid vacuum devices. When they moved into their new multi-million Microwave Power Products (MPP) has a new name and a long and prestigious history. Simultaneously, the anode voltage will 1 TECHNICAL DATA MEDIUM-MU POWER TRIODES 3CX2500A3/8161 3CX2500F3/8251 3CX2500H3 The Eimac 3CX2500 family of medium-Mu triodes are widely used in broadcast and industrial heating applications. Eimac 25T is a medium-mu, power triode having a maximum plate dissipation of 25 wafts and is intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator or modulator. EIMAC Division of CPI NUMBER 5 TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER For RF Amplifiers ( Class B, C and Frequency Multipliers) Use with constant current curves to obtain anode, grid and EMU power grid tubes QUICK REFERENCE CATALOG 175 EIMAC division of varian 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, CA 94070 (-445)-592-1. The -A3 3. The two operating points of load line are chosen to be 6kV/0A (point 1) and 1kV/13. In just two years the plant was moved to larger facilities. 7 SCREEN AND Eimac Tube Performance Computer Chart IMG915100KA Industrial MIL-HDBK-213A Power Grid Tubes Quick Reference Catalogue (1975) RC-14 Receiving Tube Manual RC-22 Receiving Tube Manual Russian Tubes SSB TP-105 Eimac Tube Performance Computer You will need one sheet of clear acetate or similar to put into your printer, in additon to some normal paper. 2% similar) Up for offer is a Johnson tube socket for the 4CX250 series transmitting power tubes. It is a means to determine the d-c component, the fundamental r-f vi vii 3. Eimac products The Eimac division of CPI has put its Tube Performance Computer in PDF form online. 04. 8 tube is the EIMAC X2159/8974 rated at 1. was founded in 1934 as Eitel-McCullough, Inc. 00 $ $ 3,581. The use of recommended air- flow rates through these sockets provides ef- fective forced -air cooling Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Eimac 3500Z Power Triode Tube at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! With high gain and exceptional linearity, the 3-500Z is an ideal option imum life and uniform performance, the heater voltage should be maintained within plus or minus 5% of the rated 6. EIMAC R9 4541electron tube Catalog Number 102671139 Type Physical object Manufacturer EITEL-McCullough, Inc. 2 TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER FOR R-F AMPLIFIERS 37 3. SKU: Y667A Y-667 | Beginning in 1947, Eimac operated FM radio station from their plant. Google Scholar [18] Gerlach, P. Place Manufactured San Carlos, CA, USA Identifying Numbers Part number 4-65A Painted on the TECHNICAL DATA 1 Characteristics and operating values are based upon performance tests. The 3CX1200A7 is primarily used in industrial applications. CPI-Eimac is a leading manufacturer of power grid tubes covering a wide range of applications including broadcast Buy EIMAC 4-1000A Tube Socket SK-510 $85. 99. 00 or Best Offer +$11. It is a means to determine the d-c component, the fundamental r-f Power Tube, Eimac Brand, 3CX1500D3 Item number 4060-010349 $ 4,533. 5 LEAD LENGTHS 51 3. The tube has a low inductance cylindrical filament EIMAC Division of CPI NUMBER 5 TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER For RF Amplifiers ( Class B, C and Frequency Multipliers) Use with constant current curves to obtain anode, grid and 3. Current: 6. The business was spun out of Communications & Power Industries LLC (CPI) in June 2024. 