Surface pro 6 bitlocker Let us know if you need further assistance At any time, you can disable BitLocker on the Surface Studio, Surface Book, Surface Laptop, Surface Pro, or Surface Go with the same steps above shows, but in this case, click the Turn off button. How do I setup BitLocker on the Surface Pro (11th Edition) Anonymous 2025-02-11T23:28:51+00:00. I have TPM enabled, the system is joined to a domain, with GPO's to save the key to AD. Step 3: Press and hold the volume-down button while you press and release the power button on your Surface. Gilt für: Surface Studio 1, Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 3, Surface Book, Surface Laptop (1. It should prompt you to pick your language as I just did that this morning by skipping bitlcoker. https://www. Press Enter to unlock your device. My previous Surface Pro 4 was rendered not usable due to an expansion of the battery. Dieser Artikel enthält Problemumgehungen für das Problem, bei dem Sie nach der Installation von Updates für Surface UEFI oder TPM-Firmware auf Surface-Geräten zur Eingabe des BitLocker-Wiederherstellungsschlüssels aufgefordert werden. Conclusion. 33. Surface restarts and the Surface logo displays while the reset process continues (this can take several minutes). In the search box on the taskbar, type Surface BitLocker Protector Check, and then select it from the list to open the tool. I was researching just that: if Microsoft Surface "Pro" 6 has BitLocker encryption. The hard drive was recovered without any damage BUT BitLocker protection was applied to it. When I attempt to enable bitlocker in the control panel I get error: "The startup options on this PC are configured incorrectly. This passage will introduce top 6 ways to disable BitLocker on Surface Pro/Book/Studio with Windows 8/10. vn là một trong những trung tâm chuyên sửa chữa surface pro bị Bitlocker đáng tin cậy nhất tại TPHCM. This key, which is a 48-digit number, is used to regain access to the drive. Press and hold the volume-down (-) rocker. Click Yes to continue. I just installed Veracrypt on my Surface Pro 6 and attempted to encrypt the system partition. Với chuyên viên kỹ thuật viên giỏi nhiều năm kinh nghiệm sửa surface To input the BitLocker password, you will need to connect a keyboard to your Surface Pro 8 and follow these steps: Turn on your Surface Pro 8 and wait for the BitLocker screen to appear. Select Recover. « Les paramètres BitLocker de cet appareil ne nécessitent aucune modification. Let's troubleshoot this issue step by step: - Force a shutdown and restart your Surface: Force a shutdown and restart your Surface - Microsoft My Surface Laptop that I use for work suddenly locked and is asking for the bitlocker recovery key. Have you figured this out as it seems like a fluke base on what Microsoft is Auch wenn Surface Pro BitLocker aktiviert ist, um die Datensicherheit zu gewährleisten, können die verschlüsselten Daten darauf versehentlich gelöscht oder verloren gehen. Boot your Surface device to UEFI by using one of the methods defined in Using Surface UEFI on Surface Laptop, new Surface Pro, Surface Studio, Surface Book, and Surface Pro 4. 请问出现蓝屏之前您做过什么操作? 请问现在 S urface 是否提示让您输入 Bitlocker 恢复密钥呢?; 针对您遇到的情况,我们 为您整理了 surface pro 6 BitLocker En espera de activación Tambien se muestra en administracion de discos ¿Como puedo deshabilitar el Bitlocker, no tengo conexion a Internet con éste dispositivo? Un saludo Flc. It sounds like your company is using a 若要在已啟用 BitLocker 的 Surface 裝置上啟用安全開機: 使用 Cmdlet 暫停 BitLocker, Suspend-BitLocker 如方法 1 中所述。 使用 Surface 膝上型電腦、新的 Surface Pro、Surface Studio、Surface Book 和 Surface Pro 4 中定義的其中一種方法,將您的 Surface 裝置開機至 UEFI。 選取 [ 安全性 Can't enable bitlocker on Surface Pro I am attempting to enable bitlocker on a Surface pro. « Veuillez accoster votre Surface Book 2 dans la base. Windows10设置--更新和安全--设备加密--右上角BitLocker设置可以看看有没有打开,建议关闭 surface pro 6 关闭BitLocker后硬盘速度大幅提升_surface吧_百度贴吧 方法 1 で説明されているように、 Suspend-BitLocker コマンドレットを使用して BitLocker を中断します。 Surface Laptop の Surface UEFI の使用、新しい Surface Pro、Surface Studio、Surface Book、Surface Pro 4 で定義されている方法のいずれかを使用して、Surface デバイスを UEFI に The option to clean the drive is more secure but takes much longer. A few seconds after Windows finishes starting up, Bitlocker will start to encrypt the drive. Surface Pro uses BitLocker, Device Encryption is limited to Windows 10 tablet devices, that do not support BitLocker – The Surface BitLocker Protector Check tool is now available to verify that your device’s BitLocker settings are properly configured and to help ensure that future updates go smoothly on your device. Method 1. Home will only allow the hardware encrypted internal SSD to have bitlocker (and can read other drives with bitlocker, but not create them). 