H4895 powder uses Re: What Alliant powder is close to H4895 RL15 works fine in the M1A. It is a great powder for light bullets and reduced loads for the M1 (I load the 125 grain Speer TNT with 44. 308 with Varget and H4895. Highlight specific examples of its application in various sectors. Posts: 23. 0/2102 H-4198/28. 308 Winchester, as they offer a good balance of velocity, accuracy, and moderate recoil. 17 Remington to the . I consistently get good results in . Where it Hodgdon H4895 Powder in Stock. you may get more velocity with H-4350; i only use that when i am shooting 95 partitions. 25 $0. H. It is also an "Extreme" powder and is less sensitive to ambiant heat changes. I also used it in my 22-250 to get the boys started shooting "big" rifles. Additional information. Generally, not absolutely, it takes about 1-2 grains less of H4895 to Hodgdon claims H4895 is �a most versatile powder,� which may be something of an understatement. I have another load for that bullet using H4895, but I can't remember the charge right off hand. HOGGHEAD New member. The last couple critters I shot with that rifle (a black bear and a mulie) was with a 165gn Federal Trophy Bonded with 43. about the 37. It is ideal for reloading a wide variety of cartridges. This Reloading Powder is ideal for reloading a wide H4895 is a great powder. To do this, only certain powders can be used H4895 is the new shortage powder due to the move by the PRS shooting community as well as some other competitive shooting sports going to the smaller 6mm BR variants mainly Dashers and BRA’s. 99 - $439. My favorites for the 6BR are H4895, Varget, and I use RL15 for 105 gr bullets. The only time I would be concerned about running one powder over another, would be the powder giving the better accuracy being a known temperature sensitive powder. I find I use less IMR4895 in my Garands to get the same velocity as H4895. I am looking for some rifle powder to load . Weight: 1 lbs: Dimensions: 3. I have been shooting some insanely small groups with H4895 in both. SMK H4895 is the powder for my 6BR and my Dasher. 62 munitions in NATO and "other" countries. WINCHESTER 231 GUN POWDER 1 LB – GP-WIN231-1LB $ 96 99. 458 Winchester As a member of the Extreme line of extruded powder, this powder is a good solution for 30-06, 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, IMR 4895 is one of the most useful rifle powders around. 12. We are proud to offer IMR 4895 Powder in stock now for sale. Happened to me with H100V and AA4350/XMR4350. Hodgdon H4895 Powder is a high-quality powder that is designed for use in rifle cartridges. Some used the m/94 Carbine, some the m/96, and a few used a pressure barrel or an m/38 rifle. Powder/Grs. The H part of H4895 indicates that it is a extreme line series powder made by Hogdon. just some initial testing. Joined: Sep 2014 H4895 is a versatile rifle powder with origins in the 30-06 cartridge as a military powder. Winchester cases with WLR primers; with 150 Sierra MKs or the 155 Palma bullets, 45 . M1Army Powder - I wouldn't worry, if H4895 is giving you better accuracy and a speed that is acceptable to you, then there is no real reason to even worry about varget. As a member of the Extreme line of extruded powder, this powder is a good solution for 30-06, 17 Remington, 250-3000 I have used H4895 and IMR4064. brians356 OP. Dec 4, 2015 In these barrels, sometimes a different burn rate powder will allow them to find a wide enough node to become a consistent barrel. Hmmmmmmmmm! I am very satisfied with the results I'm currently getting with a 465gr Wide Flat Nose pushed to 1650fps by 47. Accuracy and performance H4895 is a versatile rifle powder with origins in the 30-06 cartridge as a military powder. Powder charges have ranged from 35-43gr. Nominal load H4895 is a very versatile reduced load powder. But until I've got more of it I don't want to do load development on 1lbs of powder (308). I'd be interested in seeing the source of the info that Hodgdon says that H4895 and IMR4895 are the same. The most versatile Hodgdon rifle powder is Hodgdon H4895 in Stock. I have some reloading data from Hornady and Hodgdon for H4895 this bullet type. and H4895 must not be used much in factory ammo. Both AA2495 and IMR4895 are canister graded and blended from bulk supplies of the same military powder, it is my understanding that the AA version is from powder not yet tested for H4895: Sliding up the scale, we see H4895—with ties to the original surplus military powder that Bruce Hodgdon sold. H4895 is close, but not a direct substitute for IMR4895. It was a good powder years ago; it has been made better by the modern coatings to reduce temperature sensitivity. It is very similar to Varget in burn rate but has never been as popular for use in full power loads. 