Lenten retreat activities This resource offers a Lenten Retreat 2025. Daily Devotional; Monthly Prayer Circle; Lent on Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday you will receive an email with a video Parishes around the Diocese of Little Rock are hosting Lenten activities to deepen the experience of the liturgical season. DOWNLOAD PDF OF THIS LESSON. Fish fry, March 7, Fridays during Lent, 5:30 p. This retreat material was developed using the Lenten scriptures from the Revised Common Lectionary, Year B. It includes the schedule for a Lenten retreat with talks on topics like repentance, 3. Another way to advance through Lent is for each family member to The Lent Retreat is being offered by the London Jesuit Centre in partnership with Jesuit Young Adult Ministries. There will be two talks per week with reflections based on themes from the Exercises and related 2023 Lenten Retreat – Activities. Bottom line: Draw close to God and resist the temptation to If you're looking for ways to engage your kids during Lent, check out these creative Lent activities for kids from Children's Worship Bulletins. Register for a Lenten Day of Prayer. Not everyone, however, can make Tim Muldoon’s audio reflections accompany suggestions for prayer and action each week. m. com / pray a decade of the Rosary / read and pray about this Sunday’s Gospel / take to heart First Sunday of Lent. This Lent, we have a variety of events to help you grow in faith and prayer. The eight-week schedule of this adapted version of The Spiritual Exercises makes it perfectly timed as a Lent and Easter retreat. Wave your palms as the priest walks around to bless them. A collection of resources for parishes to use during Lent. Great Lent. Charles Pope. 7007 Bradley Boulevard Bethesda, Maryland 20817 Tel: (301) 365-0612 Loyola Press invites you to join an online Lenten retreat called An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Point out that Fasting during Lent should include abstaining from meat on Fridays, but it can also involve refraining from doing enjoyable activities as a sacrifice. These lessons are based on Then, travel 1. My kids love Lent because that is when we make our Lenten pretzels. Commitment to Conservation. 1. We, too, need to take time to do retreats to spend time alone with God. Join in an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises, perfectly timed as a Lent and Easter One of the best Lent activities for families is arguably 40acts, which you can download and print right here. The Way of the Pilgrim. 16 March. Very Rev. Activities for Lent. 00. J. 00 (double occupancy, shared room) $875. For more great ideas for the Lenten Season, see the 40 DAYS OF LENT The Lenten Retreat, in particular, requires committed engagement, and we recommend avoiding a commitment to other faith-related programming while participating in this retreat. Lenten Retreat for Kids. Making the pretzels is a nice way to add a snack into the retreat. Monday, February 19 Lenten Activities: A Lenten Chain Watch the chain grow during Lent as young people identify their Lenten goals. Tips and tricks Both years, I have pre-made the pretzel dough, shown The deans and sectoral chaplains head the four teams of clergy to facilitate the conduct of these sectoral retreats. Written by Eric Mendoza. Submit Search. Download or YOUTH GROUP LESSON ON LENT. Lent lasts for 40 days to commemorate the time Jesus spent fasting With the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Rev. Msgr. Gregorian chant for Lent and Holy Week (YouTube) Stabat Mater (At the cross her stations keeping) Take an online retreat. Another one of the most entertaining activities for lent, is learning Easter songs. " 12:00 Lunch Provided by the Retreat Center! 1:00 Lenten Station of the Cross 1:45 Mass 2:30 Departure. David Anderson. USCCB Lenten Season Resources (USCCB. 10am – 4pm . Lent is a period of profound significance within the Christian tradition, serving as a time for believers to prepare their hearts and minds for the celebration of Easter. Try Lenten retreats. Counting down the days of Lent or having an activity that lasts the length of the season is a great way to observe Lent with kids! I have a post with all of the Lenten activities that start on Ash Wednesday here. We make sure to watch the Holy Heroes video about the connection between Lent and the creation of the pretzel. Forgiven and Forgiving: Walking the Path of Mercy with Sarah Otto Saturday, March 8 8:45 am coffee 9:00 am retreat begins (12 noon retreat ends) Benedict Hall, 2nd Floor (500 S. It explains that Lent is characterized by rest, reflection, and renewal. The scrapbook pages can document either the family's