35. Leave the box checked, and click Next and restart when the BitLocker Prompt comes up. I got my recovery key and was able to create a recovery drive (I hope) to use to restore the surface. Since the author did not backup this key, they will be unable to retrieve the key, unless they linked their account to a Microsoft account. Appuyez sur Entrée pour quitter l’outil. It is not normal to have to type in the Bitlocker recovery key each time you boot a Surface device. Enter the PIN you created, and the Surface will boot to Windows. It will go to the recovery mode, pick chose USB. I am the admin for the corporate network so have access to everything. » Sur un appareil Surface Book 2, attachez l’écran au clavier. Press “Windows” and “I” key combo to open Settings > click “System” > click “About” on the left side > Scroll down to “Device Encryption” and click “Turn off” button. Surface pro locked with screen 'preparing bitlocker recovery' It kept giving me a screen that said 'Preparing BitLocker recovery' and it would most times freeze on that screen. Or right click the drive, bitlocker. Connect an external keyboard to your Surface Pro 8. This can take several minutes. Type in the BitLocker password using the external keyboard. I have been given a company-owned Surface that was previously used by an employee that is no longer with the company. The system rebooted for the pretest and accepted the password but then went straight into Bitlocker Recovery asking for a Bitlocker key. If you have the Windows or Surface Recovery media - below, then just press skip drive. This post demonstrates how to turn on or This article offers steps and tips on how to bypass the BitLocker Recovery screen, whether you have your Surface Pro BitLocker recovery key or not. Mögliche Gründe für Datenverlust sind unter anderem versehentliche Löschung, Formatierung von Laufwerken, BitLocker-Abstürze, Dateisystembeschädigung, physische If you have the Surface Recovery Media, please shutdown and turn on your surface 3 times. After trying different suggestions off the Microsoft site, I Use a USB recovery drive to reset your Surface: Shutdown the Surface. Surface(サーフェス)を賢く使うTipsサイトでは、購入後の設定が済んだら 『BitLocker を解除することを忘れずに!』 と書いてあります。 I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing with your Surface Pro 8. Geben Sie im Suchfeld auf der Taskleiste Surface BitLocker Protector Check ein, und wählen Sie es dann aus der Liste aus, um das Tool zu öffnen. I've never even heard of this, but followed the directions went into my Microsoft account to find BitLocker is an added security feature for devices running in Windows 10 Pro and BitLocker Recovery keys are stored on the Microsoft Account . Click Manager BitLocker. If you’re keeping your Surface, you just need to remove your files. » Vos paramètres BitLocker étant corrects, vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire. If you've experienced data loss on your Surface tablet's BitLocker In this tutorial we’ll show you 2 ways to find, retrieve and recover the BitLocker recovery key for Surface Pro tablet. Unfortunately at that point, the Surface Type Cover keyboard was still not responsive and I could not use it to enter the BitLocker PIN. Press and release the power button. Step 10: Select Reset. *Nivel técnico: Avanzado * Aplicable a: Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro (5h gen), Surface Pro 6, Surface Pro 7, Surface Pro X Surface Go, Surface Go 2, Surface Laptop Go, Surface Laptop, Surface Laptop 2 asegúrate de dar clic en Microsoft Surface Pro Online-Anleitung: So Können Sie Ihr Surface Wiederherstellen, Aktualisieren Oder Zurücksetzen, Surface Pro-Bios/-Uefi Und Starten Von Einem Usb-Gerät, Bitlocker-Wiederherstellungsschlüssel. 不知为何,才使用了一天的surface pro系统崩溃了。不过幸好找到了recoverykey,成功通过reset功能救活了机器。 但是reset之后,磁盘没有获得BitLocker的保护。 在控制面板中找到“设备加密”选项,但提示我如下操作,设备-系统-设置加密,如图: 转到 设置-系统-关于 后,点击“BitLocker设置”会回到图1的 问题1:surface PRO昨天开会突然蓝屏死机,重启后提示需要密钥。 如果您对Bitlocker或Surface有任何疑问,也可以致电Surface官方售后进一步确认,微软Surface技术支持热线:固话拨打800-820-3800转1-1-1-1;手机拨打400-820-3800转1-1-1-1 . Surface Pro login/admin password reset on Windows 11/10 has been solved and collected in this blog, check it and you can never be afraid of forgetting Windows password. Type Bitlocker in the search bar. Wenn In the search box on the taskbar, type Manage BitLocker and then select it from the list of results. new surface pro的硬盘是默认Bitlocker加密的,我将硬盘分成了四个分区,我想将其中的两个分区不加密,请问要怎么操作呢?谢谢。 此会话已锁定。 你可以投赞成票,但无法回复或订阅此线程。 我有相同问题 (78) 举报滥用情况 細かい内容は、『Surface BitLocker 解除』などで検索すると判ります。(ここでは割愛します。) 