243. The Hodgdon Powder H4895 Smokeless Powder 1lb is the most versatile Hodgdon rifle powder. This Powder can be loaded in Hodgdon H4895 powder is a versatile and widely used rifle powder that has gained popularity among reloaders. I'm also using it in 25-06, 30-06, 7. I find my best accuracy is with RL-22 in the m/96 Mauser. H4895 Re: What powder to use for 60 V-MAX H4895 for everything from 52gr to 80gr. Use a powder like accurate 5744. $61. I use H4895 in my 204 ruger. This member of the Extreme Extruded line powder is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester, and 458 Winchester, to name just a few. 308, 150 grn in a 20 inch barrel. - H4895 - 39. Jul 16, 2018 I've used H4895 and Varget for years under some pretty significant temperature swings and never seen velocity changes even remotely similar to what you described. Hodgdon H4895 is a medium-burning extruded powder and is part of Hodgdon’s Extreme line of powders. ” Hodgdon to the reloading public. 30-06 for use in a M-1 Garand rifle. 00 / Subscription . This Powder was originally formulated as a military powder for the venerable . 30/’06. This means it is temp stable, a common complaint of RE15 powder. This member of the Extreme Extruded line powder is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 H4895 Powder is a versatile rifle powder with origins in the 30-06 cartridge as a military powder. Introduce “Mcadam Gun dealer” as a trusted supplier of H4895 powder in Canada. It is particularly favored for the . i like the "H" due to temp condition (supposed to be) and have loaded the 150 above but only to 41. Now this IMR Reloading Hi all, I've used 4895 for most of my AR10 reloading in the past but now it seems impossible to find. In general, if you have a cartridge and bullet type that have published load data using H4895, you take 60% of the max published load and work up until you get to an accuracy node that has I have always used IMR4895 for the simple reason that it is the first powder I used and it really shot well so no need to try any other. I use it a lot. E. I have a 14" Contender barrel chambered in 30-30 AI and with 150gr bullets this powder shoots great groups, usually around an inch or less at 100yds from a good rest. From the 17 Remington to the 243 Winchester to the 375 H&H Magnum, accuracy and performance are excellent. 5 × 6. Even with all the reading I have done on this, I am still somewhat confused on which of these 2 powders to use. 308 Winchester ammunition, there are several options that work well. No experience with D4895 at all. Powder companies will change the powder and not say anything. 17 Remington, IMR 4895 Gun Powder. We are proud to offer Hodgdon H4895 Powder in stock now for sale. With H4895 you can go down Hodgdon Extreme H4895 Smokeless Powder - 8lb Keg - This member of the Extreme Extruded line is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to name just a few. 5 × 3. 5 gr H4895). 4MAX H4895 Powder Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The This give a very WIDE range of loads for any caliber listed to use that powder. The only difference is that H4895 meters nicer due to it being short cut. Its all I use and its always consistent on target and meters like a dream in my cheap Lee PPM. My M1A NM shoots the 168/175s better with RL15 than with 4895. I've used it to push 120 gn Barnes ttsx and 140 gn sierras in the 7mm-08 with great results. 0/2220 H-4198/30. 44 I use a bunch of H4895, and like others have said, it is probably one of the powders you could use for about anything if you had to. With H100V there are 3 variations of the The powder seems to be a pretty poor conductor of heat. best five shot groups so far in two CM rifles. I seen a 8 H-110 and W296 are made in Florida and have the same alternate powder name indicated on the MSDS sheet. Related products. 7gr I have used equal weights of H4895 and IMR4895 with the same bullet, brass and primer with no discernable differences in performance. I use this in my M14's with 22" and 19. It is amazingly accurate Varget, I 4064 and H4895 are three of the best powders for a . Hodgdon H4895 is the most We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. One CAUTION here. 87 hornady, 87 berger and 88 berger also. 223 at 200, 300 and 600yds) with 77's and 80's ball powder is not common, stick powder seems to be what everyone uses. The attached document used to be distributed by Hodgdon but has disappeared from their website recently. i ask as hodgdon state for 150gr bullet its start load is 43gr and max of 45. IMR4064 is the powder used in the Military's MK316 7. I have used it in the 22-250, 250 Savage, 308, 300 Savage, 30-06, and probably other rounds I can't remember. This load performed well. 5 or 38 of varget too. What powder to use for . I use a mild load of H4895 behind a 77gr Sierra loaded to 2. Site $$ Sponsor. 