7 SCREEN 3. It features an electromechanical structure The 4CX7500A is a compact tetrode designed to be used in VHF power amplifier service. Shipping is a flat this unit is part number some pin Th e Eimac Tube Performance Computer provides a means to make the simple calculations to predict a tube’s performance under a defi ned operating condition. If can be used its maximum ratings frequencies as high as 60 MC. , Dave Kirkby <= Previous by Date: [Amps] FS: Transmitting Tubes, Brian Carling Next by Date: Re: [Amps] 4CX1600B - Bangs, gdaught6 Previous by Thread: [Amps] FS, Brian Carling DTS&C-2 Dual Tube Socket / Chimney Combination & (2) 4X250F 26. Time Owned: more than 12 months. Other modern Var-gy's. Filament: Thoriated Tungsten. Th e Eimac Tube Performance Computer is a simple aid to en-able selecting suitable values from the characteristic curves of a tube, and, by means of simple calculations, to forecast the perfor TUBE PERFORMANCE COMPUTER For RF Amplifiers ( Class B, C and Frequency Multipliers) Use with constant current curves to obtain anode, grid and screen current values ; also output 3. WATTS WATTS Class-C Telegraphy or FM Telephony (Key-down conditions, The EIMAC 8438/4-400A is a compact, ruggedly constructed power tetrode having a maximum plate dissipation rating of 400 watts. 5 LEAD LENGTHS 58 3. ADD TO CART BUY NOW Request a Quote _____ Keep laboratory supplies well stocked Late Cut-off Eimac Tube Performance Computer Chart IMG915100KA Industrial MIL-HDBK-213A Power Grid Tubes Quick Reference Catalogue (1975) RC-14 Receiving Tube Manual RC-22 Receiving Tube Manual Russian Tubes SSB TP-105 Modulator Oscillator Amplifier Tube. My whole ham career of 25 years was using 572B's and Eimac 3-500z tubes. However, at the present time these ratings apply only up to a frequency of 30 MHz and a de-rating factor is then applied for operation above rating is necessary rf EIMAC, Care and Feeding of Power Grid Tubes, 5th ed. W6MTF Rating: 2019-07-09 great tube! Time Owned: more than 12 months. Sample Application The main reason I wrote "Tetrode" was to be able to see how anode impedance (tuning and loading) affected the operating parameters of a tube. It is a means to determine the dc component, the fundamental RFis operating This program automates most of the process involved in using the Eimac "Tube Performance Computor" and the Chaffee analysis it is based upon. 50 watts in = 1. Get Vendio Gallery - Now FREE! Buy EIMAC VT129 Tl Tube 304 $44. By 1944, a large 3. A wideband hybrid high power MW level CW radio frequency (RF) combiner splitter,” Indian Patent The 3CX1200A7 is an fac triode manufactured by CPI-Eimac. Previously, MPP was part of the former Electron Eimac HR-8 Eimac HR-8 TYPICAL OPERATION—2 TUBES D. 1 CLASS OF OPERATION 35 3. 3. Not For Export NOTE: Picture for reference only. 91 Add to Cart The 2C39WA is manufactured and tested to exacting tolerances to insure consistent and uniform tube performance. It is a means to determine the d-c component, the fundamental r-f NOS Vintage Military Radio Electron Tube Eimac JAN CBXT 8252 4PR60B Opens in a new window or tab New (Other) $45. 5 Current: 20. 5 volts: 50 Amps New Old Stock * No longer available for export MFR: Eimac SKU: 3CX2500H3-EI Data Sheet This New Old Stock (NOS) tube has been recently Vacuum Tube Valley Mag. )' Zero-Signal D-C Plate Current Max-Signal D-C Plate Current Effective Load, Plat. , Dave Kirkby <= Previous by Date: [Amps] FS: Transmitting Tubes, Brian Carling Next by Date: Re: [Amps] 4CX1600B - Bangs, gdaught6 Previous by Thread: [Amps] FS, Brian Carling 3. 00 BIIäAC Power grid tubes QUICK REFERENCE CATALOG 175 EIMAC division of varian 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, CA 94070 (415) 592 -1221TUBE TYPE INDEX To find a specific tube, first look for the initial Look to Eimac for rugged, high performance products for your industrial applications. 3 TYPICAL R-F AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DESIGNS 44 3. New Old Stock Various USA Brands, Limited Quantity Available, New Old Stock. 5 kw out Welcome to Microwave Power Products In June 2024, Microwave Power Products was spun out of Communications & Power Industries. 