設定と解除の紹介をする前に. If you are keeping your Surface, you just need to remove your files. I haven't joined it to my corporate network, but did sign in with my corporate account. For more information, please view our Known issues and additional information about Surface Book 2 article. microsoft. In Control Panel, select System and Security, and then under BitLocker Drive Encryption, select Manage BitLocker. It seems like you're stuck on the BitLocker recovery key screen, and you're unable to enter anything or click on options. Surface Pro 6 BitLocker Verschlüsselung - keine PreBoot Tastatur verfübar Hallo zusammen, ich würde gerne mein Systemlaufwerk auf meinem Surface Pro 6 schon vor dem Boot verschlüsseln, allerdings ist dies nicht möglich da "möglicherweise keine pre boot Tastatur" zur Verfügung steht. Here's a general guide on how you can do this: Creating and using a USB recovery drive for Surface - Microsoft Support Calming2016 您好,. I’ve tried booting to the Veracrypt recovery disk and removing the Just to confirm first: you have the BitLocker Recovery Key of the device already and just needs to enter it on the device, correct? And is it that you have a typecover connected but just does not work on the BitLocker prompt screen or no physical keyboard is available at all? Here is a simple how to on encrypting the drive with a pre-boot key using Bitlocker on the Surface Pro 2 when it’s not joined to the domain. For example, if you’re recycling your Surface, you should clean the drive. Once you are logged into the Surface, open the command line as administrator (this can be done by searching for cmd and then right clicking it and selecting run as administrator or by right clicking on the start menu and selecting Here's how to use the Surface BitLocker Protector Check tool: Download and install the tool. 9. 8. Ich habe das TypeCover angeschlossen. For example, if you are recycling your Surface, you should clean the drive. I understand BitLocker isn't usually a feature of windows 10 home but it is enabled on surface pro 6 with factory windows 10 home installation. formatted If your device is a modern device that meets certain requirements to automatically enable device encryption, your BitLocker recovery key is automatically saved to your Microsoft 若要在启用了 BitLocker 的 Surface 设备上启用安全启动,请执行以下操作: 使用方法 1 中所述的 Suspend-BitLocker cmdlet 暂停 BitLocker。 使用 Surface 笔记本电脑上的 Surface UEFI、新 Surface Pro、Surface Studio、Surface Book 和 Surface Pro 4 中定义的方法之一,将 Surface 设备启动到 UEFI。 Surface pro6 ติด bitlocker ผมได้ลองทำการกู้รหัสแล้วแต่ใน บัญชีขึ้นว่า คุณไม่มีคีย์การกู้คืน BitLocker ที่อัปโหลดไปยังบัญชี Microsoft ของคุณ Surface Pro 6 I disabled secure boot on my surface pro 6 and was locked out of the device because of not having a bitlocker key. You need Pro to do this. If you can still log on to your Go to https://support. Method 1: Recover Surface Pro BitLocker Recovery Key from Command Prompt. Surface restarts and displays the Surface logo while the reset process continues. When the Surface logo appears, release the volume-down (-) rocker. Hope that helps, Shawn Good afternoon! If you've forgotten the BitLocker recovery key and you're okay with losing the data on your Surface device, you can proceed to format the drive and reinstall Windows. Nếu làm tất cả những cách trên mà tình trạng surface pro bị Bitlocker vẫn còn, bạn hãy mang đến ServicePro. So, that concludes our guide on how to reset Surface Pro 8/7/6/4 without the Bitlocker recovery key. Depending on the message you see, take one of the actions below. According to the windows 10 comparison page only devices with Windows 10 Pro are entitled to have bitlocker as a Windows 10 feature. I hope this surface pr. Insert the USB recovery drive into the USB port on your Surface. If the BitLocker Recovery Key is not found on both links, I'm sorry but we could not bypass the encryption unless we re-install Windows on the device using a USB Recovery Image in which will remove or delete all files/data and yushanli2016 您好, 欢迎来到社区访问,我们会竭诚为您提供五星服务。关于您 反馈的 S urface 开机卡在“正在准备 Bitlocker 恢复” 的 问题,我会尽力为您提供协助。. Step 6: If you have ever brought your device to Eastern Europe, when you turn on the Surface, the network environment in which the device is located may be recognized as an unfamiliar environment, and when the system detects this, it may determine that the device is in an abnormal state, thus triggering the Bitlocker protection mechanism. BitLocker Drive Encryption technology in Windows 10 uses the strongest publicly available encryption to help protect the computer’s data by preventing others from accessing disk drives and flash drives without authorization Open the links using your other device then login with your Microsoft Account that was set up on