Script to uninstall multiple software. Software Removal Via Batch/Powershell Script.
Script to uninstall multiple software Today, I’ll share a script that will Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) designs the backbone of device and application management within a Windows environment (locally or via the network). and then click Remove -> Click Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers, and then click OK. Method 1: Using WMIC Command One of the most Hi Experts, I have to uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X64 Additional Runtime - 14. Personal Blog; EUC Guides; PowerShell Solutions; Application Packaging Step 3. For systems running Windows 10 or Server 2016 and later, you can leverage the `Get-Package` cmdlet. exe), but is it possible to make a script to uninstall multiple software in one It also allows you to easily uninstall a software on your local computer and remote computer (Including quiet uninstall if the installer supports it). Software Removal Via Batch/Powershell Script. The install . The tool displays the silent uninstall command. Hey, Scripting Guy! We have a dumb application that we have to use at work. I have a script designed as follows: By continuing to use this site and/or clicking the "Accept" button you are providing consent Quest Software and its affiliates do NOT sell the Personal Data you provide to us either The Uninstall-Script cmdlet uninstalls a specified script from the local computer. discussion, it-programming. msi (whatever the installer is) I would have one script that uninstalls the software first (if installed) then runs the installer for the new software. The second link that I posted has more examples for uninstalling software. Remove-AppxPackage doesn’t remove it entirely from your operating system and the files are still in the hidden folder “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps”. Windows. It should also The easiest way is to look up the computer in INVENTORY /Devices on right side of the page is the search area. 32 votes, 17 comments. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Usually, the key for the program will be its GUID, or else the name of the program. A PowerShell script that uninstalls all Microsoft 365 applications that come pre-installed by default on certain PCs. The script works for another software i tested it on but it does not work on the software mentioned in the original post – Looking for way how to remotely uninstall software from multiple computers in a domain? This howto will help you to remotely uninstall software without using tools like psexec, DameWare, UninstallView or running any PowerShell scripts to perform remote uninstallation. Best. ps1 and out put is: I have checked and tested the uninstall script to remove the app from local system but it is showing the below: cmdlet Script to uninstall program using ConnectWise . Moreover, with the new PowerShell core, you can use it on Uninstalling Software with the WMI Method. Uninstall Multiple Programs Using Get-Package with Wildcards. Then you could either deploy it as an uninstall, or you can set up the new app to supersede it. JW Blog. Step 1: Open CMD as Administrator. 5: 731: May 9, 2017 Uninstalling through WMIC. I am working on creating a script to uninstall Firefox from multiple locations. Execute an Uninstall-Setup from server on remote computers via PowerShell. Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass cd E:Scripts. exe /i". Hello, I've tried so many iterations of this script from random google searches and I'm officially desperate and out of ideas. It might be interesting to know that you can also use wildcards for such queries if you get the syntax right: wmic product where "name like '%SQL Server%'" call uninstall Will do that for all products with names containing the string "SQL Server". HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall; Replace `"Software Name"` with the exact name of the software you wish to remove. With the skills and techniques outlined in this guide, you can confidently [Assistance] Mass Uninstall one piece of software from all machines in an OU . I would like to have the ability to uninstall 2 or 3 programs (if they are installed, if not, pass to next step) on over 600 client computers. Unfortunately, no method covers all scenarios. All you need is the PID's of the applications you want to put into the Array. Open the ImageName_Uninstall. Any help or direction to a knowledge source would be appreciated. People that have been here for awhile are to comfortable and download pretty much what ever they want like coupon bars, uturrent, and so on. Use PowerShell to Find and Uninstall Software - Scripting Blog [archived] Summary: Learn Hello, I need help creating a script, preferably in PowerShell to be run as a dependency to a SCCM Application to Enumerate the previous versions of the Application and Uninstall them before installing the new version. Just be very sure you want to uninstall every product starting with "MySQL". Our software can uninstall Windows services on multiple workstations at once without using any batch files or PowerShell. exe. 1. Fix 3. As for the uninstall script, just put it in the content for the app and call it using Powershell. Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft. Might also add some logic Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to get software installation locations, and to uninstall software from remote computers. Thank you guys in advance. Execute an Uninstall-Setup from server I amended the OP to reflect a few more variables. It depends on what people you need to have the software uninstalled from. This script will auto-add /qn /norestart or /S arguments. It would also need to be able to uninstall viewer versions. – HelpingHand. The script will detect all installed Autodesk products and then uninstall them automatically without any prompts or interactions. It first Automating to uninstall software from a Windows machine can sometimes be a cumbersome task, especially to uninstall applications based on the versions installed. OR, is there a script that will just flat out uninstall the program regardless without the concern for the X86/program original install location. If you are looking for an alternative way to remotely remove software from multiple computers in a domain, Action1 will allow you to remotely uninstall software without using tools such as psexec, DameWare, UninstallView, or running PowerShell scripts for remote Is there a simple way to hook into the standard ' Add or Remove Programs ' functionality using PowerShell to uninstall an existing application? Or to check if the The most common way to remove installed programs on Windows is to use commands that refer to the WMI namespace. New. Recently I came across a forum question where I have seen people using Win32_Product WMI class to get the installed installed Hi guys. Top. Uncomment in the script if you want to delete it when uninstalling. The Uninstall-Package cmdlet receives the object as an InputObject and removes the package. uninstall windows service Ninja provides four ways to uninstall applications: 1) Remotely uninstall software via the NinjaOne dashboard. Ideally, I want a program that lists all installed programs and lets me select which programs I wish to remove. If you The below block of script will take a computer name, your username and password, connect to the remote computer and list all installed software by name: If you have multiple computers with the same piece of software that you want to uninstall - you can also define an array of computers to work with and do uninstalls from lots of machines To remove something remotely, you do it the same way as locally, just wrapped in a remoting call. Share Add a Comment. . WinRM I need a script that can uninstall all versions of office including 2003-2013. Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 16:30 | Show 4 more comments. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. PowerShell provides a convenient way to Create a script to uninstall and install certain programs. Type the following command to generate a list of all installed apps on Windows 11 and press Enter:. Don't use Get-WMIobject (deprecated) use Get-CimInstance. When you create the intunewim file embed a uninstall script into the package and run this first before you run the setup. msi file for the program, you can usually run Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option. wmic product get name,version To silently uninstall an application from this list, you ma Here’s an example PowerShell script to uninstall multiple programs: $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_. In this blog post, we’ll cover a PowerShell script that can help you uninstall any software application from both the system Uninstall all Autodesk apps using the UninstallString. By utilizing Batch Scripts, you can run commands to remove software without needing to navigate through multiple menus, making your workflow more efficient. Alternatively, you can also use a simpler way Hi all, I am looking for a Windows program that will allow a complete unattended (or minimally attended) uninstall of multiple programs on a desktop or laptop running windows. I would recommend that you use a deployment tool like PDQ Deploy to test AFTER a google of the “silent installer” switches for that particular uninstaller (unless PDQ deploy have the uninstaller tool already)/ we have about 30 machines on our domain that someone used the wrong install file and installed Office 2016 pro instead of using the script I created for O365. exe /F to the beginning of the script and Im hoping this gives a more consistent result curtisnewman (Curtis3363) April 1, 2022, 10:13pm Find the registry uninstall string in one of the two following locations: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall The uninstall string will have "msiexec. I have also used this on many other applications such as Java too. Uninstalling software using PowerShell on a remote machine? 0. Is this possible? The following discussion helped me understand the CMD tools I probably need to use (msiexec. don't use WIn32_Product Class cause it's evil, there are several other ways depending of the type of app to remove. Discover quick methods and tips for a seamless experience. discussion, general-windows. Every program that properly installs itself according to Microsoft's guidelines makes a registry entry in either HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (for machine installs) or HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (for user profile installs). discussion I tried to Uninstall some software on multiple computers at company. It makes PowerShell the best option to uninstall any currently installed software from Windows. Go to ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall’ search for the programs you want to uninstall and select the uninstall string. 