Lenten activities or each family member's journey through Lent. Family Lenten Retreat Schedule. St Beuno’s This Lent, become a spiritual athlete and join Tim for The Ignatian Workout for Lent. This activity intends to bring and gather together all sectoral leaders from the above-mentioned lay sectors for a long retreat in this Lent Season for them to undertake common worship and prayers, self- examination and Kid Activities That Run Through The 40 Days Of Lent. : Sunday, February 25, with Father Charbel Daw, vicar of the cathedral: "Cultivating the soil of the soul. 2025 Lent Weekend Retreat An Invitation to Joy Join us for this Lenten retreat which focuses on one of Jesus’ most well-known parables, the Prodigal Son. Curriculum Resources; Training Resources; orthodox craft ideas, orthodox craft, orthodox activities, youth activity, christian activity, christian craft, kids craft, prayer bracelet, making knots, icon letter, icon crafts, I'm Women’s Lenten Retreat. Prayer: pray a 3-Minute retreat at www. It’s a great way to connect as a This list of 40 new Ideas to make the forty days of Lent a life-changing experience is based on the list of Lenten ideas found in a book by Marcellino D’Ambrosio (Dr. outdoor activities, Treetop Village®, and the Lied Greenhouse. A Different Kind of Fast: Lent Retreat 2024. Led by Fr. FIND A RESOURCE. St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney . Watch a To learn why Lent has 40 Days, read this post by Dr Italy on Jesus’s 40 Days in the Wilderness. This is an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises. Lenten Read-Along Read along with Loyola Press the book On Hope by Pope Francis. Activity three: Lenten pretzels My kids love Lent because that is when we make our Lenten pretzels. Grades 7–8 Lenten Activities. Each section features 2 retreats that are specific to each grade and an Advent and/or Lent retreat that can be . Forgiveness Session • Gather Us In This activity was originally designed to help those families who are preparing a child for the As a way of helping catechists bring Lent to life for their learners, I am sharing 40 Lenten activities in 40 days. A Lenten Practices Jar. Lecture Series. Create a Lenten Calendar: Kick off the season by creating a special Lenten calendar as a Color a cross each day of Lent to match good deeds done during the season. For younger kids learning basics of forgiveness: Next Next post: 2023 Lenten Retreat – Songs. The activities are grounded in the symbols, Scripture readings, Use prayer books or online devotionals designed for Lent with children. She has a nice tutorial that leads you step by step through creating Starting in Lent 2014, Pope Francis chose to hold the spiritual exercises at a retreat house in the town of Ariccia, about 20 miles southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills. Bond with your loved ones by attending Palm Sunday Mass together. In this talk, you will have the chance to reflect on the temptations of Jesus in the desert and how His strength was found, not through His Divinity, but through the human experience of being loved by the Father. 00 (triple occupancy, shared room) $200. The suggested offering for the day is $30. The Religion Teacher’s Lenten Activity Pack includes full lesson plans with activities, prayers, and graphic organizers for students to use while watching each one of the videos in this article. Daily TV Masses; Daily TV Rosary; Prayer Intentions; Light A Candle; Pray with us. Friday, March 7, 5:30pm - Sunday, March 9, 2025 11:15am Registration is now closed. The seven-part online retreat will provide an opportunity for participants to deepen their prayer lives and intimacy with Christ by focusing on the interior life. loyolapress. Foster a daily practice of spiritual calm where God is at the Welcome to this Lenten Mini Retreat of self-examination and discovery: "The Journey Within: Seeing Ourselves in the Eyes of God by Following the Path of Jesus" This retreat consists of Sometime shortly before the forty days of Lent or on the first day or two of the season, take 30 minutes to pray. This is an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises based on the longer retreat in The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O’Brien, SJ. In this first talk of our 2023 Lenten Retreat, Damian introduces the theme of the retreat: Who Do You Say That I Am? The entire retreat is about seeing more clearly who God is and who we are in God’s eyes. A fun way to prepare for Easter Sunday, holy Thursday or Palm Sunday, This activity is called Last Supper Craft and comes to us from a Web site called Catholic Icing. Search for retreats or workshops specifically designed for Lent. Roxanne Louh led the John Halecky, Jr. Going Deeper through Prayer, Focused on Six Biblical Themes Essential to Our Spiritual Growth. Father Boniface Hicks, OSB, will be conducting Word on Fire’s first-ever Lenten retreat. Dec 8, 2024 - Explore Heart Ridge Retreat and Cultur's board "Activities for Catholic Women's Groups" on Pinterest. 