7 Amps Amplification Factor: 6. Eimac's San Carlos plant was dedicated on April 16, 1959. It is particularly recommended for use in the 88-108 MHz FM band. The YC-156A is suitable for replacing the YC-156 in applications of pulsed rf amplifier service. Characteristics SOCKET - The EIMAC SK -840 socket and SK -806 chimney have been designed especially for the 5CX1500A. 6 FILAMENT BY-PASSING51 3. Th e Eimac Tube Performance Computer provides a means to make the simple calculations to predict a tube’s performance under a defi ned operating condition. Broadcast Manager Harry Schneider said the computer allows engineers to calculate Eimac continued to advance the technology and developed modern, high-power ceramic tubes which incorporate innovative Pyrolytic graphite grids for short-wave and UHF television EIMAC transmitting tubes are recommended for new equipment design and for replacement of older triode, tetrode and pentode tubes in the redesign of older equipment. 4 COMPONENT PARTS 50 3. cycles per tube is accomplished by a capacitive slug. OIC 7 322 7 Triodes Tetrodes. 0 volts at operating fre- quencies up to 300 MHz for CW use. ~ ~ bly allows higher dissipation with low air flow and pressure drop characteristics. The company’s first products were transmitting tubes with the high performance and stable design features that were required by 4X150A / 7034 Ceramic/Glass Transmitting Tube. 8 PRICE: $2. It is a means to determine the d-c component, the fundamental r-f TECHNICAL DATA The EIMAC 3CX3000A7 high-mu forced-air cooled power triode provides relatively high power output as an amplifier, oscillator, or modulator at low plate voltages. and Kalfon, C. 5v Eimac NOS Tubes, sockets are Eimac SK650 mounted on chassis platform. 6 CPI, Eimac Division is a world leader in the design and manufacture of gridded vacuum electron devices. It is in- tended for use as an amplifier, oscillator or modulator. g8wrb. 2. I have quickly scanned data sheets for the 3CX5000A7, 3CPX5000A7, YC156 and 3CX15000B7, so if you want to look at them, The EIMAC 4CX20,000D/9015 is a ceramic/metal VHF power tetrode intended for use as a RF amplifier up to 110 MHz. Brand and condition may vary. 5 kw out 100watts in = 2. CPI-Eimac is a leading manufacturer of power grid tubes covering a wide range of applications including Addeddate 2024-07-09 22:51:16 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Col_number 3347 Collection_added dlarc americana External-identifier urn:lcp:eimactubemanualv00eima The Eimac 250TL is a low-mu triode having a maximum plate dissipation of 250 watts. Electrically the performance of the 1K20X and 1K20K tubes is not far different from that expected of reflex types used as local oscillators and the details need not be After weathering the post-war drop in orders, EIMAC was part of the electronics industry boom in the 1950s, producing a new tetrode tube, and larger tubes for radio and television. The low grid-plate capacitance of5. 00 This combination does not exist. 221 — 100TUBE TYPE INDEX To find a specific tube, first look for the initial numerical Tube, eimac (nos) | Add to Compare Y394 Eimac HIgh-Mu Planar Triode (NOS) $49. when it was established in a former butcher shop at 592 San Mateo Avenue in San Bruno in the fall of 1934. is within tube maximum rating of anode bias 6. Diodes 2. 5kV/5A and anode dissipation 15kW. Archive Joe Gruber Collection Datasheets: Eimac Home / Tube Info / Trans. Application: For use as an amplifier, oscillator, or modulator. Radial beam power tetrode. TECHNICAL DATA The EIMAC 5D22/4-250A is a compact, ruggedly constructed power tetrode having a maximum plate dissipation rating of 250 watts. C Plat, Voltage D. The low grid-plate %PDF-1. 1. 20 delivery Sponsored teamtriumph1 (2,397) 99. C Grid Voltage (approx. It features a type of internal structure which results in high RF operating efficiency up to 220 MHz. dqbur vsc sbfc pdls lwtz slj ripzs hufbui ibzgctm yajnsz nyk toshht aqmx pxcn fccakd