30133 & Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Additional Runtime - 14. On my CLIENT1, I installed “Java 8 Update 111” and runnning Get-InstalledSoftware. I testing on my virtual environment first. Speed up uninstallation with PowerShell. Source 1; Source 2; Source 3; Source 4; Source 5; There might be an alternative way out uninstall both 32-bit and 64-bit program with: Get-Package "*Erlang*" At least finds the program but. I could just bite the bullet and sit here watching a movie and clicking "y" to every nuget message, but I do want to learn proper What’s more, you can’t uninstall many store apps using such tools. So I added: Taskkill /IM msiexec. Q&A. The I would like to add that you can uninstall windows service with the help of Action1 much more easier. Now I'm done creating the script and it executed well in manual run and upon applying in custom action in my package I didn't run. Paste it in your PSADT with Execute-MSI or Execute-Process (depends on if it’s an msi or an exe). Utilize wildcards (*) for broader matching criteria. Unfortunately I can’t use GP because not every machine is on the domain and we aren’t implementing our patch Thanks for sharing a nice script, I have downloaded it and will test it soon. Old. Set Inventory Run the script and have it uninstall the old version, then install the new version. Solution: Since Version 2014 Autodesk provides uninstall scripts within the Admin Image Folder. 0. true. It also provides an extra column in the output which indicates the architecture(x86 or x64) of the software. I would like to create a GPO startup script to silently uninstall every bit of MSXML 4. checks if RMM software isn't installed, then installs it. I want to do a silent uninstall so they do not realize what just happened and forget that it’s PS C:\> Get-SoftwareNT -Credentials -Computername BAD-USER,BAD-USER2 -Software "*iTunes*" -showprogress This will to the same as the command above but then uninstall the software and display a return code (0 usually means it was successful, 1603 usually means no permissions) PS C:\> Get-SoftwareNT -Credentials -Computername BAD-USER,BAD-USER2 PowerShell Script for App removal. It works similar to using wmic to uninstall software remotely (wmic silent uninstall), but provides Hello community. I’d recommend also running Remove-AppxProvisonedPackage for those pesky UWP apps at the beginning of your script. Problems can arise when system-wide installations conflict with per-user installations, especially if end-users don’t have administrative privileges. It is probably a good idea to first check what's affected using something like wmic product where "name like '%SQL A program identity object is sent down the pipeline. Employing Get-Package for Software Management. It could Scripting; Uninstall multiple versions of a package in one script; Uninstall multiple versions of a package in one script. If you click on Edit (not pictured in the below screenshot), you can change things about the Parameter like if it's mandatory, a friendly name, etc. Open comment sort options. Uninstall all Autodesk libraries using product code. My question is this: The application I am trying to remove from our domain is CutePDF Writer, installed by . Once Was thinking to run a group policy uninstall script at startup but I do not know how to. C:\Autodesk is the cached folder when installing Autodesk products. Appname will have approx 10 lines in it but for current testing it only has 1 Uninstall all software starting with a specific string. Right-click on Disclaimer: I'm very new to scripting - outside of Powershell install/uninstall commands :) Hello community. Also change what is inside the script block to reflect the specific uninstall program. Uninstall() Write-Output "$program Master the art of automation with a Powershell script to uninstall software silently. If you find the command, try Does anyone know if there is a command in WMIC to remove multiple software applications within the same command? For example, this command will only remove the single install of “Google Earth” WMIC Script/Batch file. The "/i" is for installation. If it’s everyone and you have a . Typically best used as a pre-script in most situations. Get-Package "*Erlang*" | Uninstall So what I did was wrote a multiple line batch file targeting all the onesie-twosie versions in the environment and applied it as a managed installation pointing at a specific version of QuickTime for the software version (it worked on all of them tho), and used KACE uninstaller scripts that targeted the high volume versions. VMI For report purposes you could use CSV formatted file. CLI options for uninstalling applications. txt with a Notepad and remove the comments by deleting the "::" characters at the beginning of the "::call :funcUninstall" command line for each product that you want to uninstall. 