3. Make a Lenten Calendar. The retreat begins the week of Ash Wednesday and continues through Holy Week and the first week of Easter. Credit: Hallow Word on Fire online Lent retreat. Each day of Lent, the guide gives you a suggestion of a fun The 2025 Lent Retreat provides an opportunity for you to deepen your prayer life and intimacy with Christ. ; Walk with Others: Journey alongside a community of believers, sharing insights and encouragement as you grow together. College Street) Forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian journey—both receiving God’s mercy and extending it to others. Materials are modified from the longer retreat in The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O’Brien, SJ. Swapping out ladies’ night out for a holy hour together is a fast and a For those whose life journeys are already made challenging because of caregiving or an ongoing illness or pain, hope can seem elusive or unrealistic. Friday, March 21st (check-in opens at 4:00pm, retreat begins with dinner at 6:00pm) Grades 7–8 Lenten Activities. Identify each of the 7 Deadly Sins and their brief definitions (see chart below). The Pray More Lenten Retreat; Free online Carmelite Lenten Retreat: Prayer: Living Our Vocation as The document discusses the Lenten retreat and the significance of Lent in Christianity. Fri, Mar 28 - Sun, Mar 30. 40 Crosses (English Calendar) We invite you to participate in this guided retreat extended over the six full weeks of Lent. Lent lasts for 40 days to commemorate the time Jesus spent fasting Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center. Ask the Holy Spirit ’s guidance, look over this list of ideas, and In this article, we will explore 40 thoughtful and inspiring things to do during the Lenten season from a Christian perspective. The nice thing is that Lacy, the host of the Web site, is kind enough to share her printables which make this craft possible. holy week,Lent,Lenten season,spirituality,Lenten recollection,Lenten retreat,Lenten activities,Holy Week retreat,Holy Week recollection,Holy Week 2016,Pause and Reflect: Recollections and Retreats We hope the Pray More Lenten Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time. Online Retreats and Prayers. Saint Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises are a great way to encounter Christ through Scripture and meditations. Lent is an amazing time to engage the rest of your parish life, as well. Entering Into the Jesus Prayer. Are you seeking to discover the call God has on your heart at this moment of your life? For 500 years the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises have effectively given the tools to form a discerning heart: to hear God's call, to understand what influences your behaviors and choices, and to make a bold and generous response. 00 (single occupancy, 1 person) $625. net-RCIA Reflection Retreat A retreat for candidates and catechumens preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic The focus of this session is on the 7 Deadly Sins, a good way to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation during Lent. Lenten Lesson Resources. These activities aim to foster a connection with one’s spirituality, During Lent, families can practice a wide variety of Lenten activities designed to bring them closer together and honor the season. From immersive Ignatian retreats to parish-based Lenten devotions, the Jesuits in Britain are providing meaningful opportunities for spiritual growth. Write in a Lenten Journal. Instead, explore the different activities that can make this time more meaningful. It guides you in prayer and reflection for 30mins each day. Hezekias Carnazzo. Our Journey to the Resurrection. Participating in a Lenten retreat as a family is another way to get closer together and bond with other families. Online Registration is now open! Get Set! The final retreat and rehearsal for parents and their children for First Holy Communion slideshare. The eight-week schedule makes it perfectly Starting in Lent 2014, Pope Francis chose to hold the spiritual exercises at a retreat house in the town of Ariccia, about 20 miles southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills. Preparing for the Journey of Lent. Rev. Making the pretzels is a nice way to Below we highlight Ignatian resources for Lent. Show love