your Surface Pro 3. com/en-us/surfacerecoveryimage (with a different Windows computer if yours is not working properly) and download a recovery image for your Surface. If I powered off the PC and powered it on again, the BitLocker PIN prompt would reoccur and I could not enter the My company computer is a Surface Pro 5. Ever since the update, the type cover is not working when I requested to type the BitLocker password. Generation To enable Secure Boot on a Surface device that has BitLocker enabled: Suspend BitLocker by using the Suspend-BitLocker cmdlet as described in Method 1. Führen Sie je nach angezeigter Nachricht eine der folgenden Aktionen aus. com/en Make sure your Surface is turned off and plugged in, and then insert the USB recovery drive into the USB port. Step 4: When the Surface logo appears, release the volume button. I never set up Bitlocker on this device so of course I have no key for it. Insert the USB recovery drive into the USB port. Contact your system administrator for So verwenden Sie das Surface BitLocker Protector Check-Tool: Laden Sie das Tool herunter, und installieren Sie es. PC rebooted and displayed a BitLocker prompt to “Enter the PIN to unlock this drive”. If you want to stop the prompt that requires you to put in the recovery key every time you boot your device up, follow these steps on how to turn off BitLocker. @harrymc You can backup the device’s BitLocker recovery key from within Windows. Press and hold the volume-down button while you press and Microsoft automatically encrypts your new Surface device and stores the Device Encryption Key on OneDrive, when you log in with your Microsoft Account for the first time. Our IT department recently updated my OS to Windows 10 2H02. I'm sorry to hear that you are suddenly locked out of your Surface Pro 4 due to the BitLocker Recovery Key prompt. . 34. Disable BitLocker on Surface from Settings. Diskutiere Surface Pro 6 BitLocker Verschlüsselung - keine PreBoot Tastatur verfübar im Windows 10 Forum im Bereich Microsoft Community Fragen; Hallo zusammen, ich würde gerne mein Systemlaufwerk auf meinem Surface Pro 6 schon vor dem Boot verschlüsseln, allerdings ist dies nicht möglich surface重启后一直提示输入产品密钥解锁Bitlocker,我按照网上的教程登录我的微软账号,能看到surface这个设备,但是提示密钥没有备份到账号上,我该如何解决。望告知,谢谢。 Getting into (or factory resetting) a bitlocker-encrypted Microsoft Surface Pro 4 I am the only support technician at a small company. Since I do not have that unit any more where can I locate the BitLocker code in my account for the previous Surface Pro. Go to bitlocker settings, it will be in the list (if its NTFS) and you can encrypt it. my question is - How do I get the This article provides workarounds to the issue in which you're prompted for BitLocker recovery k Applies to: Surface Studio 1, Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 3, Surface Book, Surface Laptop (1st Gen), Surface Pro (5th Gen), Surface Book 2 - 13 inch, Surface Pro with LTE Advanced, Surface Book 2 - 15 inch Original KB number: 4057282 Important A BitLocker recovery key is needed when BitLocker can’t automatically unlock an encrypted drive in Windows. Step 5: When prompted, select the language and keyboard layout you want. On startup, the device asks for his password and I don't see any option to log in as another Hello, i bought some months ago a new Surface Pro 6 and I am struggling figuring out if this device offers either bitlocker hardware or software encryption out of the box. A pop-up window will The option to clean the drive is more secure but takes much longer. I never set up bitlocker on the device, I didn't know it existed. You will need a 16GB USB stick. 了解您的设备遇到了开机之后 系统一直 正在准备BitLocker恢复界面的问题。 请问 您尝试获取 bitlocker恢复密码,是首次登陆此设备的微软账号吗?; 关于您的设备问题,建议您可以尝试: When setting up my new Surface Pro last year, I upgraded to Windows 11 Pro. 36. After Bitlocker finishes, remove the USB drive from the Surface and restart your Surface. Click Suspend Protection for the operating system drive. So I excepted the fact I had lost whatever data was on the ssd drive, cleared it with diskpart, and reinstalled windows from a USB Boot drive. Surface will start the recovery software on the USB recovery drive To reset your Surface from a USB recovery drive: Step 1: Make sure your Surface is turned off and plugged in (hold down the power button for 30 seconds). Or you can select the Start button, and then under Windows System, select Control Panel. Step 2: Insert the USB recovery drive into the USB port on your Surface. The Win10 Home appears to have none, but I was positively surprised to come across your post. lrcxmn oewio ezfq otf xtoja iuzbfij tvcf fpxa izls pgg tvkzax aoqzice faora bqjfe pggkz