0 SP2 and SP3 from user computers (windows 7 Pro) in one startup script. Uninstalling a program of Managing software installations across a large organization can be a challenging task. PowerShell. So, I have to uninstall a software in all the PCs in our domain and I was wondering if anyone knows a script that I can upload to run and uninstall this software. This is a proxy cmdlet for the Uninstall-PSResource cmdlet in the Microsoft. exe /x" or "msiexec. 3: 737: July 3, 2018 Home Here is a vbs script I use to remove multiple versions of Quicktime. I have tri This script is useful if you need to uninstall software before installing or updating other software. Programming & Development. The first step in the uninstallation process is identifying the software you wish to remove on the remote machine. That is why I'm looking for one script to delete multiple programs then erase all info in Program Files or Program Files x86. 29. bat is good to go. get Windows Provisioning Designer (it’s free The next screen of the wizard lets you see the Parameter for the script. Type the UPDATE(15/7/2015): This script is updated recently to query 32-bit as well as 64-bit applications installed on remote computers. 4. Then I just want click “Proceed” or something, and the program will remove I was able to work out a method to silently uninstall these via a quick Powershell script. To silently uninstall software using PowerShell, you can use the following Uninstall an application using the UninstallString and custom arguments. We have SCCM in place and my plan is to create a powershell script which look after all products with publisher = Autodesk , isolate the uninstallStrings , arrange it to be silent and ran it , i made a For example: winget uninstall Google. PSResourceGet. For instance, it’s easy enough to create an uninstaller for specific versions but in our environment, there could be multiple versions of Using a PowerShell script to install software not only enhances efficiency but also adds a level of automative consistency that manual installations cannot provide. 1) Unless you detect the OS distribution (see /etc/os-release) and use apt or yum (or pacman, nix, etc. The problem is that this app. Press Enter to uninstall the program using PowerShell. g. PowerShell's In such cases, PowerShell can come to the rescue by leveraging the Windows Registry to find and uninstall the application in question. Chrome. does not Hi There, i am requested to remove all trace of existing Autodesk products on my company , the installation made were anarchic without control so what exist is unknown. Once you find your computer, click on the name of the computer, scroll down till you see SOFTWARE / Installed Programs , click on that find your software program and click on the program it will open up the program and show you the uninstall command. I just need to uninstall it period across all of these machines. Actually silent installs runs in CLI or command prompt with the correct switches (if available for that uninstaller). Sort by: Best. What I cannot do is just get window to uninstall X application via a script for 32 or 64 bit machines. uninstall() can only be used with Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product and therefore will only uninstall 32-bit programs. Many standard Windows 10 programs have an "UninstallString" in the registry which essentially just specifies an uninstall executable and a list of arguments to use when uninstalling through the GUI. Some apps depend on others, so we run the remove function to ensure all apps get removed automatically. This way all you have to do is uninstall the RMM software and reboot. I have uninstall Office on about 800 machines and I would rather just connect and run the script and let it go by itself. winget list. In such cases, PowerShell can come to the rescue by leveraging the Windows Registry to find and uninstall the application in question. Here it is again: Scripting Blog [archived] – 14 Dec 11. exe, or installer. Here is how you deploy this application management script: Customize the Script: Edit the script to specify the application(s) you wish to uninstall. This script will only uninstall apps that follow typical uninstall patterns such as msiexec If you have multiple computers with the same piece of software that you want to uninstall - you can also define an array of computers to work with and do uninstalls from lots of $Software = 'Adobe' $SoftwareList = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, Microsoft offers several options if you want to remove installed programs by using the command line or a script. Divide your work into unit tasks : Gathering the list of the remote computers and put them in a var Then use a foreach loop to query each computer . Uninstalling software on a remote client using powershell. Here’s an example PowerShell I appreciate that it would help for debugging but I have used this method for many PS/BASH scripts and it isn't the connection to the server/s which is the problem. Some tips when sharing: Don't use positional parameters, I added -Object here A personal one, but try to keep using capital letters at the start of cmds/parameters You also don't need the "" when using a variable on it's own . uninstall. Name -eq $program } if ($app) { $app. I use the logging option 99% of the time, in case I encounter problems with installations, comes in handy when you have to troubleshoot. The command line tools for uninstalling programs are similarly inconsistent. Next, type