Grey hack scripting Of course, without the Identacion, Elif bein Else If instead, and some other minor stuff, but even tho I can get my head around the syntax, I can't understand scripting its self. Usage. #5. Grey Hack Guide 12 - The scripting update is here!!! [Coding, Player Hacking, Hacking Protection] TO BE CONTINED GreyScript information hub. Report bugs here. MIT license superscedes old 5hell license. gg/F6jgZR8EcyVideo where I make th About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Mar 28, 2019 · I am rather intrigued by the scripting aspect of the game but possess very little experience with programming but i certainly would love to learn it but it seems daunting. Nov 13, 2004 · GreyHack game scripts repository. org/ May 3, 2020 · Grey Hack. Updated Feb 22, 2025; Lua; Jcp22034 / Weaver. src . Titus Groen. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews For the first step, I needed to use Aireplay command. Nov 3, 2019 · Try Social Engineering (choose System information as subject); If you don't know where to find names and e-mails for social engineering, Click "How to Find Names and E-Mails for Social Engineering" on right and read it. Report repository Languages. useful links: https://documentation. My intent is to help people access internet easily. No releases published. src - Script for trying all exploits against given router. Greybel aims to reduce this hassle, allowing you to spend more time coding and playing rather than copy-pasting files repeatedly. 2 watching. x. Watchers. When vuln is not known script will prompt to try vulns that have requirements, defaulting to only trying vulns with no requirements. Now open source. Contribute to ayecue/greyscript-library development by creating an account on GitHub. steampowered. Also watch mode for Greybel. org. Grey Hack provides an authentic simulation experience, from investigating vulnerabilities to scripting personalised tools. src file, but to enable it manually, use CTRL+K, CTRL+M Oct 19, 2021 · Grey Hack. Readme Activity. You're a hacker with full freedom to act as you wish on a vast network of procedurally generated computers. Report repository Releases. Any tools made or modified to better suit the user will be notated differently than the others. 13 stars. gg/F6jgZR8EcyMy channel on odysee where removed videos A Grey Hack guide for those of you who prefer to watch a video to learn how the game is played. Ssh. 8%; Footer A collection of scripts for the hacking focused mmorpg: greyhack. Scripting API Default Ports. Automate any workflow Codespaces Public scripts in the GreyScript language for the game GreyHack. xploit. and get a shell (NOTE: Autohack auto uploads itself and a few other things that it needs). Feel free to use them wherever you want. If a vuln is not known it will scan for for vulns, use the first one found and output data to be added to the script. Any ways, good for you, one step closer to making your own hacking tools! "File" is not written as "File" itself, it represents a file object in the computer, so you would need to instantiate the object using: file = get_shell. This is nothing more than a repository for tool/exploits to use in the game "Grey Hack" they language used in game is grey script, nothing posted can be used in real life publically to cause harm or damage or be used maliciously. in that they are not limited to preset "exploits" and can even code their own unique tools in a classic high-level scripting language. GreyDocs. txt") this now creates a File object which you can use the functions on Mar 16, 2025 · Scripts for use with the game Grey Hack. Code Issues Pull requests A reverse shell handler for the game GreyHack. Skip to content. Made with GreyScript toolkit for Grey Hack written in TS. Topics. greyhack greyscript greyhackscripts. Check out Steam Workshop to see the available language packs created by other players!About the GameGrey Hack is a massively multiplayer hacking simulator game. wifihack. Feb 25, 2019 @ 12:28pm 1. Libraries contain their own methods, and operate as custom objects. Scripting API Default Ports The scripts I use and make in the hacking simulation game Grey Hack - San-Robonaut/ghscripts A collection of random scripts/tools I made in greyscript for the game Grey Hack. The fact is i made it public for people can read and see how small things work or plan their own. Skip to content Grey Hack Code Docs If the script attempts to exceed this, the output will be cut down to its last 2,000 characters. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews How are arguments passed via command line in the game scripting? thanks bros < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . Write better code with AI Security. Music comes from Heartbound: h Oct 27, 2019 · Heyy I have tryed to chmod a file using the new scripting method, but i still can't do that can you please help me by typing the exact sintax? ty guys. However, when I use get_shell. there are no any response. src : Deletes the . Oct 11, 2022 · You can see in the image both the Grey Hack whois script and my whois script connect. They are scan {ip} and scan -l. File Explorer, Terminal By using greybel main. No packages published . Jan 19, 2021 · Grey Hack Code Docs Data Handling Initializing search Grey Hack Code Docs Welcome Data Handling Data Handling Let's apply the above knowledge and write a short script that prints: Your name is John Doe and your favourite thing is something (random key and its matching value) GreyHack game scripts repository. Grey Hack - Language PacksThe game supports community translations. I use Notepad++, which is in general a good text editor with many features. src - Simple virus to render a machine useless in Grey Hack. testr ==> for hacking routers. miniscript grey-hack greyhack greyscript greyhackscripts greyscripts Updated Jul 28 Jan 28, 2025 · In this episode, we're starting fresh with a new game, covering the basics of Grey Hack, how to navigate the interface, and setting up our system for success Oct 19, 2021 · The trailer is actually super old, back when it was made there were tools that would do stuff like that, but since the change to the exploit system and the scripting system, the game is actually much more sim-like then puzzle-like, everything is based quite heavily on real life hacking. TO BE CONTINED As I make more videos this Mar 13, 2025 · This page wil give you some information on the programing language of grey hack. is this a bug or I missed Feb 16, 2025 · GreyDocs. host_computer. Players can target various computer systems, bypass security, and gain access to critical data. Previous Data Handling Next API Created by GHTools. All guide information is based on X version 0. If you want to use all of the programs, I suggest using bootstrap. Try the game Grey Hack today: https://store. Contribute to Seevenup83/GreyHack development by creating an account on GitHub. After that, it will run aireplay, with the best network and the ACKs that we input. Jan 19, 2021 · A guide to the Grey Hack Coding API. 9 forks. Collection of scripts used for the game grey hack. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. 1. A collection of my own custom made scripts for the hacking simulation called Grey Hack - skekHak/greyhack-scripts-1. May 11, 2020 · Grey Hack. Code Issues Pull requests A mod developed for the Steam game "Grey Hack", which can be found here: https: //store. Two things which are very useful for GH: Scripts for the Grey Hack game. scripting greyhack greyscript Jan 6, 2024 · Creating your own scripts is better at learning how to play Grey Hack. localhack - Program that exploits a local Sep 21, 2022 · These are a few of my scripts that can help beginners. Ladies and Gentlemen of OmniCorp, We in OmniCorp pride ourselves on honesty and as such have commissioned a report which sheds light on the events that took place surrounding the out-of-game exploitation. Grey Hack Gaming Discord:https://discord. Grey Hack > General Scripts for the Grey Hack game. greyscript. Build type; Obfuscation GreyScript is a scripting language for the video game Grey Hack. This script will pick the best network available. Online Editor for GreyScript which helps to create scripts. The problem I have been running into is that, once the aireplay script is activated, it is hard programmed that Nov 19, 2023 · I am wokring on a variation of this now, I will try to incorporate Glad I could assist someone! :) Jun 8, 2020 · I have programming experience, especially with Python which seems very similar in syntaxis to the scripting language in Grey Hack. I am trying to make it so that when aireplay hits a certain number of ACKs it auto stop aireplay and activates aircrack. Loading. Minimize your scripts to save up to 40% on large projects Optimize literals (strings, booleans, numbers) Minify namespace names; Dec 19, 2022 · Shell emulator and multitool for the video game Grey Hack. gs or . Programs: autohack - Automatically hack a remote library like ssh, sql, http, etc. org/ https://editor. 这是steam游戏Greyhack中,关于GreyScript语言文档的翻译。我使用了AI翻译,并进行了润色修改。 我非常喜欢Greyhack这款游戏,但这款游戏似乎太过冷门,关于它的教程内容实在太少,于是我想开始翻译这个游戏中的文档,希望能帮到各位。 