30-06 case is large for the amount of Here are some of my results for reduced 270 Win loads using H-4198 and H-4895. 8gr. You don't play with minimums they can be just as dangerous as overcharging a case. 44 grains with a 150 grain is what I use in 308's. As a member of the H4895 is a most versatile rifle powder. For those unaware, the M-1 Garand gas system requires ammo loaded to a certain pressure range to avoid possibly damaging the operating rod. The 52gr+55gr hornady were(for the most part) 1/2 inch at 100yrds. I know it is not advisable, but I used Hornady and hodgdons data for h4895 for my 6arc loads, but actually used imr4895. 250 H4895 is a tad fast for bullets over 150 gr in the -06 IMO. 410 bore shotgun and has shown exemplary performance in magnum handgun loads like the . Varget and H4895 fall some five to seven percent below Superformance in MV. 5 Creedmoor. Powders like H4895, IMR 3031, and IMR 4895 are often recommended for hunting loads in . if this 1 lb doesn’t meet you need, please click this Hodgdon H4895 Powder. Now H4350 is everywhere and H4895/ Varget are harder to find. Since 1947, Hodgdon has led the way in smokeless powder innovation, offering OVERVIEW: Hodgdon H4895 Powder Hodgdon H4895 Powder was originally formulated as a military powder for the venerable . I am leaning toward only using Reloder 16 for pushing 140g projectiles out of my Ruger Precision Rifle. Hornady does not list the use of that powder in the 7th edition under normal rifle data section for anything heavier than 130 gr. If I bought a pound of this H4895 and opened it and the powder looked normal 77gr. 25" barrels. Whether you're a seasoned reloader or a beginner, H4895 powder offers a range of benefits that can OK, I'm a bit confused. under the brand name H4895. As a side note, that 4895 that Bruce Hodgdon started his business with was made by Dupont Chemical and marketed as IMR (Improved Military Rifle). I've got all kinds of powder, usually 1 for each caliber that gave the highest max speed that I will likely never use. 5 gr of H4895 gives 2900 H4895 has been a very good powder for lot's of applications for a long time. Re: 270 Win H4895 Reduced Load. IMR 4895 is a military spec powder, and is used heavily for various 7. Hodgdon H4895 is the most versatile Hodgdon rifle powder. Oh - I H4895 shines in its versatility, suitable for a wide range of calibers from handgun rounds to rifle cartridges. And loaded my wife a 100 rds of 30/30 with it. It is suitable for use in a similar range of calibres and powder loads as AR2206. Hodgdon Superformance powder is the top performer in the . Joined: Sep 2014. This versatile rifle powder is available in stock in 1 lb and 8 lb containers. However, they do list it used with 168 grainers, 178 grainers and 150-155 grainers in the GARAND data section. 0 gr. Reloder 15 is good powder for 30 caliber. 0/2341 H-4198/32. does any one use h4895 powder in their 308 win?. Now it is ideal for reloading a wide variety of cartridges. These all used Remington brass and CCI 200 primers. In addition, it is a Your H4895 is 94 on the burn chart, IMR4895 is 96 on the burn chart. Works super with the 308 sized stuff and really H4895 is the new shortage powder due to the move by the PRS shooting community as well as some other competitive shooting sports going to the smaller 6mm BR H4895 is a very good powder in the . 308 and . I've got one pound of the IMR I was going to use. Jun 27, 2018 #9 Cerebral Stalker Active member. Of the Hodgdon H4895 In Stock. In Memoriam. brians356 #11455424 09/23/16. IMR 4895 Powder is an exceptionally adaptable military powder that was first included in the 30-06. 13. In Europe, a near equivalent would be Vihtavuori N135, Reactions: Selous. 3gn of H4895 pushing it. B. 308 Winchester? When choosing a powder for reloading . 22-250 Remington cartridge with a Hornady 60 grain V-max bullet. Hodgdon Powder has the most comprehensive selection of smokeless propellants for any reloading purpose. IMR 4895 Powder is one of the most versatile powders available from IMR. H4895. 5. Hodgdon H4895 Powder Hodgdon H4895 Powder was originally formulated as a military powder for the venerable . 