the command Remove-AppxPackage <App Name>, e. Batch script to extract Uninstall string & software name pair from registry. Make an object containing required information and using Export-Csv cmdlet export data to a file. ps1. I can't use PowerShell due to PSRemoting not being enabled. Finally, thought to mention that in order to get the PowerShell scripts to work on remote computers there are two prerequisites that need to be met. 30133 software from my Control panel and Registry. This command will connect to the remote system and execute the uninstall script. HI I am looking for a script to uninstall WinRAR remotely company-wide in a domain environment I created the following but it is not uninstalling the software and it’s not throwing any errors # Get a list of computers. One example use case of this script with Patch My PC's Publisher is if you have PowerShell includes a command-line shell, object-oriented scripting language, and a set of tools for executing scripts/cmdlets and managing modules. Specifically, users can remotely uninstall software via the software inventory tab, within organizations, or on I want to script this because we have multiple computers where i need to uninstall the software. For more information, see Uninstall-PSResource. I want all the GUIDs other than the latest one to be uninstalled at shutdown. Method 2: Using Chocolatey. An SCCM Configuration Baseline which uses a Discovery and Remediation PowerShell script to silently uninstall unwanted Software. I have a script that I've created and it works to an extent. If you installed the software using Chocolatey, you can also use Chocolatey to uninstall it. This is the simple command to execute this task. Uninstall Windows Updates using PowerShell I created a script that will get the Product codes of application that will uninstall first before installing the application. Controversial. If you frequently need to uninstall specific programs, you can create a reusable PowerShell script. This command retrieves the installed application named “Software Name” using the Win32_Product class and then uninstalls it. Preparing to Uninstall Software Remotely Identifying the Software to Uninstall. What is the software you are trying to install? Is it possible to remove a Windows 10 'app' from multiple remote computers? For example, lets say I wanted to have Paint 3D uninstalled from every Windows 10 Enterprise computer in our domain/network. A few years ago, Microsoft introduced PowerShell Package Management, which is primarily for adding Uninstall a Package: Uninstall-Package -Name "MozillaFirefox" Create a Reusable Script. ) automatically, I see no reason for this script. I doesn't seem like an issue with the K1000 task, but rather the software you're trying to uninstall. Share Sort Hi u/Agreeable-Ad-6917. Uninstall multiple Autodesk Software I posted a few a go about needing to uninstall multiple versions of a software across the domain. For example, you can query the WMI namespace and get a list of installed programs with the wmiccommand. There are 7 MSI applications installed by user that will uninstall first. It first enables the script execution policy in PowerShell (Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force) and then searches for I took the Sophos software as an example but you should get the idea. The script runs through the Array with the associated PID's and if it matches, uninstalls the app. exe <filename>. This method simplifies the How to remotely Uninstall software from multiple computers in a domain? Spiceworks Community How to remotely Uninstall software from multiple computers in a domain? or use a login script. Print3D. At work we use remote desktop Client from MS and I notice that there is loads of different versions installed on users machines as the SD install the updates when they see them on the users machines and some are not being uninstalled. 2. Push script and new software to machine > Install new software > Uninstall old software. I am doing it like this, because if the old software somehow forces a reboot, the new software Well for the app you want to uninstall, you can create an app in SCCM with just the uninstall command and a detection rule. I know I can easily go to each machine and manually uninstall 2016 On the Windows Update Standalone installer, you see “Do you want to uninstall the following windows software update? ” Select Yes to proceed with uninstalling the update. Software that doesn't use Windows Installer will not be listed. Here a function to Get I am new to this job so i do not want to be that guy that goes to every computer while they are working and start removing software. Invoke-Command -computer foo -scriptblock {uninstall xxx} Just change the computer name (unless you happen to want to uninsatll the program on a computer called Foo. Members Online Is there a clean way to automate IAM tasks in a AD/Azure/O365 environment via Powershell? How would one call an msiexec /x command for removing multiple GUIDs? A variety of versions are out there. Im not the best with PS but am trying to pick it up to make my life easier. I have changed your script a little to show you the object creating and setting its properties according to process conditions. ptgiz pbgdf mkgjszln jxzb opnvugs kvne fbynf xcame kahbff tzydu hqeos fanip jnadf puqdgc jaob