My collection of public scripts I use in the game Grey Hack. Grey Hack Steam link: here (Early Access) Game mimics a Unix enviroment, can be played Player vs. Nov 10, 2020 @ 7:43am Thanks! #2 < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . src - Script for automated wifi hacking. Some scripts to make your life easier in Grey Hack hacking simulator game Resources Jul 19, 2023 · Grey Hack. 8. GreyScript is a fork of MiniScript and can be compared Jan 19, 2021 · Grey Hack allows players to create their own executables from within the game, programmed in the GreyScript language. #1. This repository will host scripts that I have written for the game, Grey Hack. I try going on youtube but there's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yes there is grey hack gaming that does scripting youtube videos but they're aren't i created my own "nmap" just to test the scripting api. Replace those with "else;" (add semicolon). . com About. one file scripts, usually simple command line programs that provides some quality of life improvements, example: improved version of commands that already exists in the game Dec 26, 2023 · X is an all-in-one hacking tool for the game Grey hack. This mod automatically installs a All of my Grey Hack game scripts. Unoffical documentation for various aspects of GreyHack, including the scripting API. com/app/605230/Grey_Hack/C May 19, 2019 · Showing how to make a shell tool that uses scanlib vulnerabilities. 1 day ago · This repository includes all scripts that I've made so far for the game Grey Hack. If you want to know version number of a library that currently located in your computer, make a custom script or copy the code below and paste Feb 16, 2021 · Line numbers may be shifted if you have lines ending with "else". com/app/605230/Grey_Hack/Check Nov 4, 2020 · Hackmud is HEAVILY centered around scripting things yourself. Grey Hack enables players to create their own programs inside the game via the integrated scripting language called GreyScript. You don't need to buy all the exploits and get bankrupt. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Is there a way to actually bounce connections from an rshell using a script just like the Map. Babidi. There are 2 main scans listed at the top of the man page. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions Scripts: test ==> for hacking pcs. Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A collection of random scripts/tools I made in greyscript for the game Grey Hack. 1 star. basically the ps command, but it shows a bar of the cpu and memory usage usage This is my personal gh scripts, note some are decaprecated , some are unfisnished and other are working super dupper. include_lib(libpath)¶ Includes an external library on the executing machine, specified by its file path (string). About. src - Automatic hacking Dec 9, 2018 · Grey Hack Guide 12 - The scripting update is here!!! [Coding, Player Hacking, Hacking Protection] This video shows the new scripting update and some ideas on how you can protect yourself against the new hacking techniques that the update brings. Check out the game on steam:https://store. Last edited by ZeroTheHero; Feb 16, 2020 @ 8:27am repository for players to share and find grey hack scripts. exe does? Isco Sep 1, 2021 @ 5:05pm Nice well documented , guide. Most scripts depend on in some way one or more custom libraries found in the include folder and the compiler included. In the first part of a new game, the player must hack the WiFi signals that can be detected by their computer in order to gain access to the internet and thus the main part of the game. File Explorer, Terminal Mar 13, 2025 · Grey Hack Gameplay. txt file (if found) Nov 14, 2020 · Grey Hack. Unofficial documentation for various aspects of GreyHack, including the Scripting API. Scripting API After having read this and since it was removed from the Grey Hack Discord I think it’s only fair that it still be available for those in the community to read. Grey Hack free download PC gameplay revolves around hacking techniques and network navigation. Player. You will find a Hacknet like Probing script (thanks to H4ck G4mes for the idea!!), an automatated WiFi cracker (requires you to run aireplay in a second terminal to acquire ACKs when prompted to do so) and something that I call the "Exploit Suite". Most scripts depend on in some way one or more custom libraries found in the include folder and Online Editor for GreyScript which helps to create scripts. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Even if I would have no idea about scripting, I would get a clue of what the script does. print ("Hello world") Build type; Obfuscation; Disable literals optimization; Disable GreyHack game scripts repository. View on GitHub. usage: scriptname "ip address" ----- get_hostname = function(k) if is_valid_ip(k) then return whois(k) else print Grey Hack. Stars. Code Issues Pull requests Cute, simple and open-source shell. autoclean - Cleans up after autohack and tools. if anyone is interested in the script, there it is. 3 stars. GreyScript formatting, highlighting, and other cool features for Grey Hack. Feb 16, 2020 · Grey Hack. Packages 0. To use, run the following command in 5hell after building 5hell the first time as per above instructions. GreyScript is a scripting language for the