for Jesus by saying extra prayers, helping people, or doing chores without being told. This Lenten activity is an opportunity for catechists to help young people focus on concrete, practical examples of practicing the Lenten disciplines. We will look deeply at the roles of the main characters of this parable reflecting on what the younger son, the father and the older son have to teach us about ourselves and our Today’s Lenten activity may be of more interest to DREs than to catechists, however, knowing catechists, they will be able to find ways to adapt some of the activity centers to their classes. Attached is a template purchased by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe from Twenty-Third Publications for a virtual Confirmation Retreat. Louh and Presbytera Dr. Tuesday, February 20 Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, Join in an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises, perfectly timed as a Lent and Easter retreat. The reflections, liturgies, and creative activities included in the retreat booklet could be used for personal or group worship Dynamic Catholic: About Lent; Busted Halo: Lent Resources, including the popular Lent in 3 Minutes video Parish Events & Offerings. Here’s your next activity A Group Fast Have a volunteer read aloud Mark 1:12-13 (Jesus in the Wilderness). It is ideal preparation for Holy Thursday and is based on Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper Painting. Roc O'Connor, SJ for a Lenten Retreat exploring how the parts of our lives we reject or feel ashamed of can become the location for being encountered by Christ Incarnate. The retreat is for anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God. See more ideas about catholic women, womens ministry, womens retreat. With Lent upon us, I’m pleased to offer these 40 Lenten activities. This Lenten retreat will offer a time to pray, reflect, and listen deeply to the Activity three: Lenten pretzels. I highly recommend this post! It has tons of great stuff and free printables! Great Lent Countdown Calendar activity Project – Great Lent Countdown Calendar; Great Lent Countdown Calendar sample; Great Lent 2021 lesson plan; Forgiveness Heart craft with The document discusses the Lenten retreat and the significance of Lent in Christianity. Stephen Freeman. . It provides structured opportunities to explore core values and develop habits that extend beyond the Lenten season. Sep 23, 2011 Download as PPT, PDF 11 likes 8,117 views. Take 10 Minutes Have young people recall temptations that they have experienced. Join Orthodox Young Adults from across the West Coast for a Lenten Retreat at Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, CA the weekend of March 14 and help the Sisters at the Monastery of the Theotokos the Life-Giving Spring with a work project and other engaging activities throughout the weekend. All the presentations The retreats are divided into four sections: Kindergarten Retreats, Primary Retreats, Junior Retreats and Intermediate retreats. No Spots Remaining In-Person Past Event. Participate in a Lenten Retreat. Stay over and join us again for Sunday worship at WOLC on the first Sunday of Lent on March 9. mass) 3) Lenten retreat 2024 on the theme "FOLLOWING JESUS": preaching, confessions, solemn vespers, rosary and mass from 3:30 p. The maximum number of form submissions has Retreat Cost and Details: $375. Inter generational Session. Look up Lenten Activities by Day Lent Lessons and Activities for Children’s Church. Attend a retreat to focus on your spiritual growth and reinforce your relationship with Weekend Retreats. The Our Lenten growth retreat is a healing, spiritual & meditation retreat merged into one as you experience and rejoice in the awaiting of the resurrection of Christ, At divine, whether you When it comes to practicing our faith, Lent is a time of heightened intensity. General activities that can be added and used for in each of the classes. Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia supported by CWN . Foster and encourage small groups in your own parish with this month’s free downloads—a PowerPoint presentation to use in training small group facilitators and handouts for Reflecting on the Lenten Scriptures. Disconnect from the daily hustle and recenter yourself through prayer and reflection. Lent can be meaningful for kids too! Use these free printables about Lent for Kids church or Sunday School. Preparing Well for Lent and the Easter Season. Based on the book of the same name, the online retreat invites you to practice being a spiritual athlete. Each Monday he’ll share audio reflections accompanied by suggestions for prayer and action. Say: Silently think about two or three temptations that tend to recur in your life. ; Renew Your Heart: Prepare for Easter with a fresh perspective on God’s love, mercy, and call for your life. Bible: Matthew 4:1-11. Lecture. Italy) Forty Days, Forty Ways: A New Look at Lent (Servant, 2014). org) Lent Living Lent Daily. All are welcome to join! For quick access, download our Lenten "Metanoia Menu" with clickable links HERE . An Ignatian Prayer Adventure from IgnatianSpirituality. Damian reflects on how God created us in God’s image and so knows us immediately before even forming us. Michael Hansen SJ has put together four self-guided Ignatian retreats in his book The First Spiritual Exercises. Plan Meaningful Activities: Design women’s retreat activities that support your theme. Mary . The document provides details about Lenten activities at Starting in Lent 2014, Pope Francis chose to hold the spiritual exercises at a retreat house in the town of Ariccia, about 20 miles southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills. This year author and dotMagis blogger Becky Eldredge will share her experiences with the retreat through posts on Wednesdays. Here is a great activity you can do virtually with your The document provides details about Lenten activities at Rosary Heights Parish. ; Vietnamese Lenten Retreat, March 31 Join us for our annual Lenten Retreat. Welcome to An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Ask young people to write a 6. Contact the parish for more details. As you ponder whether to make the retreat, we Lenten Retreat - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Nicholas G. The Meaning of Lent. Ask young people to write a 14. Based on the book of the same name, the online retreat Parish Activities for Lent. Saturday 16th March 2024 . Lied Lodge goes out of their way to ensure the property treads lightly on the environment. From making a Lenten calendar to giving up Offers free, daily Lenten activities for kids ages 5-12, including video, audio, coloring pages, word searches, crossword puzzles, step-by-step through the Mass and more. Altus St. Remember that some of the most impactful activities are the The 40 Days of Lent invite us to step into Jesus’ experience of going into the desert before beginning His public ministry. 2. To learn why Lent has 40 Days, read this post by Dr Italy on Jesus’s 40 Days in the Wilderness Lenten Retreat - "Spiritual Exercises as GPS" With Roc O'Connor, SJ. Following is an Intergenerational These activities aim to make the season of Lent approachable for younger family members while instilling valuable lessons and traditions. Pause the busyness of everyday life and replenish your spirit. Welcome to this Creative Arts Lenten retreat. Participate in a Lenten retreat. Bring your teens to Ash Wednesday A Four Week Retreat in Daily Life – for Lent. 20th Annual Yes, you may cover those things every year, but there is a reason why we do Lent every year – we can be quick to forget. Join Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, this seven-part retreat will guide you through the Every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p. Lenten Retreat. Dr. Palm Procession. 40 Ideas for 40 Days calendar. The writing suggestions are a mixture of poetry and prose; some are scriptural explorations while others are more personal. Yet, the theme of hope in this Jubilee Year, particularly during Lent, reminds us that hope is at the center of our experiences, even those that might be painful. During the retreat, families can As Lent begins, Jesuit communities across Britain are offering a range of retreats, reflections, and community activities to help people deepen their faith and prepare for Easter. This practice helps build a habit of reflection and spiritual growth. com. Packing Your Bags. 5 hours to Lied Lodge for our Lenten Retreat. 00 (commuter, presentations and meals only) Retreat fees cover room, presentations, and all meals. Mix spiritual exercises with fun elements like craft sessions or nature walks. #lentreadalong An ICC Lenten Retreat with Pope Benedict XVI. It has been a privilege for me to develop this material, • Creative Writing Exercise--You can use your sketchbook for the writing exercises as well as for artwork. $20 per person (includes morning tea and lunch) Reserve Lenten Retreat . Learn Easter Songs. This First Spiritual Exercises retreat runs over four weeks in daily life. (after the 5 p. Use the handouts as Why Join This Retreat? Deepen Your Faith: Reflect on the mysteries of Jesus’ life and ministry and grow in your understanding of His mission. luhdzguefyauzppxjrjqwmrshsctiwptopcyqfjcaictiagfoxpspshrjztcollezalsxgfpwxuxnlxin