308 Winchester and the good, old . Hodgdon Powder offers the largest selection of quality smokeless propellants for any reloading application. This powder is used in The Hodgdon H4895 Powder Canada is a versatile and widely used smokeless gun powder, known for its reliability and performance. 62x51 round. 17 Remington, Of all available rifle powders, Hodgdon Extreme H4895 Rifle Powder is by far the most versatile. I would rate Varget, H4895 and IMR 4064 as my top three choices. 5 gr. with 70 balistic tip i use i H4895 is a great powder for a . Hodgdon Extreme H4895 Smokeless Powder - 1lb Can - This member of the Extreme Extruded line is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to name just a few. /Velocity H-4198/26. Ditto for H4227 and IMR4227 although they are made in Austrailia. OP. This one likes 35. urbanrifleman. Like I said with good load development you can get any of these powders to shoot well. 005, seating depth i have So, my plan is to keep the H4895 I have left for the . It was the first publicly available powder sold by Bruce Hodgdon. H4895 is a really useful powder. 8START, 46. Planning to use H4895 next season, but you always need a back up ( and save the Varget for the 308/185's) Reactions: Bill Norris and DaWhit . This is of no practical consequence, though, as there is still plenty of Hodgdon H4895 is a extruded stick powder that meters and looks similar to Hodgdon Varget. This Hodgdon Powder was originally formulated as a military powder for the venerable . Such powders have been in high demand as of late. Mcadam Gun dealer: Your Reliable Source for H4895 Powder. Work up a load, I have found good velocity with a accuracy. And I go to the shows, I have to find 1 powder instead of 5. Thanks. 2 in: Brand: Hodgdon. Been wanting to try some loads with 150 gr Game Kings but the Sierra manual does not have load data for H4895, only IMR. I used 85gr TSX's, 110gr Tsx's & Accubonds, 130gr & 140gr Hornady Interlocks. It seems that H4895 will produce a bit more velocity for the given powder weight charge. Explore how H4895 powder is utilized across different Canadian industries. YoungGun Well-Known Member. Hodgdon claims H4895 is a most versatile powder, which may be something of an understatement. was chosen because it is the slowest burning propellant that ignites uniformly in reduced charges. The . GREAT on deer and elk! However, I'd always like to see better groups so I began to H4895 is a very good powder in the . Plus a few years ago I got a number of 8 I follow a number of forums, many times as the posts pertain to cast bullet and recently I saw some posts about 45/70 loads using 4895. Originally a military powder featured in the 30-06, IMR 4895 is extremely versatile. Its faster burning that Varget. 458 Winchester, . Shop Hodgdon Powder at Powder Valley Outdoors Industry-Leading Smokeless Powders for Every Shooter Hodgdon Powder Company is one of the most respected names in the reloading industry, trusted by reloaders, hunters, and competitive shooters for its consistent performance and reliability. I know they are not "the same", but very very close for all practical purposes. This member of the Extreme Extruded line powder is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to name just a few. 5 of I 4064 and a 85 sierra bthp has shot well in 6 700s i have tried them in. This is at least MOA to 600 yrds with my magfed 75gr BTHP. It is amazingly accurate H4895 is a versatile rifle powder with origins in the 30-06 cartridge as a military powder. The ability to load for reduced recoil for my kids is an added bonus. Decided to give H4895 a go. I think you would OVERVIEW: IMR 4895 POWDER. 62x39 and a few others. I use the following loads Hodgdon Powder Company has found that H4895 can be loaded to reduced levels. Hodgdon H4895 Rifle Smokeless Powder Product highlights. Reply. Hodgdon publishes reduced load guidance for H4895 and cautions not to use any other powder for these purposes. Nov 17, 2021 #7 Just used the last of my H4895, any recommendations for a replacement powder to suit . It’s another great choice for medium cartridges such as the . New Member. H4895 is listed for everything from the . I do agree 4064 gave a bit more consistent velocity and accuracy. It's moving around 2740 fps too. Has anyone out there identified good alternatives to H4895 or IMR4895 forages guns? Also lookingbfor a good powder for my M1 Garand. Hodgdon s H4895 rifle powder has been around for a long time. Simplicity, makes life good. </p> <p> </p> <p> DO NOT USE a slower burning powder than IMR-4064 in the Semi-Automatic Ljungman Rifle. Of all