video game Grey Hack. Jan 3, 2024 · My collection of public scripts I use in the game Grey Hack. Enviroment or Player vs. src - Better decipher program than original. firewall ==> to disable firewalls (really simple and out of development because its not really necessary) Dec 27, 2023 · Opens a shell environment on the SSH server. Automate any LEGAL NOTICE These files are for the video game Grey Hack They are in no way real hacks - would not work under real life circumstances - and cannot cause harm Please do not assume you can hack information technology systems in Grey Hack. Scripts for the game "GreyHack". Some of these scripts may be based partially on the work of other players and any script that uses ideas or code snippets from another player will have credits added for that player (included repo links when I Showing how to make a shell tool that uses scanlib vulnerabilities. Readme Security policy. I created two simple but inefficient scripts that will Sep 21, 2022 · autowifi - Automatically hack a wifi network in Grey Hack (the video game). Per page: 15 30 50. Grey Hack Scripts. Takes a usage string and returns the usage information (string) or "Unknown info" Returns a string with the current Nov 4, 2019 · As of creating this guide there are not any programs that allow you to scan and use exploits manually to get access to target. Greyscript's syntax highlighting (should) automatically activate if you edit a . src; Now you have the choice to either copy and paste the content of main. You can create binary executables in Grey Hack A mod developed for the Steam game "Grey Hack", which can be found here: https://store. typescript hack miniscript grey-hack greyhack greyscript greybel. Yeah I know there is a manual but it just says the functions and what they do but they don't say where and when to put them. So at the end, the game targets more beginner in programming, to get a feeling of stock tools which are present in any language. Grey Hack scripts for anyone to use! NOTE: I am not the creator of "NamelessDB" the creator is "Nameless" About. This script will automatically set up the config file and directories if they do not exist, and add the WiFi information from the Gift. Code Issues A collection of custom scripts and libraries and a compiler i use in the game Greyhack to make life easier and the game more enjoyable. Lua 96. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Star 2. src --installer --uglify or the build command offered by greybel-vs in the context menu of VSCode you'll be able to build the project. greyhack greyhackscripts. Show hidden Nov 4, 2024 · barhop is a script that is used to automate and randomize connection WiFi and length of time connected, using known WiFi connections and passwords stored in a Config File. Automate any Useful scripts for Grey Hack. If a vuln is known it will prompt for which one to use. You can get the latest copy by sending an email Scanning is an essential part of the X script. Contribute to psimonson/greyhack-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to groboclown/greyhack-shell development by creating an account on GitHub. decipher ==> little more advanced decipher. (with a lot of simplification because it's still a game). 0 forks. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. Resources to help working with GreyScript. Contribute to Tuna-Terps/SeaShell-greyhack-game development by creating an account on GitHub. Updated Feb 22, 2025; Lua; Arc8ne / BankTransferUtilityProgramMod. manual/manualr ==> same as test/testr but with more flexibility. Theres missing alot up to date project, Mar 13, 2020 · Showing how to make an automated hacking script by redesigning a hackshop exploit. src; usefulFunctions. src - Script for getting a shell on a remote machine. gg/F6jgZR8EcyMy channel on odysee where removed v Sep 28, 2023 · Grey Hack. Trash folder from every user every second (for people who forget to empty trash). I know that there's is no need to use script for this. After the build is done you should see a folder called /build/ in ~/myProject. Feb 16, 2025 · Unofficial documentation for various aspects of GreyHack, including the Scripting API. To get the right ACKs, I used this table: Using the scripting mechanic in Grey Hack to complete 1,000 corruption missions in multiplayer. In order to use these scripts install the dependencies and follow the installation Jul 13, 2021 · Grey Hack. I also share some tips, tricks and potential problems in the game. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. Adds more functions into greyscript from Grey Hack to utilize in scripts by either extending existing object/classes or adding as standalone functions similar to "builtin" functions. launch to run "/bin/aireplay". All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Showing the fundamentals of the scripting system in the game. Star 3. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews With a (user/guest) Shell object: If you are using a shell you will need to pivot by issuing the put [script_name] Jan 8, 2023 · Grey Hack Scripts Raw. Grey Hack enables players to create their own programs inside the game via the integrated scripting language called GreyScript. Pull requests are welcome. src; main. Trashday. Security policy Activity. just stops executing the rest of the script. ruby rails greyhack greyscript Updated Aug 1, 2024; Ruby; actres5 / marinette Star 2. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews well it doesn't crash. These were all made by me. typescript hack miniscript grey-hack greyhack greyscript greybel Resources. - skekHak/GreyHack-Game-Scripts Unoffical documentation for various aspects of GreyHack, including the scripting API. Usage: Copy the source code for the program you wish to use, and then paste it into the code editor in-game. - 1R13/grey_hack. 2%; TypeScript 3. Login Store Grey Hack. src This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Nov 30, 2022 · routernuke. i watched a video from one guy but i found him to be all over the place with what he was doing and found it difficult to follow along as he never really explained in much detail it was again all over the place. It makes no difference on a small scale but it makes it a little easier on bigger scripts. Documentation Editor Manuals GreyScript. com Grey Hack - Language PacksThe game supports community translations. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews If you go for scripting, keep in mind that you can copy & paste between GH and your PC. All Discussions A Self-Scripter has significant advantages in this game as opposed to someone who uses others code without understanding it. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews This will load up the metaxploit library in your script so that you can use methods from it and the print function will show you that the variable 'met' now contains an object representing the library you loaded. Contribute to ayecue/greybel-js development by creating an account on GitHub. decrypt. It will contain 3 different files: installer0. The man page for scan: scan Jan 19, 2021 · The script will pause and the user will be prompted to enter their name, after which the script will resume and the user input (string) will be returned as the declared variable (in this case name). routernuke. There are 5 libraries for code import and 9 scripts for "hacking" (NOT real hacking it's a game). Very, very, very limited support available. module scripting greyhack greyscript greyhackscripts Updated Oct 9, 2024; actres5 / marinette Star 2. Grey Hack scripts for anyone to use! Resources. com/app/605230/Grey_Hack/. Updated Mar 2, 2025 · I have been trying to create a scripted tool called "airraid" which combines aireplay and aircrack. For example, take a look the first line fo code of this script I Scripts for the Grey Hack game. Public GreyHack scripts Resources. Jan 19, 2021 · Obtain usage information for a native Grey Hack command. 1 watching. GreyScript is a fork of MiniScript and can be compared A collection of custom scripts and libraries and a compiler i use in the game Greyhack to make life easier and the game more enjoyable. - irtsa-dev/greyscript-tools. Grey Hack has scripting, but it's more for running programs to automate a lot of your hacking. Automate any workflow Codespaces Nov 19, 2023 · I really want to like this game but you CAN'T play it without knowing how to code this games scripting language. Next, run: makfit [path to My collection of public scripts I use in the game Grey Hack - salmon85/Grey_hack_scripts Showing how to upgrade the default decipher tools to make it more versatile. viruswipe. File("test. 0 watching. it can get the router as it returns a router object and you get get other info of it. NVM! i found the answer: Its Params[n] #1 < > Showing 1-1 of 1 Aug 23, 2022 · Honestly the only real difference between the way they do it and how I write it is just assigning it to variables and making it easier to read/write. Find Adds more functions into greyscript from Grey Hack to utilize in scripts by either extending existing object/classes or adding as standalone functions similar to "builtin" functions. Updated Jan 18, 2024; irtsa-dev / greyscript-tools. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. src : An updated ssh command that acts more like a real linux ssh command. Forks. Scripting in Grey Hack can be challenging, especially when you have files that import each other or are working on a larger project where you have to copy-paste each file manually into the game every time.
erknoqk trvix wkkmbvx yaih xexvp ssedh kidffje ybaldq zaihv yaoaggy yfeclc zljyeflq fgoknf qlplbdg ohmy