available rifle powders, Hodgdon Extreme H4895 Rifle Powder is by far the most versatile. I have some IMR 4895 powder. brians356. This is a historic powder for Hodgdon as it was the first powder sold by our founder, Bruce “B. However, I have also used it in my M40 replica build with a Shilen 24" 1:10 twist barrel. This member of the Extreme Extruded line powder is great for 17 Hodgdon H4895 Gun Powder 1 LB. I used the Hornady 130 Spire seated to 3. This powder was used in almost every cartridge - not the 50 cal during the WWII. Reloder 16 and IMR4350 are good powders for 6. Look at the Rifle used by the Reloading Manual. SMK over NATO pressure H4895: (Pretty decent MV for a single based stick rifle powder especially when used in colder temperatures) +135F: MV 2741 -10F: MV 2737 _____ 4 FPS over 145 degrees F 77gr. 270, I can not find yet have read about it. H4895 is a single base powder. Check out my used for the H4895 powder, and what I have found it works good in. As a member of the Extreme line of extruded powder, this powder is a good solution for 30-06, 17 Remington, 250-3000 IMR 4895 Powder 8 Lbs by Hodgdon, IMR & Winchester. 37. does anyone have a suggested max load for this bullet and powder using Win Brass, BR2 or 210M, case trim to 2. 250". Its burn rate is similar to IMR 4064, which had been a go to powder for the heavier bullets (ie 180-190s) in the M1 and M1A for many decades when those guns were used in HP shooting. Can someone help me. Either of the 4895's will serve you well, I have found that any given loading that the H-4895 uses less powder so there is some slight economy over IMR-4895 Hodgdon Powder H4895 Smokeless Powder 1 lb. Nov 14, 2011 Best bet is to work with proven powder/loads. I've also had good results with Benchmark and 90 gr Berger Match. There was another loading with a different weight projectile that had the IMR powder and h powder very close in charge and velocities, but not for the weight bullet I was loading. 0/2455 Good Accuracy H I have used H4895 w/ 270 for quite a while. Tried Varget in my 6BR and it was not what I was looking for. I am planning to use the H4895 load data and start either at the smallest charge, or maybe 1 grain over the smallest charge and use the IMR 4895 This year will be a set of dies for 45-70 to load ammo for my Marlin 1895. I am in the process of looking into what is the right powder to by to use in moderate to heavy loads with 300 to 350 grain LSWC bullets. 5CM loads with Hornady 123gr ELD-M bullets and Nosler 123gr Custom Comp. 4895 powder for the winchester . So I think it is For service rifle competition (AR15 in . Industry Insights: H4895 Powder in Various Sectors. I use it for my M-1 loads also. 250-3000 Savage. I use the following loads in my M70 target rifle with a 26" barrel of 12" twist. 30-06. Last week I was tinkering with 6. You read it on the interwebz, so take it for what it's worth. This Powder can be loaded in everything from 17 Remington, . This extruded propellant is the perfect choice when reloading cartridges for the . 308W with 150, 155 and 175 gr bullets. Military, H4895 and IMR 4895 all have different burn rates with the IMR being the hottest and you need to reduce your loads compared to the others. 308. Varget, 8208, H4895 and RL15 are probably the most popular, probably in that order. If you switch to H4895 and go Hodgdons website you will see a good section on reduced and kid friendly loads. It delivers exceptional accuracy and consistent performance, making it a popular choice among shooting enthusiasts and long-range shooters. HTSmith. I have had excellent accuracy with very little tweaking of loads. 5gr of H335. also for the 168gr vstart load is 41gr to max load of 43. Its better to waist 20 bux on an lb of powder you didnt like than to spend 150 on 8 lbs that you cant get to shoot in your rifle. Silver $$ Contributor. AR2206H was released into the North American market in 1999, and is distributed by the Hodgdon Powder Co. This Extreme Extruded line powder is ideal for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester, and 458 Winchester rifles, to mention a few. 168 gr. 210" and chronographed these from my dad's 22" Ruger M77. See information below and quickload pic. IMR4895 was the standard for all M2, with IMR4064 used as a 'back Re: Powder! IMR4064 or H4895? Buy an lb of each and try them as no two rifles shoot the same. i have run the figures though the p-max internal ballistics and its showing max pressur at just above hodgdon start load ? my usable case capacity is 43. rkfeeofdvioqhtaoestiatjuvwceknlbyjcwxmqpnytxeixkupinzgsjfsorbnkbpibkvpx